Yu Wanxin followed behind Hou Pengyuan, and the Hou Pengyuan in front of her made her feel a little uneasy, after all, the appearance of drinking seemed to be very different from usual.

It's not like drinking madness, it's just a bit of alcohol.

And looking at his reaction and attitude, it seems that he is still holding his breath.

Yu Wan was worried that something would happen to Hou Pengyuan like this, so she stood directly in place and grabbed

Hou Pengyuan, "Hou Pengyuan... Forget it, you just didn't say to me, you go back and rest well, okay?" She

felt that she was also a little lacking in consideration, and she didn't know that Hou Pengyuan was in such a state now, which was not very good for both of them.

Let me play your boyfriend is a little unqualified, right, or am I too bad at acting and can't act?" Hou

Pengyuan went out to blow the wind, his head was even more confused, drunkenness surged in his heart, his speech was a little rushed, and

his eyes were a little fierce when he looked at Yu Wanxin.

"Not really, I just think you should take a break now." Yu Wanxin bowed her head slightly, it was the first time she had seen such a Hou Pengyuan, and the strangeness made her a little afraid.

"No need, we are still friends, of course I have to help if my friend is in trouble, walk around, don't be afraid, he dares to entangle you, I definitely can't spare him." Hou

Pengyuan pulled Yu Wanxin to go forward, Yu Wanxin

looked at Hou Pengyuan's appearance, and noticed a little clue, she remembered, Nie Ran told her that Hou Pengyuan liked herself, but

she didn't care, she felt that she and Hou Pengyuan had always maintained a friend, or classmate relationship, just right, so she didn't consider what Hou Pengyuan felt

After all, they are just ordinary friends, who they like, who they pursue, and who they associate with, should have nothing to do with Hou Pengyuan

, but Yu Wanxin realized that if Hou Pengyuan really liked himself,

then what he personally told him at that time that he wanted to pursue Li Muze was a blade that completely hurt him!

"Hou Pengyuan... You look like this, it is... Does it have anything to do with me?"

Yu Wanxin asked tentatively, although

she didn't feel that she had much weight in Hou Pengyuan's heart, she was just his junior high school classmate, and then he asked for help, she originally agreed to receive money, but seeing his grandmother's appearance, she couldn't bear it, just simply helped him, that's all, she didn't feel that there was any intersection between herself and Hou Pengyuan.

So after she asked this sentence, she regretted it a little and felt that she was a little self-inflicted.

Hou Pengyuan paused and stopped

, he did not look back, but was stunned for a few seconds, and then slowly spoke, and said: "If it was before, I would definitely say, no, how could I... Will make yourself embarrassed because of you... We are just friends..."

He turned around, took a deep breath, refreshed himself a little, looked at Yu Wanxin seriously, and said

, "But now, I realize that it is my own cowardice that made me like this.

"If only I could really speak my mind, or... When I was in the hospital, I understood what Luo Ge said, maybe this is not the case now. Hou

Pengyuan knew in her heart that Yu Wanxin was very kind, she could unabashedly say to herself that she was pursuing Li Muze

, it was entirely because she felt that she was just her friend, and it didn't matter if she said this, if

she knew that she liked her, she wouldn't say that kind of thing to herself, she was afraid that she would hurt herself.

But Hou Pengyuan found out that now he hurt himself

, and he didn't confess to her, he wasn't accepted by her, and he wasn't rejected by her, why can't that person pursue other people, and what reason does he have to deceive himself here, even the battle has not been fought, the battlefield has not been played, and he knows that he has lost?

What do you mean... How I don't understand a little. Yu Wanxin looked at

Hou Pengyuan's serious look, and felt a little scared, she felt that she guessed correctly, Hou Pengyuan would look like this, and she couldn't get rid of it.

She had no intention of hurting Hou Pengyuan, but she had inadvertently hurt him, and now she wanted to ask him to help with this kind of thing, then Yu Wanxin felt that she was really a little too unkind, whether it was as a friend, a classmate, or someone he liked.

"It's okay, after I help you, I'll tell you that your business is important now, let's go." "

Hou Pengyuan, I'll send you back to rest, forget it today, tomorrow, when you come out tomorrow, let's have a good chat, okay?"

Yu Wanxin wanted to pull Hou Pengyuan away and take him back to the dormitory, but Hou Pengyuan

stood motionless in place, and Yu Wanxin couldn't shake him with all her strength.

"What about you, don't you still want to get rid of that guy's entanglement?"

Yu Wanxin went around behind Hou Pengyuan and wanted to push him away, but her strength was simply not enough to push Hou Pengyuan's body.

I'm coming, going, killing him, ah no, I'll solve him, you're sitting next to you, don't worry, I'll definitely be able to help you solve it."

"You're really drunk..." Yu

Wanxin really couldn't control Hou Pengyuan, and could only be forcibly dragged away by him

, especially he couldn't walk steadily, walking two steps and shaking two steps, making Yu Wanxin look terrified.

There were many people on the street looking at the two of them, Hou Pengyuan spoke loudly after getting drunk, and scolded while walking, Yu Wanxin was dragged by him, and he couldn't break free, so he could only lower his head and block himself as much as possible.

The two came to the place agreed with Li Muze, it was under a willow tree, it was night, there were few people on the street, there were stars in the sky, Li Muze

stood under the tree, frowning, arms around his chest, looking very

difficult to mess with, but he didn't expect that a guy who looked even more difficult to mess with came in front of him.

"Hey, we're coming!"

Hou Peng raised his hand far away, shouted at him, imposing, walking with the wind

, Yu Wanxin behind quickly pulled him, whispered: "You are a little voice..."

Li Muze saw Hou Pengyuan in front of him, the corners of his mouth suddenly twitched, his brows furrowed,

and pointed at him and said: "You... You guy is not..." He

tried to think of many possibilities here, either Yu Wanxin lied to himself, or even if he really had a boyfriend, he should have seen it, after all, the people in the school who were more handsome and better than himself, he had an impression

, but he didn't want to break his head and didn't figure it out, the person who came turned out to be a guy who he couldn't look at at all a few days ago.

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