"Wanxin, let's go to dinner together. After class, Nie Ran found Yu Wanxin and prepared to eat with her

, Yu Wanxin nodded and agreed: "Well, good." As

soon as the two stood up and walked out of the classroom, they saw a person standing outside the door, holding a bouquet of flowers

in his hand, as if waiting for someone, seeing this person, Yu Wanxin couldn't help frowning, because he is Li Muze, who has been pestering him in recent days

, she has already made it very clear, and Li Muze is no longer friends, and don't bother yourself anymore, but he still tries to save it with his true feelings as if he doesn't understand.

Li Muze stood at the door, not caring at all about the strange eyes of the others, and then handed the flower in his hand to Yu Wanxin and said,

"Wanxin... Well, Nie Ran also come together, I know there is a particularly delicious one..." Nie Ran

looked at Yu Wanxin, she knew that now Yu Wanxin was deliberately staying away from Li Muze, so she didn't speak, and preparation was equal to Wanxin's decision.

And as if she hadn't heard Li Muze speak at all, she left straight away without looking at him.

"Eh... Wanxin, don't go, let's go together, I promise, just eat, you don't worry, you can call a few more people to come together..." Li

Muze kept following behind Yu Wanxin, and kept talking in his mouth, making Yu Wanxin's brows gradually wrinkled, and his face showed an impatient look

, even Nie Ran did not dare to speak, followed aside, lowered his head, for fear that Yu Wanxin would anger himself for a while.

"Da-" Yu

Wanxin stopped his steps and stood in place, Li Muze also immediately shut up, looking at her with a confused expression

, only to see Yu Wanxin slowly turn around, looking at him without a good face, startling him, and quickly took two steps back.

You don't need to explain anything, I didn't misunderstand anything, I just think we are not suitable to be friends, is this wrong?"

Because he knew that Yu Wanxin was right, he had no reason to pester her.

"Wanxin, I'm... Really like you, stay with me. Li

Muze gave up all the bells and whistles to attack and moved out his only sincerity, although this sincerity was still worthless in the eyes of Wanxin.


" Nie Ran gasped on the side, she didn't expect that in just a few days, it would cause such a result? If this was just the result of Yu Wanxin's unintentional move, then she would only be a little shocked, but if this was Yu Wanxin's

intention to get away with it, then she would be on the ground!"

"I'm sorry, I don't like you." Yu

Wanxin did not have the slightest hesitation, directly rejected

him, she admitted that a few days ago, she really liked him, after all, he is also quite handsome, his temperament is also good, he feels good when he gets along, he is very humorous

, many girls also like him, Yu Wanxin does not know his inside, and chooses to try to pursue him based on his appearance alone

But to say that the heart is moved, there is no such feeling, she feels that after getting along together, maybe it will slowly be moved, so she can now refuse Li Muze without caring at all.

Li Muze looked at Yu Wanxin with firm eyes, and said: "I know, but can you give me a chance to pursue you!" Yu Wanxin

sighed and said helplessly:

"I don't understand much, there are many girls who like you, why should you pursue me?"

Yes, when I got along with you, I was fascinated by that heart-warming feeling, so I kept pestering you because I didn't want

to give up!" "Then you better give up, said a bunch of nonsense..." Yu

Wanxin shook her hand, rolled her eyes, and then turned around to leave here.

Li Muze was stunned for a moment, but then shouted behind her: "I won't give up, I will always pursue you until you agree

!" "It's so annoying..."

Yu Wanxin wanted to give herself a big mouth a few days ago at this time, why was he idle and had nothing to do with Li Muze, but now he has become a piece of dog skin plaster, and he can't tear it off.

When she thought that Li Muze would continue to entangle herself, her head hurt, and she had already endured a lot of strange eyes because of Li Muze these days, and even received threatening letters from other girls.

It has seriously affected his normal life.

Yu Wanxin took a deep breath, turned around, looked at Li Muze seriously, and said:

"I said it all, you give up, I.... I already have a boyfriend..."

"Huh?!" As

soon as these words came out, not only Li Muze, but even Nie Ran was extremely surprised, opening his mouth wide and looking at Yu Wanxin in disbelief.

She has always been next to Yu Wanxin, and she has never seen any boyfriend of hers?

Don't make trouble, I don't believe it, you don't have any boyfriend at all..."

Li Muze also slowed down, and said in a broken manner, not believing what Yu Wanxin said just now.

"What I said is true, it's what we've been together in the last few days, and if you don't believe me, I can bring him to you."

Li Muze's eyebrows locked, and he said in a low voice

: "Then you bring him! I want to see who your boyfriend is, if it is really better than me, then I will give up and never pester you again!" Yu

Wanxin also seemed to accept the challenge, pointing at him and shouting: "Okay!

I'll treat you!"

After Li Muze left, Nie Ran quickly approached Yu Wanxin, tugged at the corner of her clothes with his hand, and asked in a low voice: "How can you have a

boyfriend? Yu Wanxin shook his head, shrugged his shoulders and said: "No, isn't it okay to find someone to pretend to be my boyfriend to cheat him?"

Nie Ran was really stunned, but he also guessed that it would be like this, but now it was close to evening, it was about to be night, where to find someone to cheat him.

Yu Wanxin didn't look worried at all, and said softly:

"It's okay, I have a ready-made partner who plays a couple, and it just so happens that he still owes me a favor, even if he returns it in the same way, after returning the favor, let him feel a little more at ease..."

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