I heard that you have been pestering my girlfriend?" Hou

Pengyuan walked in front of Li Muze, the two of them were about the same height, but Hou Pengyuan still looked at him with a condescending look.

Li Muze's momentum was instantly suppressed, feeling the oppression of Hou Pengyuan in front of him, which made him a little breathless, and

then he realized that what made him breathless was Hou Pengyuan's alcohol....

"Wha... Wanxin, he, he is your boyfriend? You're not kidding? This body is drunk..." Li

Muze pinched his nose, looked at Hou Pengyuan with a look of disgust, wanted to attack first through sarcasm

, Yu Wanxin didn't say anything, Hou Pengyuan said: "I'm not her boyfriend, are you? I drink because I'm happy, I have such a good girlfriend, I definitely want to drink some, eh?

Hou Pengyuan's attack with a gunpowder smell made Li Muze speechless, and all the words he wanted to say were held back.

Li Muze did not fight back for the time being, but slowed down, took a deep breath, and then looked at Yu Wanxin with a smile and said: "Wanxin, let's go to the restaurant first, let's eat and chat, I have already booked the best over there..."

"Stop!" Hou Pengyuan directly stretched out his hand to interrupt Li Muze's words

, and then in his blank eyes, Hou Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin on the side and asked softly: "Wanxin, you and him, are you friends?"

Yu Wanxin quickly shook her head, dodged her body behind Hou Pengyuan, and said, "No

..." "This..." Li Muze's cheeks twitched, and his face was extremely ugly.

Hou Pengyuan looked at Li Muze with contempt and said: "You are not even friends, why should we go to dinner with you, are we very familiar?

Where do you fancy this guy, where am I worse than him?" Li Muze pointed at him unbearably and asked

, if the person who came was someone better than him, then he would admit it, but the person who came was obviously a drunkard, just such a person, he couldn't compare?

He was nice to me, honest, single-minded, and then... Li

Muze didn't see the honest appearance from Hou Pengyuan at all, and he believed it when you said that he came to beat him.

"Okay, you care where my girlfriend likes me, what does it have to do with you, you are better than me everywhere, so what? My boyfriend is me, not you?" Hou

Pengyuan took a step forward, frightening Li Muze and immediately taking a step back, thinking that he was going to step forward and beat himself.

And his eyes flashed with fierce light, his face turned dark, raised his hand, put a finger against Li Muze's chest, and whispered:

"I warn you, if you pester Wanxin, I will definitely not be able to spare you." "

Why, you you, you still want to hit me, do you have the ability to move me to try?" Li Muze was obviously a little scared, but he still fought back with a hard mouth.

Hou Pengyuan shook his head and said: "Of course I don't hit you, I just treat others with their human ways, don't you like to entangle, like to follow, I can go to your bedroom every day, take my roommate to drink with you, play with you, let you also experience, the feeling of being entangled." The

smell of alcohol came to his face, Li Muze's face was distorted together, Hou Pengyuan's hand slapped on his shoulder, the drunken look, made him really a little afraid, unable to communicate normally

, he prepared a lot of rhetoric in advance, many ways to defeat the love enemy, and now they are immune to an alcoholic.

Thinking that in the future, a group of drunkards will come to his bedroom every day, exuding alcohol, he can't stand it, his roommate will definitely not be able to stand it, and he doesn't have any reason, after all, it's his own girlfriend who pesters others first, spread out, his reputation is also finished, for a Yu Wanxin, it's not worth it.

"Shh!" Li

Muze threw away Hou Pengyuan's hand, and then turned to leave

, Hou Pengyuan looked at him and shouted: "Eh! Why go! The words are not finished! You understand what I said!" "

MD!" Li Muze was startled by this sound, and could not hold on any longer, cursed and ran away, and soon disappeared into the night.


Yu Wanxin sighed, seeing that this should be solved, faster than he expected, and more strange than he expected...

The way to solve it also made her a little unimaginable, after all, she had never seen Hou Pengyuan finish drinking like this, and before she said that he played a couple without acting skills, now it's good, it really

can't be true, Yu Wanxin can imagine that her rumors will spread the next day, her boyfriend is an alcoholic,

but she doesn't care.

"Oh, my mother, how can this blowing wind return, even more confused."

Hou Pengyuan supported the willow tree on the side, bent over, and breathed heavily, as if standing was now a problem.

"Are you okay. Yu Wanxin came to Hou Pengyuan's side and patted him on the back.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll just slow down for a while..." Hou Pengyuan waved his hand and shook his head and said.

"Thank you... Do me a favor.

"It's nothing, it's a trifle, besides, we're partners, in the future, you're going to help me deal with grandma.... Happy to work with.

Hou Pengyuan stretched out his hand and looked at her with a smile, but this smile looked a little dumb.

Yu Wanxin looked at his hand, hesitated, and also stretched out her hand and shook him,

"Hmm... "

Okay, I'll go back, you don't have to worry, I shouldn't remember anything when I wake up tomorrow, just according to what you said, we, each living well, our own life, that's it." Hou

Pengyuan straightened up, turned around and wanted to leave

, Yu Wanxin was stunned, looking at his back as he left, a little lost in thought.

"Hou Pengyuan..." she called, causing Hou Pengyuan to stand in place and asking, "What's wrong?"

Yu Wanxin was behind him, slightly owed, apologized to him

, Hou Pengyuan turned around and looked at her suspiciously,

"Why apologize to me?"

Yu Wanxin shook her head and said, "I don't know... It's just a feeling, I'm sorry for you, you don't have to care, I just feel that if I don't apologize, I'll be overwhelmed.

Yu Wanxin spread out her hand and chuckled, but the smile was a little reluctant, and then continued:

"You go, I bothered you to play today, sorry, but you haven't been troubled before, I don't know how to repay my favor, now that you are finished, there should be no trouble, don't owe me anything." "

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