Hou Pengyuan remembered that he asked his grandmother some time ago, asking her: Do you hate these children of yours.

After all, they are all their own flesh and blood, but they can't save themselves from death, in the empty ward, a person looks at the ceiling of the hospital, whether he feels sad, so many children, but no one has worried about himself.

However, his grandmother shook her head and said, "Don't hate, your own child, you can't hate it." "

Maybe he didn't have children, he couldn't understand it at the time, and he felt that if it were himself, he would definitely hate it."

After a while, Hou Pengyuan walked out of his room, his father and mother were sitting on the sofa, seemingly talking about something, but after seeing Hou Pengyuan come out, they stopped.

Hou Pengyuan threw the thirty thousand yuan on the table in front of the two of them.


"Having time to see grandma is better than anything."

Hou Pengyuan only left this sentence, then turned around and returned to the room.

As the door of the room closed shut, the two looked at each other, both with surprise in their eyes.

"Our son has grown up." Lao Hou looked at the money on the table, looked at the closed room door, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise, and nodded with satisfaction.

Hou Pengyuan lay on the bed, looking at the ceiling, not knowing what he was thinking, but lying on his own bed again, this place where he had lived for many years, made him feel very relieved.

He looked to the side, on his desk, there was a group photo, in the photo he was still a child, his parents held him, standing in the back, and grandma sat in the front, taking a group photo.

The grandmother in the photo was smiling particularly happily, this kind of smile, Hou Peng has never seen it again.

Unconsciously, Hou Pengyuan closed his eyes and fell asleep, and the light in his room did not know when and who turned it off.

The next day, Hou Pengyuan took his luggage and carried his bag, standing downstairs in his house, holding a mobile phone to call Luo Geng.

"Well, Brother Luo, I'm ready, well, okay, I'll wait."

Hou Pengyuan looked at his other hand, holding a wallet, which contained a lot of money, thousands of yuan, although Hou Pengyuan

returned the 30,000 yuan yesterday, but this morning his parents still forced him to give him these pocket money, and promised him that he could play with peace of mind, and when he was not there,

they would go to take care of his grandmother.

Hou Pengyuan couldn't really let Luo Geng have a treat, so he didn't deliberately refuse, accepted the money, and went out to play or had a little money in his pocket to be at ease.

After a while, Luo Geng's car stopped in front of Hou Pengyuan, the window rolled down, Luo Geng wore sunglasses, held the steering wheel with one hand, and greeted Hou Pengyuan with the other, shouting: "Get in the car!"

Chi Xiaoyu sat in the co-pilot, wearing an extremely gentle slip dress, revealing a pair of ivory-like shoulders, a delicate ponytail on the shoulders, and a sun hat on his head.

Hou Pengyuan put his luggage into the trunk and sat in the back seat, but found that he was alone.

"Brother Wen, what about them?"

Hou Pengyuan asked Wen Shao and Bai Yi, he thought that he would pick them up first, but he actually picked him up first.

"They, ah, the two of them went directly to the port, where we converged."

Luo Geng turned the car around and drove the car out, although Hou Pengyuan did not know the specific direction, but this direction did not look like the direction to the port.

"So what we are now... Go directly to the port?

"Ah, no, I'm going to pick up someone."

"Pick up someone?"

Hou Pengyuan was a little puzzled, but did not ask more

, until, Luo Geng stopped the car

, Hou Pengyuan raised his head and looked out the window, the snow-white long dress, reflected in front of him, with

a light pink belt tied around her waist, set off her slender waist, long hair shawl, and face under the hat,

seemed to exude a red glow.

"Uh..." Hou

Pengyuan didn't react for a while, he didn't know what the situation was, why Yu Wanxin appeared here, why did Luo Geng say that the next person would be her?

"Get in the car."

Luo Geng pointed to the vacant seat behind, Yu Wanxin nodded, put her luggage away, and sat in the car.

At that moment, Hou Pengyuan turned his head, looking very deliberate and looking a little nervous.

"What are you doing... Don't want to look at me..." Yu Wanxin sensed that something was wrong with Hou Pengyuan, so she couldn't help but ask in a low voice.

"No, no, my neck hurts a little."

Hou Pengyuan put his hand on his neck and moved his neck, although he said so, in fact, his heart was no longer calm.

Yu Wanxin lowered her head and asked softly: "Do you, do you think it's embarrassing to be with me, or, if you don't want to hang out with me, you can directly say, it's okay..." Luo

Geng, who was about to start the car and set off, also stopped and did not move forward, as if waiting for Hou Pengyuan's answer.

They are also just kind, want to find someone to accompany Hou Pengyuan, thinking about it is more suitable for Yu Wanxin, but they don't want to mess with the Mandarin Duck Spectrum, not to mention they don't know what happened between the two, so if Hou Pengyuan is not willing to be with Yu Wanxin, then they can't

help it,

and someone will definitely get off the car.


Hou Pengyuan replied a little weakly, because he lied, he was indeed embarrassed to be with Yu Wanxin

, but the embarrassing thing was that he drank too much last time, and after waking up the next day, Hou Pengyuan did not lose the memory of the previous night, and remembered it all,

he couldn't believe that he would do those things and say those things if he drank too much.

So much so that after that, he avoided

Yu Wanxin as much as possible, so it was his memories of the last time he was drunk,

not embarrassed with Yu Wanxin.

"Really? You don't dare to say, in fact, Xiaoyu must invite me to come, I actually, can not come.

Yu Wanxin also lied, when she heard Chi Xiaoyu invite herself, she agreed without saying a word, there is no such thing that Chi Xiaoyu must invite her.

When she said this, she just hoped to give Hou Pengyuan a step, afraid that he didn't want to be with him and didn't dare to say it, resulting in a poor experience of going out this time.

As long as Hou Pengyuan said that she was not willing to hang out with her, then she would take the initiative to leave, and it would never affect Hou Pengyuan.

And Hou Pengyuan was stunned when he heard this sentence, and couldn't help frowning slightly, he didn't understand why

Yu Wanxin said this, when he saw Yu Wanxin, his first reaction was to be happy, I don't know why, there is always a feeling that he is company,

although I don't know if it's because they are pretending to be a couple's partner.

Yu Wanxin can come, at least he is no longer alone.

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