Xu Mengnan clapped his hands on the side and said: "It's good to visit Li Island! A tourist mecca, there are many people who go there in the summer, and the price of accommodation has been raised to several hundred, and there is even no place to live."

Luo Geng glanced at her, then touched his chin and said, "You said so, that's really good." "

Summer vacation is like the season to travel everywhere, and all tourist places are overcrowded, travel is a problem, let alone accommodation, and some people have to travel 100 kilometers to find a place to stay.

But if there is a vacant house to live in, it is equivalent to solving one of the biggest problems of tourism.

Qin Qiao nodded and said, "Teacher Luo, if you go there to play, just tell me, I will give you the address and key, just live there... Belch... It's just that I haven't lived in it for a long time, and I may have to clean up, there is dust.

"Well, if you need it then, I'll trouble you."

"It's okay, it's not troublesome.

Luo Geng lowered his head, just about to continue working, the door of the studio was opened,

and a call came from

the door: "Husband!" "Eh!" Luo Geng quickly answered, turned her head to look at Chi Xiaoyu standing at the door

, she was holding a textbook in her hand, looking at herself with a smile, and then said softly: "The exam is about to be examined, it's time to review, right?

The brush in Luo Geng's hand fell on the table, and cold sweat flowed down at once, it was obvious that he still hadn't learned the lesson from last time, and didn't take learning seriously at all, if Xu Mengnan hadn't just said that he was going to take a holiday, he would have forgotten to take the exam.

Qin Qiao, Xu Mengnan and Chu Yuning, seeing Chi Xiaoyu coming, immediately lowered their heads, a look of "none of my business"

, the current situation is very clear, if the three of them are suspected of delaying Luo Geng's review, they will be killed by Chi Xiaoyu, the boss's deterrent power remains to be studied, but the boss's deterrent power is well known.

Chi Xiaoyu slowly walked over, bent down, looked at Luo Geng, and said:

"I know that you work hard and are also busy, and I also want you to rest and rest, but I also have to review, I helped you sort out the review materials, do you have time now?"

Luo Geng sent a look for help to Qin Qiao, now he is in a very embarrassing stage, the drawing in his hand is halfway through, now stop, it is a little difficult to find the feeling

, but he has to review, Chu Yuning has his own work, Xu Mengnan is difficult to take on important work, so now he can only rely on Qin Qiao.

Qin Qiao immediately understood, nodded repeatedly, and said: "Yes, of course there is, Mr. Luo, you are the boss, there must be time, you go to review, I'll come... Responsible for this part..."

She pouted bitterly, took the sketch on Luo Geng's table, her work has been so much that she has taken off, and she is also responsible for Luo Geng's main pen part, which is really going to crush her to death.

"Uh-huh, good.

Luo Geng stood up, and then lowered his voice in Qin Qiao's ear and said: "Turn back to give you a salary increase and bonus..."

While saying and comparing a few fingers to Qin Qiao, signaling to add this number, Qin Qiao's eyes immediately lit up, compared to an "OK" gesture, and instantly came to power

, just like that, Luo Geng was caught back by Chi Xiaoyu and forced to start the final review time.

Luo Geng's pressure was even greater, the comics made him very tired, plus he had to use his brain to review, he felt his head buzzing and very heavy until he lay in bed at night to sleep.

"Husband, Bai Yi called me today, saying that if Wen Shao is admitted by then..."

Chi Xiaoyu was still saying something beside Luo Geng, but he heard Luo Geng on the side already snoring.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, he had never snored before, but recently, he fell asleep almost with a pillow, slept very hard, and began to snore slightly.

She knew that Luo Geng was the result of fatigue, her eyes only felt distressed, she wanted to help

Luo Geng share the pressure as much as possible, but Luo Geng would carry the pressure by himself every time, and since she heard in Qin Qiao's mouth that Luo Geng was working hard for marriage and life in the future, Chi Xiaoyu was more careless, in fact, as long as she was with Luo Geng, whether there was that wedding or not, it was okay, as long as she could get a certificate with Luo Geng, she was satisfied.

But she also knows Luo Geng very well, and she can't be persuaded in this regard, you don't want to enjoy this, but he must give it to you, and he must also have this ability.

Chi Xiaoyu caressed Luo Geng's cheek, her own man was working hard for their future life, she was very happy, but also worried

, "What I want has always been not a well-fed life, what I want has always been you, that's all." "


" is finally finished, and there are still a few days to go on vacation.

Luo Geng leaned on the chair relaxedly, during this time, his nerves have been tense, and he did not dare to relax at all

, taking care of study and work, so that he was already a little overloaded, but in addition to studying and working hard Chi Xiaoyu could not help anything, other things, Chi Xiaoyu basically helped him do a good job, and let him not be distracted by anything else.

"Teacher Luo, can I still stay here this summer vacation?"

Xu Mengnan asked Luo Geng, she discussed with her family as soon as she finished the exam, she didn't want to go back during the holiday, continued to be in the studio, accompanied Qin Qiao and Chu Yuning

, anyway, she went back to read comics at home, everywhere to read the same, there is still company here.

"Uh... As you wish.

Luo Geng shrugged, Qin Qiao and Chu Yuning worked here, Xu Mengnan actually didn't have to stay here at all, but every weekend or holiday, she wanted to continue to stay here, Luo Geng was used to it.

If her family hadn't forced her home on Labor Day last time, she would have stayed here.

"Husband, go and rest. Chi

Xiaoyu came behind Luo Geng, helped him massage his shoulders, now it was hard to relax, Chi Xiaoyu was eager to Luo Geng to rest well, otherwise in his state, Chi Xiaoyu was really a little worried.

"I'm fine, I slept well yesterday and I'm quite energetic now.

Luo Geng put his hand on Chi Xiaoyu's hand, comforting her not to worry about herself.

Luo Geng looked at the date on his phone, now there are still a few days before they have a holiday, and these days are also the days when the college entrance examination results are released.

Just when he wanted to ask Wen Shao if he had any results, Wen Shao's phone also happened to call at this time.


Luo Geng answered the phone, listening to Wen Shao's voice over there, only listening to the voice was very excited, and said loudly:

"Luo Geng!

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