Several people joined Wen Shao and Bai Yi at the port, they arrived here early, and after seeing Luo Geng and them coming, they waved to them happily.

Bai Yi couldn't help but be surprised when he saw the people coming down from the back of the car, as well as Yu Wanxin, but when he saw Hou Pengyuan on the side, he suddenly realized it in an instant.

"You're finally here." Wen Shao sat on the suitcase and kept fanning himself with the fan in his hand, looking very hot.

"Sorry, I should have wasted time by picking me up."

Before Luo Geng could say anything, Yu Wanxin behind him raised his hand and said.

Wen Shao glanced at Yu Wanxin, and then at Hou Pengyuan, and also wanted to understand why Luo Geng wanted them to come directly to the port

, although it was similar to his thoughts, but he didn't expect to actually call Yu Wanxin.

Wen Shao waved his hand and said, "It's okay, let's go buy a ticket quickly, the next boat is about to leave."

Luo Geng parked the car in the port, the car could not get on the boat, and after a few people bought tickets, they boarded the boat to Yuli Island.

The journey only takes an hour or two, during which time to see the view of the sea and feed the seagulls, the time will soon pass.


Bai Yi and Wen Shao both grabbed the railing with their hands, looking at the sea outside, sparkling, and couldn't help but amaze.

Yu Wanxin stood by the railing, the breeze blew the hem of her skirt, she pressed her hat with her hand to prevent being blown away by the wind

, but Hou Pengyuan had no intention of looking at the scenery on the sea, his eyes glanced at Yu Wanxin's side from time to time, especially in this context, he looked at Yu Wanxin's side as if he was looking at a painting.

"Is it my illusion, I always feel that he has been looking at my side..." Yu

Wanxin also secretly looked at Hou Pengyuan's side, but every time she could catch a glimpse of Hou Pengyuan's eyes, it seemed to be looking at her side.

She was a little puzzled, looked at her body, and thought that there was something dirty stuck to her body.

Chi Xiaoyu gently put his hand on the railing, a pair of eyes comparable to the blue and deep eyes of the sea in front of him, staring at the scenery in front of him

, Luo Geng stood next to Chi Xiaoyu, looking at her side face, so that Luo Geng couldn't help but be stunned, in his hand, holding a camera, he picked up the camera, aimed it at Chi Xiaoyu at this time, and pressed the shutter.


"Husband?" Chi Xiaoyu woke up in shock, looked at Luo Geng who took a camera on the side and took pictures of himself, and called suspiciously.

"It's not that you want to use the camera to shoot the scenery, why shoot me..." Chi Xiaoyu muttered softly, although she was happy.

"You're better than the scenery."

Luo Geng looked at the camera, Chi Xiaoyu's side face, in Luo Geng's eyes, the scenery behind Chi Xiaoyu was all eclipsed, only Chi Xiaoyu was the most beautiful scenery.

"Then I will also help you take a few pictures, I also think you are better than the scenery." Chi Xiaoyu wanted to take Luo Geng's camera, but Luo Geng didn't let her succeed and took a step back.

"Don't, I haven't shot enough, you stand there, let me take a few more."

The two were playing around the others, and the eyes of the others were looking at the beautiful scenery around them, but the eyes of the two of them seemed to be only each other.


In an instant, a sharp beep appeared in Luo Geng's ears, accompanied by a tingling sensation in his head.


Luo Geng stood in place, smacked his tongue, and supported his head with his hand.

"Husband! What's wrong?

Chi Xiaoyu chased after him, seeing that Luo Geng's face was a little unpleasant, so he asked nervously.

"It's okay, it's just sudden tinnitus..." Luo Geng rubbed his ears with his palm, but he knew that it wasn't just tinnitus, the tingling sensation was real.

"Go get some rest." Chi Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng, took him to the cabin, and took him to sit on the chair.

"Is it uncomfortable somewhere?"

Chi Xiaoyu gently patted Luo Geng's back, her eyes were full of worry, she was very keen, even if Luo Geng didn't say anything, she could feel that something was wrong with Luo Geng, there must be something uncomfortable.

"It's okay, maybe it's just that I ate too much in the morning, and then just after the boat swayed, I was a little seasick, it's okay, just sit for a while."

Luo Geng waved his hand, and as the tingling sensation in his head gradually weakened, Luo Geng also breathed a sigh of relief, it seemed that there was nothing serious, that is, it was just a little uncomfortable.


"Well, really, don't worry." Luo Geng comforted Chi Xiaoyu on the side, telling her not to worry anymore.

"What's wrong?" The other four also walked back after seeing Luo Geng and they returned to the cabin, looked at Luo Geng sitting on the chair with a bad face, and asked with some doubt.

Only Wen Shao noticed that something was wrong, and slightly condensed his eyebrows, silently.

"Seasick, it's okay."

Luo Geng waved his hand and simply coped

, Bai Yi looked at his watch and said, "It should be almost here, right?" The

ship slowly docked in the port and successfully arrived at Youli Island, everyone took their luggage and disembarked, and Luo Geng also breathed two breaths of fresh air at this time, and felt a lot better.

Wen Shao looked in the direction of the seaside, pointed over there and said, "There are many people on the seaside here." "

There are many people who travel here, there are countless tourists standing on the golden beach, dense, and the sea is like dumplings, there are no gaps at all.

"There are a lot of seaside here, so there should be fewer people."

Everyone found two cars and prepared to go to the place where they lived, which was Qin Qiao's home, Luo Geng told the destination, then got into the car, and the two cars drove together to the depths of Yuli Island.

Although Yuli Island is not big, but if you want to drive here, it will take a day

, plus Luo Geng they are not locals, although they have the address of the residence, but do not know the specific location, so it was delayed for a long time

, until, the car found the right location, arrived at the address given by Qin Qiao

, Luo Geng saw the house in front of him, couldn't help but widen his eyes, stunned in place.

The house is on the seashore, facing the sea, and a large area of the sea is enclosed by a fence in front, like its own fish pond, no one is there, and there are two fishing boats on the shore.

The house is a bit like a country house, not so elaborately decorated, but it has two floors, the area is very large, and it is very wide from the outside alone.

"Wow, we live here?" Wen Shao pointed to the house in front of him and sighed, this is much better than other hotels and homestays, if you rent it, and then catch up with the current tourist season, it will definitely cost hundreds to stay for one night.

Luo Geng was even more suspicious, the address in his hand had been correct on the street sign for a long time, for fear that he would find the wrong place.

"This is Qin Qiao's family? With such conditions at home, why did the whole family run inland for her to learn to draw? "

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