What's wrong, you haven't called me for a long time, haven't you?" Luo

Geng picked up the phone, turned the brush in his hand, and leaned on the back of the chair to rest for a while.

"Yes, brother, I'm not going to fight for the college entrance examination again soon, I've been holding back for a year, when you come back, do you want to go out together? Wen

Shao's voice came from the other side of the phone, hearing this voice again, Luo Geng felt very familiar.

Maybe time has not passed for long, but Luo Geng has been in a busy state and feels that time passes slowly.

"Okay, if you have a gold list title, let's go play together, I'll treat you." Luo Geng replied with a smile.

"In a word, don't think that I don't know if I've been reviewing, you kid is famous now, make a lot of money, I won't be polite, you will treat me to a big meal when the time comes!"


chatting with Wen Shao a few more times, Luo Geng hung up the phone, and in the last few days, he didn't want to disturb Wen Shao too much, after all, it was very important to him.


Luo Geng looked at the communication of his mobile phone, and he saw another call: Hou Pengyuan.

"I haven't contacted him for a long time, and I don't know how his grandmother is." Luo

Geng was worried that even if there was any trouble on Hou Pengyuan's side, he would not open his mouth to himself in order not to trouble himself, and if something big was delayed because of this, it would be a little ungood.

After thinking for a while, Luo Geng dialed his phone and wanted to ask him about his recent situation.

After the phone rang a few times, he picked it up over there

, "Hey, Brother Luo?" "

Eh, Yuanzi, how is it doing?

It's okay, what's wrong, suddenly called, what's the matter? After Hou Pengyuan received Luo Geng's call, he was a little nervous

, he knew that he owed Luo Geng a big favor, even if his money had been repaid, but the most difficult thing to pay back was the favor.

Luo Geng called, Hou Pengyuan was worried that he was asked to do something, if he was inconvenient and resigned, he was afraid that Luo Geng would alienate himself because of this.

Luo Geng listened to Hou Pengyuan's restrained voice, shook his head helplessly, and said:

"It's okay, I just want to ask about your recent situation, okay, it's good, just tell me if you have something, don't be polite with me, you know?"

Hou Pengyuan was also relieved, listening to Luo Geng's concerned voice, he felt very warm, after all, there are not many people who are good to themselves, just a few people, Luo Geng is one of them.

"By the way, did you go

back to school?" "Back, because grandma has been discharged from the hospital, there is nothing to do for the time being, so I will come back to school."

"In that case, then you should have nothing to do during the holidays, do you want to hang out together, oh, and Wen Shao, let's go together." Luo

Geng told Hou Pengyuan about this matter, and invited him, for Hou Pengyuan's experience, Luo Geng not only wanted to help him, but also hoped to take him to relax as much as possible, he was too hard, even if he came back from vacation, he had been taking care of his grandmother, the New Year was as if it hadn't passed, every day was so hard

, finally now that his grandmother was discharged from the hospital, there was nothing to do during the holiday, Luo Geng

felt that it was time for Hou Pengyuan to relax.

Hou Pengyuan was silent for a while before he slowly spoke, and said in embarrassment: "This... I don't have to, you guys go play.

Even if he couldn't see his expression, but Luo Geng could feel the helplessness in his tone

, this age is the age of wanting to play, love to play, especially on vacation and go out with his good brother, how can he not be willing to go

, for him, the only difficulty is, money.

The money in his hand is saved for emergencies, and if he takes this money to squander and play, then he will definitely not be at ease.

At that time, if he really needs this money, and this money is spent by himself, then he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Therefore, even if he wanted to go very much in his heart, he had to give up.

Luo Geng seemed to have guessed Hou Pengyuan's concerns, and said:

"I'll treat you, you will go together, just play for a few days, it won't be long, after all, I don't have so much time to rest, but isn't it good to get together during the holidays."

"This... Forget it, you can just play well, and when you come back, I'll treat you to dinner." Hou

Pengyuan still refused, because he was even more reluctant to spend Luo Geng's money, and he already owed Luo Geng's favor, how could he still let him invite guests to take him out to play.

Luo Geng didn't talk nonsense with him either, and said: "Okay, anyway, there is still a month or so, when the time comes, go back and meet, okay." Luo

Geng knew that it was useless to let him promise now, but after going back, he met and was tougher himself.

"Well, Brother Naluo, you also pay attention to your body.

"Well, you too.

After hanging up the phone, Luo Geng leaned on the chair, looked at the ceiling, felt his eyes rolling, especially confused

, he also knew that this was the end of overwork in the past few days, and his initial symptoms before he was tired to death in his previous life were like this.

"Teacher Luo, are you going out to play during the holidays, where are you going?" At

this time, Qin Qiao on the side asked, and she also took this opportunity to put down the brush and rest for a while.

"It's not yet decided, the eight characters haven't been brushed off, don't worry."

Luo Geng was telling the truth, after all, what if Wen Shao fell off the list again, then what mood to play, I don't know how to persuade him at that time

, "If you go out to play, you really have to go to the beach to play in the summer, if you go to the beach, you can go to Yuli Island, my family has an empty house over there where no one lives, you can live there."

Luo Geng looked at Qin Qiao with some puzzlement and asked, "Why does your family have a house there?"

Because our family used to be fishermen, they used to live on

that island, and they moved out a few years ago because I had to go to college..." Qin Qiao thought of herself a few years ago, when she first went to college, because she had been studying on that island since she was a child, although it was more than two hours away by boat from the mainland, but her dressing style and taste were very different

When she first entered her freshman year, she was ridiculed and did not understand what people are like, which led her to think that she was too backward and could not keep up with

the trend, which made her become what she was later, following the trend and liking shopping.

When she thought about it, she hadn't been back to that house for almost four or five years.

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