
Wanxin's hand was on the doorknob, and she did not go out immediately, but listened quietly

, even if she heard the sentence just now, her expression did not change in particular, as if she had expected it, but there was a slight change in her eyes.

Just as she was about to walk out like this, the hand on the doorknob stopped again.

She is very good-looking, there are many people who are interesting to her, especially our major, there are few girls, she is very sought-after.

The boy continued to ask the reason, Li Muze slowly spoke, and said: "So what, I don't like her at all, besides, what kind of girlfriend I can't find ah, Yu Wanxin, otherwise I will make a bet with you, in less than three days, I will be able to take her down!" Li Muze

snorted coldly, raised his chin, and said: "Bet or not? Just

when the two were still talking, the door behind was suddenly opened, and at this time, Li Muze and the boy found that there were people in the toilet!

They looked behind them in surprise, for some reason, Li Muze looked a little flustered, and when he saw that the person who walked out of the door was Yu Wanxin, he immediately froze in place, and his face instantly changed, turning blue-gray.

After Yu Wanxin walked out, she just glanced at Li Muze expressionlessly

, then walked to them, pushed Li Muze's body with her elbow, washed her hands in the sink, and left the bathroom directly.

"Wanxin...!" Li

Muze slowed down and wanted to stop her, but Yu Wan's heart did not return, as if he hadn't heard it.

And the boy patted Li Muze's shoulder and said: "Buddy, do you still gamble? I bet, I stud, if you win, I will give you all my real estate certificate." "


Li Muze impatiently threw away the boy's hand

, and then he was about to chase out, he did not chase, but looked at Li Muze's panicked back, and understood everything, he couldn't

help but smile, shook his head, and muttered:

"Why do you say you have to pretend to be a b?

Yu Wanxin was about to return to the dining table, when she heard Li Muze's call behind her:


Wanxin, Wanxin, you wait for me, you listen to me!" But Yu Wanxin did not stop, but returned directly to the dining table, opposite Nie Ran.


Ran saw Li Muze behind Yu Wanxin, a little surprised, not knowing why he was also here.

After Yu Wanxin sat down, she looked at Nie Ran on the opposite side and said, "Did you order?

"I... I didn't order it, no... Why do you suddenly have to change one?" Nie

Ran looked at Yu Wanxin on the other side, with a cold and expressionless face, and then looked at Li Muze who was chasing after him, she was panicked and overwhelmed, she was really a little confused, she didn't know what happened between the two of them.

"Wanxin, will you listen to my explanation? That... That's really not what I meant..." Li

Muze squatted down, squatted next to the dining table, was shorter than Yu Wanxin, and looked at her pleadingly.

Yu Wanxin sighed, looked at Li Muze, and said softly: "Alas, Li Muze, what are you explaining to me? I didn't misunderstand anything, moreover, it has nothing to do with me at all, although you didn't say bad things about me behind my back, but I'm sorry, I can't accept friends saying this behind my back, so let's not be friends."

"Ang?" Nie

Ran suddenly widened his eyes in shock, looking at Yu Wanxin, his face was full of incredulous expressions

, this state of wanting to be with him during the day, why did he just go to the bathroom once, and when he came back, he changed a lot?

"Wanxin, I swear to you, I'm really not that kind of person, I'm actually... Just want to be in front of friends... Pretend..." Li

Muze stretched out four fingers and swore to Yu Wanxin, but the last sentence could never be spoken, which was particularly difficult for him to tear off all the faces he pretended.

But if you don't explain, it's like Yu Wanxin said, they don't even have

to be friends, Li Muze must like Yu Wanxin, he knows it himself, and he also wants to be with Yu Wanxin, but he was caught bragging in front of his friends, and he is now repentant

If he knew that Yu Wanxin was listening, he would definitely not be able to brag, and he would definitely say that he liked Yu Wanxin and especially wanted to be with her or something, he felt that if he really said that just now, maybe they were together now.

"Didn't I say it all, that has nothing to do with me at all, Nie Ran, let's go."

Yu Wanxin stood up, grabbed Nie Ran's wrist, and dragged her away

, leaving Li Muze standing alone in place, at a loss, with a bitter face.

"Wanxin, what did he say, why did you suddenly become like this?" Nie

Ran asked eagerly after the two left the restaurant.

However, Yu Wanxin did not answer her question, just a person pondering, she felt that she was really blind, only looking at the outside, not seeing through the heart

, this kind of person, even if the appearance is good enough, the inside is difficult for her to accept.

If that's the case, then she'd rather have a clean heart than someone who says those words behind her back.

After Hou Pengyuan returned to the dormitory, the roommates all looked at each other, how could this still come back with their heads down?

It looked as if he had lost something important, listless, and desperate.

"Whew-" Hou

Pengyuan exhaled a turbid breath, trying to cheer up, and then began to pack his things and make his bed.

Then, I lay on the bed, looking at the upper bunk in a daze, not knowing what I was thinking.

"Yuanzi, what's wrong with you?"

the roommates couldn't help but ask, after all, looking at Hou Pengyuan's appearance, they were really curious.

"It's okay... By the way, is there anything to kill time.

Hou Pengyuan sat up and said softly, he urgently needed something that could divert his attention and kill time, so that he could forget those troublesome things as soon as possible, at least not delay his normal life.

"Yes, read the comics, Nuo, I bought a new one, do you see?" The

roommate on the upper bunk threw a comic directly over and threw it in Hou Pengyuan's arms.

After Hou Pengyuan caught it, he looked at the cover of the comic and the author's name that seemed to be deliberately enlarged, and he was really stunned.

"Lo... Geng..."

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