"Don't owe it?"

muttered Hou Pengyuan, frowning slightly

, and then he took a step forward, slowly walked towards Yu Wanxin, and said softly:

"No, no, no, I still owe the same." "

Huh? What... What..."

As soon as Yu Wanxin's words fell, Hou Pengyuan walked to Yu Wanxin's side, suddenly bent down

, learned her original appearance, and gently kissed her on the cheek.

"!!" For

a while, Yu Wanxin's eyebrows were raised, feeling that time had stood still, stunned in place

, looking at Hou Pengyuan in front of him, his brain was blank.

She now feels her brain buzzing and has lost the ability to think.

"Okay, don't owe it now, go back to sleep.

Hou Pengyuan smiled, turned around, put his hand behind his head, and left leisurely

, Yu Wanxin blinked, raised his hand to touch his cheek, although there was a faint smell of wine, but she did not show any expression of disgust.


she pursed her lips, then looked at Hou

Pengyuan in front of her, and shouted: "Hou Pengyuan, you better drink less bars in the future!" Yu

Wanxin blamed all this on the wine, otherwise with her understanding of Hou Pengyuan, it would be impossible to do such a thing.

And Hou Pengyuan just raised his hand and waved, indicating that he heard it, but did not say anything.

Watching Hou Pengyuan disappear into the night

, and Yu Wanxin slowly put her hand to her heart

, for some reason, from the very beginning, she felt that her heartbeat was a little faster, and her face was a little hot.

"This... What's the situation?" ----

"Click-" In

the morning, Chu Yuning came to the studio, and as soon as he walked in, he saw Qin Qiao who was sitting on the chair and falling asleep.

Chu Yuning came to Qin Qiao's side and sat on the chair, Qin Qiao heard the voice, opened his eyes blankly, and after seeing Chu Yuning, he stretched

out, "You came, I thought it was Teacher Luo coming..."

Qin Qiao yawned, looked sleepy, and rubbed his eyes.

"No, Teacher Luo shouldn't have come so early, and why are you sleeping here, why don't you go back to the room to sleep?" Chu

Yuning looked at the drawing in front of Qin Qiao, but he didn't expect to fall asleep directly on the draft, if he slept and drooled, then this drawing would be wasted.

Xu Mengnan's room was closed and seemed to be still sleeping, but why did Qin Qiao fall asleep a few meters away from his room?"

"I've only slept for a few hours, I'm too sleepy, and it is estimated that in a few tens of minutes, Teacher Luo will come."

Qin Qiao looked at the time, and as soon as the words fell, the door of the studio was opened again, and it was Luo Geng who walked in.

"Good morning.

Luo Geng simply said hello, sat directly in his place, and began to work.

Chu Yuning was a little puzzled, he has not been here for a short time, but especially in recent days, Luo Geng came to the studio earlier and earlier in the morning, almost except for classes and meals, he has been working

, and it seems that in addition to his original work, he seems to have painted other new works.

"Teacher Luo, are you fighting so hard?" Chu

Yuning couldn't help but ask, Luo Geng just glanced at her, shook his head and said: "It's okay, there is no harm in fighting, take advantage of your young health and make more money." "

Uh, you shouldn't be short of money, right?" Chu

Yuning knew how much Luo Geng's manuscript fee was, more than ten times more than her, he was not a person who lacked money at all

, if he had so much money, it would be impossible to fight like this, he would have already hired someone to draw, he just had to sit and collect money.

"Lacking, how not to lack, who will think that they have a lot of money."


when Chu Yuning was puzzled, Qin Qiao patted her arm, pulled her aside

, and then lowered his voice and whispered in her ear: "A few days ago, I talked to Teacher Luo about his wedding with Xiaoyu, and then I chatted about his wedding with Xiaoyu, and then chatted about some wedding expenses, it seems to be... Teacher Luo misestimated the cost of marriage, and realized that if he wanted to get married, he needed a large amount of money, so he fought like this..." Chu

Yuning asked in a low voice: "No?

"It seems that Mr. Luo calculates all the expenses according to the best configuration, according to his words, it is not necessary to get the best, but at least the best expenses must be reserved, in fact, I feel that he is afraid that Xiaoyu will like it at that time, but he has no money to buy it."

Qin Qiao stole a glance at Luo Geng who was attentive over there, in fact, she also knew that the reason for letting Luo Geng work so hard was not only Chi Xiaoyu alone, his

family was also one of the reasons, Qin Qiao knew the conditions in Luo Geng's family, his father still lived in that old house, even if he was unwilling to move to the city, Luo Geng could not let him live there all his life.


Xu Mengnan yawned and walked out of her room, she had just woken up, thinking that she had gotten up early, but

the three people outside were already in their respective places.

"Good morning, three teachers, you too... Dedicated.

Xu Mengnan smiled bitterly, she knew the recent changes in Luo Geng, because Luo Geng worked overtime every day, Qin Qiao did not dare to leave early, she could only work overtime with Luo Geng.

But she was only an apprentice, there was no time to go to and from work, and when she was really sleepy at night, she went back to her room to sleep.

Xu Mengnan simply went to wash up, and sat in her place

, as Luo Geng's works increased, the progress accelerated, the tasks became heavy, Xu Mengnan's workload also increased, in this regard, she was still very willing, after all, she could finally contact the work content in addition to apprentices.

"Summer is coming, it's going to be a holiday again, and it's about to take the college entrance examination, right? Xu

Mengnan looked at the calendar in front of her desk, originally she pinched the time to calculate how many days before the time was turned positive,

but the time of summer vacation marked by herself was only about a month.

"You, a person who is crazy about comics, still care about junior brothers and sisters?" Qin Qiao glanced at her and said with disdain.

"Of course, if there are peers among the juniors, then I will definitely communicate with them." "

Ah, is that we also have the final exam?" Luo Geng turned his head suddenly, suddenly thinking that they were about to take a holiday, then unexpectedly the final exam before the holiday was also coming, last

time he hung up a lot, this time he didn't want to hang up anymore, otherwise he would waste time to make up the exam

, "Buzz-"

Just when Luo

Geng panicked, his mobile phone rang, and the caller ID said: Wen Shao.

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