"I said it all, I don't need you to

take money, I'll treat you, don't worry, your brother Luo is earning a lot now, please go out to play without pain or itch, you don't have to be uncomfortable."

Luo Geng patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder and said with a smile.


..." "Still, forget it..." Luo

Geng and Wen Shao glanced at each other, looking at Hou Pengyuan's attitude, they didn't persuade anything more.

Although it is a pity, after all, everyone has their own difficulties and should not be forced.

The two stayed here until the afternoon, and after chatting for a while, they were also ready to leave.

"I'll send you." Hou Pengyuan quickly stood up and wanted to send Luo Geng and Wen Shao away.

Luo Geng turned to look at the old man and said, "Grandma, let's go, next time I come to see you, you pay attention to your body."

"Got it, I will send it to you too." The old man also followed behind Hou Pengyuan, and although the two stressed that they did not need to be sent by their grandmother, she still followed behind.

After Luo Geng and Wen Shao got into the car, Hou Pengyuan wiped the sweat on his forehead and looked at them with a smile,

"Brother Luo, Brother Wen, I'm sorry, the reception is not thoughtful, when I have time next time, I will definitely invite you to dinner." Hou Pengyuan can only say first, even if he invites him to dinner, he has no money in his pocket, and he doesn't know how to find time to work and make money.

Just when he wanted to say something, the old man behind him gently pushed him and said, "You also get in the car, go have fun." "

Huh?" Hou Pengyuan turned his head and looked at his grandmother suspiciously, not knowing what she meant

by this, Luo Genggang's hand that wanted to start the car also put it down, waiting for the turn of the car to happen.

"I heard it all, child, for so long, you have worked hard, take care of me this old lady all day, now it's hard for people to take you to play, go, I'll get you money."

The old man took Hou Pengyuan's hand and put the banknotes she had held in her hand for a long time into his hand, the change in the iron box was small, but the banknotes in her hand were all red.

Although it was already crumpled, it was not enough money for him to go to Li Island, but this was already the best intention of the old man.

"No, no, grandma, I'm not going..."

"Go, go play, you don't have to worry about me, my health is very good now, the neighbors often come to visit me, when you go to school, your third aunt often comes to take care of me, anyway, you can rest assured, you finally have a holiday, go and have fun."

The old man pushed Hou Pengyuan again, Hou Pengyuan was already moved at this time, but he was still unwilling to leave like this

, originally wanted to refuse, the old man looked directly at Luo Geng and the two in the car, and said: "Young men, take him away."


Luo Geng and Wen Shao, who received the order, walked down directly from the car, and

then in Hou Pengyuan's panicked eyes, they opened the rear door and stuffed Hou Pengyuan in.

"Let's go, let's go." The car door was still closed by Hou Pengyuan's grandmother, and then patted Luo Geng's shoulder and said to him.

"Okay, well, then grandma, you pay attention to your body."

Luo Geng and Wen Shao got into the car, then started the car and locked the door,

"It's not... This... Grandmother... Brother

Luo..." Hou Pengyuan was still confused, and then he was driven away by Luo Geng, and he was still holding the banknotes stuffed by his grandmother.

He also knew that there was no way to refuse, so he could only say to Luo Geng in front: "Brother Luo, let me return the money to my grandmother, I have no money... I can borrow from you and pay you back later, but my grandmother can't live without money at home."

Luo Geng glanced at Hou Pengyuan in the rearview mirror and said lightly: "It's okay, don't worry, I'll stay." "


At this time, after the old man saw them off, looking at the car that was gradually moving away, she smiled slightly, and walked back to the house

, but as soon as she entered, she saw an envelope on the stool where Luo Geng was sitting.

"Huh? What fell here..." The

old man walked over, picked up the envelope, looked at the reverse, and left a note on the envelope.

"Yuanzi, you keep this money, give it to grandma, don't pay me back, don't be reluctant to use it, if you still treat me as a friend, otherwise I will be angry."

The words on it were obviously left for Hou Pengyuan to see, after all, he didn't expect them to take Hou Pengyuan directly away.

The words he said were also very tough, completely pinching the fact that Hou Pengyuan's temper was relatively weak, and if he insisted on not using it, Luo Geng would kidnap him for "not treating himself as a friend".

The old man opened the envelope and looked at a wad of banknotes inside, there were thousands of yuan, which may be the money for several refueling for Luo Geng, but for every family in this village, it was three or four months' living expenses.

"This child..."

the old man closed the envelope carefully, then placed it securely in the drawer, which was locked with a small lock.

She looked out the window and muttered, "Xiaoyuan, you really have a group of good friends worth thousands of dollars." "


" and guess what? He said that he was not nervous at all, very confident, in fact, his hands were shaking when he saw the results, and when he received the admission letter, he cried.

Bai Yi told Chi Xiaoyu about Wen Shao, and the two left the mall with a smile, carrying shopping bags in their hands, which were newly bought swimsuits,

although it took a morning just to choose the style and try it on.

The two were walking on the street, and at this time, Chi Xiaoyu also received a call from Luo Geng.

"Hello? Husband, well, we're outside, you're coming back soon? Okay, we're waiting for you here.

Chi Xiaoyu informed Luo Geng of their location

, and after hanging up the phone, the two were ready to walk around here and wait for them to return,

"Do we want to go see other clothes later?"


As soon as Chi Xiaoyu's words fell, she froze, and she looked at the acquaintance who suddenly appeared in front of her, a little surprised.


"Laughing rain?"

The person who appeared in front of Chi Xiaoyu was Yu Wanxin, she was wearing casual clothes, looking like she was going out to buy something.

Bai Yi was a little confused, so he looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked in a low voice: "Xiaoyu, your friend?"

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and introduced Bai Yi: "Her name is Yu Wanxin, and she and I, Luo Geng, and Wen Shao are all junior high school classmates. "

Wen Shao's junior high school classmate?" Bai Yi looked Yu Wanxin up and down with a surprised tone.

She originally thought that among Wen Shao's junior high school classmates, there was a beauty at the level of Chi Xiaoyu, who was already very powerful, but she didn't expect that his middle school was really a crouching tiger, hidden dragon, and such a beauty.

After Chi Xiaoyu introduced Yu Wanxin, he helped her introduce Bai Yi.

"Wanxin, this is Wen Shao's girlfriend, named Bai Yi."

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