"This is... Luo Ge's work?" Hou

Pengyuan knew that Luo Geng was drawing comics, but did not ask carefully, now holding his comics in his hands, his thoughts returned to the time of the holiday, without Luo Geng's help, he still does not know where he is.

"Look at it, this is now a comic drawn by a particularly popular author, I just read this comic and made a girlfriend!" The

roommate poked his head out and looked at Hou Pengyuan with a smile, and Hou Pengyuan raised his head to look at him, with a puzzled expression,

"Can you still get a girlfriend by reading comics?"


Geng did not know at this time that the impact of his works on these college students

, a work that made people want to fall in love after reading it, how many couples were promoted, and how many boys were taught how to get along with each other in their relationships.


Hou Pengyuan was interested, opened the comic, read a few pages

, and after a while, he couldn't help but widen his eyes and show a surprised expression.

"Brother Luo, actually such a genius, no wonder he was engaged to Chi Xiaoyu so quickly, it turns out that Brother Luo is in the relationship, emotional intelligence is so high?" Hou

Pengyuan looked at the plot here, didn't know what to say

, these words, these things, he couldn't think of it for a lifetime, but after reading this comic, it seemed to have a feeling of opening

up! ! He now believes that his roommate said that reading comics can make a girlfriend, where is this comic, this is simply an emotional strategy

! And at this time, in Luo Geng's studio, Luo Geng sat in his seat, holding a brush in his hand, and the draft in front of him

, but he looked a little irritable, grabbed his head with both hands, and then threw the drawing to Qin Qiao, shouting:

"Ah! The lines are also filled in by the way, I fill in too fleshy and disgusting..."


a few days later, in the past few days, Yu Wanxin's classmates and friends can often see a scene, that is, Li Muze is behind Yu

Wanxin, like a dog, but no matter what Li Muze says, Yu Wanxin also ignores him, no matter what gift Li Muze buys for Yu Wanxin, she will not accept it.

And Hou Pengyuan in these days, almost except for class time, has been nesting in the bedroom to read comics, unwilling to go

out, he is afraid that after going out, he will meet Yu Wanxin again, he knows that men chase women across the mountain, women chase men across the veil, so the next time they meet, maybe the two are already together

, he doesn't want to see that scene, it's like killing him, so he avoids as much as possible.

"Bang bang-

" Hou Pengyuan knocked on the bed board on the upper bunk and said, "Cui Yan, you help me buy comics, I'll give you money, just buy the next issue of this one." Hou

Pengyuan pointed to the comics in his hand, it was Luo Geng's work, he borrowed other people's comics to complete the previous content, and now he wants to see the next issue, so he wants to buy it himself

, but he dare not go out, so he can only entrust the roommate on the upper bunk to help.

Yuanzi, why don't you go yourself, the bookstore is very close. The boy who was called Cui Yan by Hou Pengyuan poked out his head and looked at Hou Pengyuan with a puzzled expression.

"I... I don't want to move, I'm lazy... Oh, Cui Yan, you can help me buy it, I'll give you errands..." Hou

Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, and smiled a little helplessly.

And Cui Yan was even more suspicious, jumped down directly from the upper bunk, stood in front of Hou Pengyuan, and said: "Yuanzi, are you, what's on your mind? "

I didn't..."

Hou Pengyuan turned his head over and muttered softly.

You talked in your dreams last night, and you kept saying a girl's name in your dreams.

Cui Yan sat next to Hou Pengyuan, patted him on the shoulder, and said.

Hou Pengyuan looked at him with a surprised look and asked, "Huh?


Yan slapped his thigh, pointed at Hou Pengyuan and said, "Look, I guessed right, it really has something to do with the girl!"

Yuanzi, you are not kind, why don't you tell us about topics related to girls?" The

other roommates all gathered around and surrounded Hou Pengyuan,

"I... It's not anything to do with girls, it's just... I want to have a girlfriend..." Hou Pengyuan lowered his head, his voice getting smaller and smaller,

but he was still heard clearly by the other roommates.

Isn't it normal to have a girlfriend?

Hou Pengyuan spread his hands and directly showdown

, anyway, he couldn't hide anything, and when he thought that Yu Wanxin was likely to be with Li Muze, he also felt uncomfortable

, it was better to have a girlfriend early, so he didn't feel bad anymore.

"Of course you can!" Cui

Yan shouted on the side, then took out

his mobile phone, opened the address book, and saw that there were many contacts stored in it, looking at the names of the notes, and they were all girls' names! Hou Pengyuan's eyes widened, looking at the address book in his mobile phone with horror, he couldn't believe it, how did he get so many girls' calls?

Cui Yan threw the phone to Hou Pengyuan, raised his eyebrows, and patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder.

"Whatever... How do I know who's who... I don't even know... What if I ask for someone's phone..." Hou

Pengyuan returned the phone to Cui Yan, if he had the courage to call a girl casually and make an appointment, he would not have not expressed his heart with Yu Wanxin until now.

And he only has a phone, and he can't see anyone, no photos, the devil knows who the girl who he asked out is, what she looks like, if he doesn't like it, he can't drive people away.

Cui Yan looked like he suddenly realized, nodded, and then clapped his hands and said:

"Oh——, I understand, you want to get to know each other first, right?

Unexpectedly, they could also borrow Hou Pengyuan's light, so that they also had the opportunity to meet girls and hang out with girls, this opportunity was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, they could not refuse!

Then, everyone looked at Hou Pengyuan, because as long as he didn't go, then they had no reason to go,

this was originally a bureau formed to help Hou Pengyuan.

I saw that he hesitated for a moment, and then as if he had decided to come down

, he patted his thigh and asked,

"What time is it to leave?"

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