"No, no, I can't drink it.

Hou Pengyuan quickly waved his hand, his face was bitter, and there was still beer foam at the corner of his mouth.

He was sitting in the dim KTV private room at this time, there were many people around, in addition to his roommate, it was the girl Cui Yan found

, everyone played together, chatted, drank, a few laps, the atmosphere gradually became hot, Hou Pengyuan was also poured several bottles of wine, and he was about to be unable to drink.

In front of Hou Pengyuan, there was a girl sitting in hot clothes, with two white and slender legs cocked, holding a wine glass full of beer at this time and handing it to Hou Pengyuan.

"If you lose the game, drink quickly, can't you drink it?" the

girl chuckled, put the wine glass in front of Hou Pengyuan, the last sentence seemed to have the meaning of agitation, but whether it meant that or not, it was very useful for Hou Pengyuan.

"Drink, I'll drink..." Hou

Pengyuan picked up the wine glass and drank the beer again, and a burp came up, almost spewing out the wine.

When he first arrived here, he was particularly timid, felt awkward, lowered his head

, did not dare to speak, did not dare to take the initiative to talk to girls, he did not even have the courage to confess to Yu Wanxin, he did not have the courage to admit that he liked her, how could he have the courage to talk

, but Cui Yan and others were also for Hou Pengyuan's formation of this bureau, it was impossible for him to come here and sit and do nothing

, so he forcibly pulled him to play games with the girls and drink together,

So, after three rounds of drinking, Hou Pengyuan's head was already a little confused, and the speed of drinking a few bottles in a few minutes made him not only dizzy, but also wanted to vomit.

But after the wine came up, Hou Pengyuan was no longer timid, the wine was bold, and now he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

"Good, good, come again. The

girl on the opposite side poured Hou Pengyuan full of wine again

, and wanted to continue the next round of the game with him with great interest, Hou Pengyuan knew that with his current state, it was impossible to win the game, and if he lost, he had to continue to drink, it was a completely vicious circle, and he especially wanted to rest now.

"Wait, I'll go to the toilet first..." Hou

Pengyuan interrupted her, then stood up, ready to go to the bathroom, just stood up and almost didn't stand firmly, and quickly supported the sofa with his hand.


Don't say it, it's really a little, wait until I'm done throwing up and come back."

After Hou Pengyuan stood up, he felt his stomach turn upside down, and he admitted unabashedly when he was asked, thinking that as long as he spit it out, maybe it would not be uncomfortable.

Hou Pengyuan left the private room and went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor.

As soon as I walked in, I held the sink, looked at myself in the mirror, and giggled.

"Hmph... Interesting, quite interesting..."

he muttered alone, his brain was paralyzed by alcohol, although his consciousness was still relatively clear, but he was completely intoxicated with the feeling of bright lights and green wine, and the group of beautiful women around him.

"Whew-" Hou

Pengyuan washed his face, sobered himself up a lot, burped a few times, and also made his stomach feel a lot better, and he didn't feel like vomiting.

"Go back and continue... What's that girl's name? Go back and ask for her phone number. Hou

Pengyuan thought of the girl who had just drunk with him, and with the blessing of alcohol, he completely gave up his cowardly self.


But at this moment, Hou Pengyuan's mobile phone rang, he heard the phone ringing, and his expression was nervous

, because there were very few people in his mobile phone who could contact him, most likely, it was his grandmother, and his grandmother still couldn't use the mobile phone, the last time there was a news about his grandmother, or the bad news of hospitalization.

He took out his mobile phone, thinking in his heart that it was okay not to be grandma, and looked at the caller ID, but it made him stunned.

Because it was Yu Wanxin who called, although they had left a phone before

, but basically did not call, "Wanxin..." Hou

Pengyuan just wanted to subconsciously press the answer button, but his finger was placed on it, but he did not press it

, and in his mind, the picture he saw a few days ago suddenly appeared, which was the picture of Yu Wanxin and Li Muze walking side by side, talking and laughing.

Originally, he was going to forget, but this call made him remember it again.

"I guess I made a mistake. "

Toot-" Hou

Pengyuan pressed hang up, refused to answer the phone, and then put the phone back in his pocket, after he returned to the private room, he sat back in his place, and picked up the wine glass again, the private room

was very noisy, Hou Pengyuan's

mobile phone kept ringing, but he could no longer hear it.

Cui Yan's mobile phone was placed on the table, and when he was still chatting with the girl next to him, the mobile phone lit up, he couldn't hear the ringtone, but he could see the incoming call,

"Huh?" Cui

Yan picked up the mobile phone and saw that the caller was "Nie Ran".

"Nie Ran?"

Cui Yan frowned suspiciously, he couldn't remember who this was for a while, after all, he had a lot of calls in his phone, only notes, he had long forgotten

who he was, these girls who were asked for the phone by him, did not take the initiative to call him

, he did not care, but this suddenly a girl suddenly called himself, Cui Yan immediately felt a little surprised, but when he thought that there might be a girl who sent to the door, of course he would not refuse.

"I'll take a call.

Cui Yan said a word to the girl on the side, then took the mobile phone out of the private room and answered the call outside.

What's wrong?... Me? I'm playing outside. "

" and.... And my roommate... My roommate... Ah yes, there is Hou Pengyuan, you know Yuanzi?...... Oh yes, he seems to be there when I asked you for the phone, I remembered... What's wrong, what are you asking this for?" "

Really? You want to come? Two people, okay, let's play together, the location is..." Cui

Yan hung up the phone, did not expect that there were really girls who took the initiative to come to the door, although he had called a lot of people to play, but girls are never too much, he

looked at the glass on the door, looked at Hou Pengyuan in the private room, at this time he was not in a state at all, having a lot of fun.

"Yuanzi should have a lot of fun, he must be under too much pressure, and it must be very happy to release it occasionally.

Cui Yan walked into the private room, walked to Hou Pengyuan's side, and laughed with him.

And in Nie Ran's hands, the phone that had just been hung up was put back in her pocket, and she looked at Yu Wanxin, who was still trying to call Hou Pengyuan, with some embarrassment.

"They're playing outside, and there seem to be a lot of them, uh... There are a lot of girls..." Nie Ran told Yu Wan the truth, otherwise she would know when she arrived.

Yu Wanxin didn't react, nodded slightly, and said:

"Well, then I'll go and ask him for help in person, if he doesn't want to, just when I don't say, if he is willing, after he finishes my favor, I won't disturb his life anymore." "

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