"Really, admitted to Beizhou University?" Luo

Geng's eyes widened, revealing a surprised look, but he didn't expect that Wen Shao really relied on his own efforts to successfully get into Bai Yi's school in one year.

It is not difficult to imagine how much effort he has put in, and how much effort Bai Yi has put in, with a schoolboy girlfriend tutoring, twice the result with half the effort.

Wen Shao said excitedly: "Well, yes, although it has been pressed, this year's score line has dropped a little, otherwise it is really not possible, I can only say that I have used the good luck of this life

!" Luo Geng laughed a few times, really happy for him, and said: "Haha, congratulations, okay, when I go back from vacation in a few days, I will treat you to a big meal, and then send you a complete set of my comics, you can read it hard!"

When you come back, I'll go to your house to find you.... Oh yes, didn't I say last time, when I pass the exam, let's go to play together, you and Chi Xiaoyu are not going, Bai Yi seems to have said with Chi Xiaoyu, you should be very busy now,

right? Luo Geng thought for a while and said: "I should have time, how about going to Li Island? It should be good to go there, right?"


Line. The

two hung up the phone, and Luo Geng was also sincerely happy for Wen Shao, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly, after all, he finally did not live up to the expectations of others, nor did he live up to his own efforts.

Thinking of this, Luo Geng also accelerated the progress of his own draft, striving to squeeze out the time for the holiday break, and he could rest, but the progress of the comic could not be slow, nor could he leave everything to Qin Qiao to do.

In the blink of an eye, a week or so has passed, the summer vacation has arrived, college students have carried their luggage, ready to go

home, their suitcases still have some winter clothes, wearing very little summer clothes, have been looking forward to going home for a long time, returning home to relax the whole holiday.

Now the train station, airport, and bus station have long been overcrowded, and the students who went home during the summer vacation are crowded with these places

, but Luo Geng they don't need to squeeze with them, he packed up his things early, threw them into the trunk of his car, and then waited for Chi Xiaoyu to leave together.

"Qin Qiao, I have completed the preliminary part of these works, you just need to fill it in, and then you don't need to check it for me, if you think it's okay, just come out."

Luo Geng handed Qin Qiao the draft he had completed in his hand, and the general content had been drawn on it, and he only needed Qin Qiao to complete the rest of the part carefully.

"Got it, Mr. Luo. "For Luo Geng's trust, Qin Qiao has never let him down every time, and the content drawn is basically qualified, so now Luo Geng doesn't need to check anything, Qin Qiao's level he has completely understood.

"By the way, Mr. Luo, this is the key, I have mailed it from home, and the address has also been sent to your mobile phone, you can go directly, just lock the door when you leave." Qin

Qiao took out a bunch of keys from his pocket and handed it to Luo Geng, this is her family's house on Youli Island, last time Luo Geng and Qin Qiao said this, Qin Qiao immediately asked the family to mail this key.

"Then thank you, I'm not here, I'll leave it to you here, you don't have to rush so much, as long as the work within the deadline is completed, you can rest, don't talk to me."

Luo Geng took the key and put it in his pocket.

"Well, don't worry.

At this time, Chu Yuning on the side looked at Luo Geng and said:

"Teacher Luo, I will also help you, you have more than one work now, and she can't be busy if you give the task to Qin Qiao."

Luo Geng looked at Chu Yuning, suddenly thought of something, and said: "Oh, by the way, Mr. Chu, your work ended last week, right, don't you think about new works now?"


Chu Yuning admired Luo Geng's genius mind, too many good ideas were put forward by him, and now there are many works on the market that are imitating Luo Geng's ideas, as if good ideas are inexhaustible, and there are many times when he doesn't know what to do, Luo Geng cleverly solved it.

At that time, Chu Yuning knew that Luo Geng was not only a genius in his painter, but also a genius in his mind, and he admired him extremely in his heart.

Luo Geng is now serializing two works, according to him, he will come back to the third book when the summer vacation ends, just thinking about the content gives Chu Yuning a headache, not to mention that there are so many drawings waiting to be drawn, which is why she admires Luo Geng so much.

Luo Geng nodded and said, "In this way, it will trouble you, I... According to Qin Qiao's salary, can you see it?" Chu

Yuning quickly shook his head, waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, no salary, I'll just help, it can be regarded as paying the rent for working here, and it can be regarded as repaying your help to me."

"Then how to do, there must be hard work, if you don't want wages, then don't help, it's better to rest."

"This... Then I will have the money to eat every day, and I don't have to be the same as Qin Qiao's salary. Chu

Yuning saw that Luo Geng's attitude was firm, she didn't say anything more, and it was already very good to be able to earn a meal every day

, Qin Qiao's salary is also very high now, more than five thousand, if she takes so much salary, she must draw very hard, otherwise she won't be at ease if she holds it, now she finally finished her work, and she wants to rest more, so she doesn't want Luo Geng so much money.

When Luo Geng was still instructing them, the door of the studio was opened

, Chi Xiaoyu poked his head in from outside the door, looked at Luo Geng, and said softly:

"Husband, I'm packing up."

"Okay, let's go. Luo Geng nodded, turned around and was about to leave, shouting to Qin Qiao as he left: "We're leaving, it's over to you here, call me if you have something."

Qin Qiao waved his hand and responded, "Got it, be careful on the road."

After Luo Geng left, Qin Qiao looked at Chu Yuning and Xu Mengnan on the side and said, "Go out to eat together at night, Teacher Luo's progress is very fast, and now he is not so rushed." Well

, we haven't eaten out together in a long time, let's go shopping by the way."

Xu Mengnan quickly nodded and agreed, because in addition to liking comics, she liked to go shopping with Qin Qiao.

"Teacher Chu, you will also go together, right?" Qin Qiao looked at Chu Yuning and asked.

Chu Yuning was stunned and asked in a low voice, "Ah... That, Jia... Will Editor Jia go too?"

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