"I've eaten." Hou Pengyuan responded softly, and walked towards his room

, he didn't want to talk to them here, anyway, he must have condemned himself for not going home for so long, not even going home for the New Year,

and taking such a long leave without going to school.

So in order not to hear these topics he didn't want to hear, Hou Pengyuan went back

to his room, and then closed the door, his mother looked at the closed door with some worry, although she wanted to persuade something,

but she also knew what she and his father were like in his heart now.

"I'll go."

Lao Hou patted her shoulder, then took off his apron, ready to try his luck, to see if he could let

Hou Pengyuan open the door and talk to him, every time they wanted to call and talk to Hou Pengyuan, but each time it was unsuccessful, now that he finally came home,

they must seize the opportunity.

"Don't provoke him." Hou Pengyuan's mother reminded that although she knew that her child would not be such an irrational person, it was inevitable that there would be accidents, and the quarrel between father and son was not what she wanted to see.

"Well, don't worry."

Lao Hou nodded, walked to the door of Hou Pengyuan's room, raised his hand and knocked on the door.

"Bang bang—" "

Son, can I get in?" Would it be convenient to talk to me?

His voice came into the room, and the room did not respond to him immediately, but after being silent for a while, Hou Pengyuan's voice was slowly heard.

"Of course you can, this is your house, you don't need my consent if you want to come in, the door is unlocked."

"Alas." Lao Hou sighed, then opened the door and walked into Hou Pengyuan's room.

As soon as he walked in, he saw Hou Pengyuan packing his things and putting them in his suitcase.

"What are you going to do, you want to move?"

Hou Pengyuan's hand that was folding clothes paused, then nodded lightly and said: "With this idea, I will go out with my friends tomorrow, and after I come back, I will go directly to my grandmother's house." Hou

Pengyuan's implication was also very clear, he packed up all his things, and then did not come back, and has been living at his grandmother's house.

"How is your grandma now?"

Lao Hou asked softly, although he knew that it was a little inappropriate for him to ask, and after he saw death at that time, what face did he have to ask about the current situation.

"Well, it's good, thanks to my good buddy, really, I treat him as my relative."

Hou Pengyuan's short sentence completely expressed a meaning, that is, his real relatives are not as good as his good buddy.

Lao Hou also heard about this after that, and his son's friend made a big move, pulled out a knife to help, and let his mother save a life.

Just learned the news, Lao Hou's first reaction was to rejoice, but the next second was doubt, he didn't

understand how Hou Pengyuan could know such a friend,

casually take out so much money to lend Hou Pengyuan?

Another reaction is to worry, he is worried whether Hou Pengyuan paid some painful price to exchange for so much money, otherwise what do people want, Tuhou Pengyuan's favor? It's definitely impossible.

"You're going out tomorrow? And that good buddy you talked about?

"Well, yes."

Hou Pengyuan raised his head and looked at his father, not knowing what he would say next, if he followed his own guess, maybe he would lock the door next, lock himself at home, and not let him go anywhere.

But he will not obediently tie up, and he will come back here and be ready to break up.

"How much did he lend you for your grandmother's surgery?"

"Eighty thousand."

Lao Hou was stunned for a moment, exhaled a heavy breath from his nose, then turned away and said, "You wait for me."

Hou Pengyuan didn't know what he was going to do, he didn't care, he took care of himself to pack his things

, a moment later, Lao Hou walked in again, Hou Pengyuan did not look up, but in front of his eyes, a

thick stack of banknotes suddenly appeared.


Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, his eyes widened, he raised his head, and looked at his father in surprise.

"Our family only has this 30,000 yuan now, you take it and return it to others first, tell people not to worry, and then they will definitely be able to return it all to him."

Hou Pengyuan looked at his father's serious expression, it didn't look like a joke, and the hand he handed to him was also put in front of him, and he could take the money anytime and anywhere.

He didn't know how his father had changed his mind at this time, and when his grandmother needed the surgery fee, didn't he want to take a penny.

However, Hou Pengyuan has never known what the conditions of his family are, and whether these 30,000 are all the property, he does not know.

Hou Pengyuan did not take the money, but shook his head and said: "No need, my grandfather left a sum of money for my grandmother, let me take it and return it to others."

"Your grandfather... Ah, this way..." Lao

Hou was stunned for a moment, but then he also reacted, which money he was talking about, it was the money that his brothers and sisters had always wanted

, although he didn't know the specific amount, but he also heard that there were quite a few,

at least a family could be fed and clothed for a few years.

He also wanted it at that time, he also had a family to support, he could make his family live a good life, who didn't want it? But despite this, he did not ask about the whereabouts of the money.

Originally, Hou Pengyuan thought that he said that the money was gone, and his father would show some regretful expression

, but this was not the case, the old man did not take back the money in his hand, but continued to hand it to Hou Pengyuan, and said: "Then you can also take this money, take it to play with others, buy some good things for your grandmother, buy two new clothes for yourself,

and eat something good when you go to school." "


Hou Pengyuan was a little surprised, he didn't understand what the meaning of his father doing this was, was it just to move himself?

Hou Pengyuan was not polite, took the money directly, frowned slightly, and asked, "Why?"

"I didn't make a good son, but I want to try to be a good father."

Lao Hou smiled slightly, and after saying this, he left the room and helped him close the door.

Leaving Hou Pengyuan sitting alone on the chair, he looked at the closed door in front of him stunned, holding the 30,000 yuan in his hand, thoughtfully.

Only then did he realize that he had patronized his parents who hated him because of his grandmother's affairs

, but he forgot that his father, although he failed his grandmother, never lacked anything from himself, and

he did not fulfill his duties as a son,

but he was worthy of his duties as a father and a husband.

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