"Wen Shao's... Girlfriend..."

Yu Wanxin was stunned, she didn't react a little, but when she glanced Bai Yi up and down, she couldn't help but blurt out:

"No wonder last time Wen Shao said that his girlfriend was very beautiful, I thought it was bragging, but I didn't expect it to be really so beautiful."

"Ahhh... Thank you, I still think you're beautiful..." Bai Yi smiled embarrassedly and responded.

"No, no..." Yu Wanxin looked at her body, and now she couldn't look beautiful at all in what she was wearing.

But after the two finished speaking, they all looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, which meant that it was as if no matter how good-looking it was, could it be better than Chi Xiaoyu?

"Where are you going?" Chi Xiaoyu looked at Yu Wanxin in front of him, as if she didn't dress herself up, dressed very casually, and her hair was hastily tied up.

"I just went downstairs to help my mom deliver something, my house is here."

Yu Wanxin pointed to the building behind, she was called out by her mother when she was staying at home to help run errands

, so she came out casually dressed, but she didn't expect to go out so casually, and met acquaintances

, "What about you,

are you shopping?"

Yu Wanxin looked at the two with some envy, they were dressed brightly, their faces were exquisite, shopping together, shopping together, compared with her, they simply did not look like people from a world.

It's just that with her current mood, she really has no mind to go shopping, and her mind is full of chaos now.

When I was staying at home, I always thought about sending messages to

Hou Pengyuan, but I edited the text messages for a long time, and I couldn't send them in the end, thinking don't disturb him, I couldn't control myself, I don't know why, my head always imagined the picture of Hou Pengyuan and the girl going out on a date together, although she always felt that Hou Pengyuan

would not have such a thing, but last time,

Isn't it just drinking too much with a group of girls in KTV?

On the one hand, she persuaded herself, how is Hou Pengyuan, it has nothing to do with herself, don't think about it

, and on the other side she can't control it,

so she is now a little absent-minded.

Chi Xiaoyu said: "We are... Wait for my husband and them, they went to Hou Pengyuan's place today to visit his grandmother. "

Huh?" Hearing Hou Pengyuan, as if triggering a keyword, Yu Wanxin immediately reacted, and

the first thing she thought was "Where is Hou Pengyuan?" Dressed like this, you can't let Hou Pengyuan see it!

Yu Wanxin saw the somewhat doubtful eyes of the two people on the other side, and felt a little embarrassed, so she retracted a little and asked softly:

"This... In this way, will they come together in a while?

"They? Do you mean Hou Pengyuan? I don't know, yesterday Luo Geng invited him to play with us, and I don't know if he will agree. "

Let's go play?" Yu Wan was a little puzzled, thinking that Hou Pengyuan would not always take care of his grandmother after the holiday?

Why would Luo Geng invite him to play together?

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and said, "Yes, we are going to play on Chestnut Island for a few days." "

This way."

Knowing that they were going to Yuli Island, Yu Wanxin already had an answer, she felt that Hou Pengyuan would not go, it would take many days to go, then he would not be able to take care of his grandmother, and

the understanding of Hou Pengyuan made Yu Wanxin think that he would definitely refuse.

"Then I'll go home first, let's talk another day."

Yu Wanxin turned around and prepared to leave, said hello to the two, and after saying goodbye, she was ready to leave.

"Well, good."

After Yu Wanxin left, Bai Yi looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said, "Does she like that Hou Pengyuan?" Bai

Yi, who was not familiar with Yu Wanxin and also did not know Hou Pengyuan, just looked at her face just now, and she had an answer in her heart, thinking that Yu Wanxin seemed to like Hou Pengyuan, and guessed based on her attitude reaction just now.

"I don't know... They used to pretend to be a couple, but it seems that they are just to make grandma happy, and they should... No other feelings, right? Maybe it's just for fear of embarrassment. Chi

Xiaoyu actually found out a little and remained suspicious, but when he thought that the two were pretending to be a couple before, they didn't feel true feelings at all.

"Huh? Still pretending to be a couple? But I saw her just like that... Could it be a fake that came true?

"This... People's things, let's not guess casually. Chi Xiaoyu interrupted Bai Yi's gossip, although she also wanted to know the details, but discussing this kind of thing behind people's backs was really impossible for her.

"Brother Luo..." In the car, Hou Pengyuan looked at Luo Geng, who was driving in front of him, and called softly.

Luo Geng glanced at Hou Pengyuan in the rearview mirror and asked, "What's wrong?" It's about to arrive, and if you say nothing now, I won't agree." "

It's not... Since I'm already here, I wouldn't say anything like that, it's just... A question comes to mind. "


Hou Pengyuan asked, "Are you going with Chi Xiaoyu?"

Luo Geng nodded and said, "Yes."

"What about you, Brother Wen?" Hou Pengyuan looked at Wen Shao, the co-pilot, and then asked.

"Me and my girlfriend, you'll see you in a moment, what's wrong?" After Wen Shao answered him, he looked back at him

and found that Hou Pengyuan's face had turned into a bitter melon, with a bitter face, and

his face was not very good-looking.

"Then you guys see... Why do you want to take me this single one? It's not about being a light bulb... You all have company, even if I don't go... It's not bad, but if I go, I'll be alone..." Hou

Pengyuan just realized this serious problem, because even if he was taken by Luo Geng and them to play together, he didn't have a girlfriend to accompany him, nor did he have

the other half to form a couple, and they all had their own other half around them, which was undoubtedly a big injury to Hou Pengyuan,

the kind that hurt his heart.

"Ah, you are worried about this, don't worry, even if we all take our girlfriends, it is impossible to throw you aside."

Luo Geng comforted him, but this was useless

, a total of five people, two couples, alone himself, even if he didn't think about anything, in the eyes of outsiders,

he was obviously superfluous.

There is no need to go with them at all, and in the end it is yourself who suffers.

"Brother Luo, Brother Wen, let's do this, when the time comes, I will invite you to dinner, and then go out to play this thing... Let's talk about it, okay? Hou

Pengyuan once again had the idea of wanting to retreat, but he could only speak in a negotiable tone, otherwise he was worried that Luo Geng would really be angry.

Wen Shao smacked his tongue and said, "Gee... Look at you, and this whole thing, is it to find you a female companion, you are honest? "

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