"Nope... I didn't mean that... Brother Wen, I'm not.... Seeing that you are all in pairs, and I am alone, envy, you also know that my brother and I are single at the same age as my own age, and I have never been in love at all, until now, it is..." Hou

Pengyuan quickly explained, although he was very interested in Wen Shao's sentence to find a female companion for himself, but he had no expectations

, after all, if he could really find a female companion so easily,

It's not going to be alone until now.

His question is not whether he can find it, but whether people can see him after he finds it.

"Okay, the ship is naturally straight when it comes to the bridge, don't think about it."

Although Luo Geng didn't know what to do, he couldn't just let the tied Hou Pengyuan go.

After a while, Luo Geng and they found Chi Xiaoyu and Bai Yi, and after getting out of the car, Chi Xiaoyu ran directly to Luo Geng and threw himself into his arms.

Hou Pengyuan got out of the car, standing in place a little at a loss, he would not take the initiative to say hello, and even felt that Chi Xiaoyu would not care about their existence.

Even if Luo Geng and Wen Shao are willing to let him go together, it doesn't mean that their girlfriends are also willing.

"Oh, that's my girlfriend, how is it, looks good?" Wen Shao patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder and pointed to Bai Yi on the opposite side and said.

"Good-looking, Brother Wen, but you know that this will irritate me."

Hou Pengyuan looked at Wen Shao and pouted, I don't know if he did it on purpose, along the way, I heard Wen Shao say how good his girlfriend is, and the study is also first-class

, after seeing it with his own eyes, whether the study is good or not, but it is indeed very good-looking, although he knows that he should not think so,

but he feels that Wen Shao is a little high.

"At least people climbed high..."

Hou Pengyuan muttered in his mind, his eyes were full of envy, he had also wanted to climb high, but that was just imagination.

Chi Xiaoyu noticed a person standing there silent, Hou Pengyuan, and asked Luo Geng in a low voice:

"Hou Pengyuan is also here, he is alone, will he be uncomfortable?"

"It will... So what to do, should we find someone to accompany him? Luo Geng touched his chin and said, but he didn't have any candidates, because he didn't

know many friends,

and these people present accounted for more than half.

"How about I ask?" Chi Xiaoyu's mind immediately thought of

a candidate, isn't this Yu Wanxin, who just left,

a ready-made candidate?

They knew each other, and the two had pretended to be a couple, although I don't know if they would be embarrassed when they were together,

"You ask?"

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu with some surprise, and did not react for a while to who Chi Xiaoyu was looking for.

"Yes, but I can't guarantee that she will be willing to come..." Chi

Xiaoyu felt that if the two would be embarrassed together, then she would definitely not come.

Several people went to eat together, and Chi Xiaoyu also took the opportunity to leave for a while and went out to make a call.

Hou Pengyuan sat in his seat, although he did not show anything on the surface, talking and laughing with Luo Geng, but he still felt a little lonely in his heart.

In particular, when Wen Shao and Luo Geng chatted with their girlfriends, Hou Pengyuan looked particularly lonely by himself.

After eating in the evening, several people went home separately, ready to pack up their things, and left directly tomorrow.

"Go, I'll open a hotel for you, and I'll pick you up tomorrow." Luo Geng looked at Hou Pengyuan and said.

And Hou Pengyuan shook his head and said softly: "No need, Brother Luo, I'll go home and just clean up my things."

"This way, that's fine, where is your home, I'll send you back."

Luo Geng almost forgot that Hou Pengyuan could go home, because as far as he knew, Hou Pengyuan did not go home for the New Year, he has been taking care of his grandmother, and he has been at his grandmother's house after being discharged from the hospital, and when his grandmother

underwent surgery, none of his family and parents came, Luo Geng felt a little strange,

but he didn't ask more.

"No need to send, it's quite close, I'll walk a few minutes by myself, then that's it, I'll go first, Brother Luo, I'll contact you tomorrow."

After Hou Pengyuan hurriedly said goodbye to Luo Geng, he left here, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu looked at each other, a little surprised, I don't know what happened to Hou Pengyuan.

And Hou Pengyuan knows that he still needs courage to go back to that home, during

the period of taking care of his grandmother, his parents often call and want to call himself back, but since his grandmother's operation, they have not come forward, Hou Pengyuan has stopped paying attention to them, even if he calls, he will definitely not answer, and hang up.

Hou Pengyuan got on the bus and headed to the place that should have been the most familiar, but now a little strange.

Hou Pengyuan is lying, his home is dozens of minutes away from here, he doesn't want Luo Geng to send it, but he also wants to use this time to make mental preparations.

Dozens of minutes later, Hou Pengyuan stood at the door of his house, raised his hand that was about to knock, and also stopped in mid-air, and did not knock.

"Forget it, let's go to the hotel..." Hou

Pengyuan lowered his hand and was about to turn around and leave here

, he thought for a long time,

and he didn't think of what kind of attitude he should use to face them after he entered the door.


A call made Hou Pengyuan stop, he stood in place, looking at the person who was going up the stairs in front of him, it was a woman, carrying something, looking like she had just returned from shopping.


Hou Pengyuan lowered his head and whispered a word, but did not look directly at her

, "You finally went home, enter the house quickly,

your father missed you."

The woman walked up the stairs, grabbed Hou Pengyuan's wrist with one hand, pulled him to the door, then took out the key, opened the door, Hou Pengyuan

did not say a word,

and let his mother take him home.

"Lao Hou, look who is back!"

The woman shouted when she entered the door, and a man's voice came from the kitchen,


In the kitchen, out of a man with an apron and wiping his wet hands, he wore glasses, looked polite, and

the moment he saw Hou Pengyuan, he was instantly stunned,

and the wiping hand also stopped.

"Son... You're back..."

Although he didn't look up

, Hou Pengyuan nodded in response, but this was out of his politeness, and what he kept thinking about in his mind was that his father couldn't save his grandmother, and on this matter,

Hou Pengyuan would never forget or forgive him in his life.

The man looked at Hou Pengyuan's reaction, and seemed to know why he was like this, sighed helplessly, and asked softly: "Son, have you eaten?" "

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