Luo Geng called Qin Qiao, and

after describing the characteristics and determining that this was Qin Qiao's house, Luo Geng hung up the phone.

"Let's go, let's go inside."

Luo Geng dragged his luggage, took out the key given by Qin Qiao, and came to the door of the house with the others.


Luo Geng opened the door, maybe no one had returned for too long, the door made a crunching sound, and when he opened the door, it also raised some dust slightly.

As soon as you walked in, there was a huge hall, facing the stairs leading to the second floor,

"It looks like it will take a long time to clean up."

Chi Xiaoyu touched the handrail of the stairs with his fingers, and his fingers were covered with a thick layer of dust.

"I'm here to help.... Belch... But wait for me to change my clothes first..."

Yu Wanxin looked at the white dress on her body, dressed like this to clean up the house, it is estimated that this skirt will be wasted.

"I'll go find the tools to pack." Bai Yi rolled up her sleeves and looked at a few rooms downstairs, not knowing where the broom mop was.

Three boys standing in place, you look at me, I look at you.

"Okay, don't be wide-eyed, let's help." Luo Geng walked to Chi Xiaoyu's side and wanted to help, but as soon as he walked over, he was stopped by Chi Xiaoyu.

"Husband, you don't need to clean up here, you go out first, and you will come back when we clean up."

"yes, you guys go out first." Yu Wanxin also echoed on the side.

"Huh? This... We..." Luo Geng was stunned, looking at Wen Shao and Hou Pengyuan behind him who were about to come forward, the two were also stunned in place

, they couldn't watch only the girls clean up, everyone was going to live here, the girls cleaned up, but a few of them were playing outside, which was really a little bad.

"There are many people and chaos, you boys are clumsy, the dust will fly all over the sky, especially Wen Shao, absolutely can't let him clean up, it will definitely help."

Bai Yi came out of the bathroom with cleaning tools and a few gloves in her hand.

Wen Shao pointed to himself aggrievedly, a "sigh" word appeared on his face, and smiled bitterly, before he did anything, he was judged by Bai Yi to be someone who would definitely help

, but this was said by his girlfriend, and he didn't dare to refute it, after all, he knew that Bai Yi didn't want him to clean up the room and get tired, so he deliberately said so.

Wen Shao thought of a way to try to get Luo Geng and Hou Pengyuan to go out with him, if the two of them stayed to clean and ran to the beach outside to play in the sand, then they would really be fools.

"I just saw that there are fishing boats outside, why don't we go fishing?" You can eat fish in the evening.

Wen Shao pointed to the door, and several fishing boats on the seaside said.

"Will you?" Luo Geng glanced at him and asked suspiciously.

The corners of Wen Shao's mouth rose, nodded confidently, and pointed and said:

"What won't be this, cast a wide net, as long as the net is cast more, you will definitely be able to catch something!"

Two hours later -

"Are you really sure you will?" After two hours, I caught a ribbon fish.

Luo Geng pointed to the bucket on the side, now there is only one fish that looks half-dead, this is the success of Wen Shao's hard work for two hours, the

net he threw out, either nothing, or entangled, just untying the entangled net, it gave him a headache to death.

"Or let's go to the vegetable market and buy a few, Brother Wen, so that you can at least save your face..." Hou

Pengyuan shook his head helplessly, he already knew that it was such a result, it was better to play in the sand on the shore

, and those girls knew that the three of them, in two hours, caught a fish with a fish, and they would definitely be laughed at.

"Wet market? Can the fish I buy in the market be compared to the fish I caught freshly? Just wait! Wen Shao shouted at Hou Pengyuan while playing with the net.

Luo Geng sighed, sat down, and said: "The living conditions of fishermen's families are closely related to the harvest of every time they go to sea, although the amount of harvest is unpredictable, but buddy, if you fish to support your family, your wife and children will starve to death."

"Moreover, Brother Wen, it seems that the wind is starting to blow, there may be danger in a while, let's go back quickly."

Hou Pengyuan felt that their boat began to sway, and the wind was getting bigger and bigger, blowing waves on the sea, and the waves kept hitting the shore.

"Don't worry, this time, it will definitely work, believe me, if you don't succeed, you will become a benevolent!"

Wen Shao stood up, threw the fishing net out, and spread it on the sea

, but, time passed bit by bit, Luo Geng and Hou Pengyuan felt that there was still no big movement, Wen Shao guarded the net, ready to fish it up for a while to see the success, he had a hunch, this time there will be big fish!

"Let's go to the vegetable market to buy some fish later, and then forget about this fish with fish, it looks a little pitiful."

Luo Geng patted the bucket on the side, this fish looked like it had no spirit, maybe it would turn over in the next second, otherwise he would not be caught by Wen Shao.

"That's not okay, this is my booty."

Wen Shao took the bucket in Luo Geng's hand, he went out to sea for the first time, it was already very good to catch this ribbon fish, this did not bring back to brag, I am sorry for his two-hour effort.

"I'll go buy you a fish of more than a dozen pounds later, won't your loot be more windy..."

While Luo Geng was still talking, the net on the side suddenly moved, and it was quickly dragged into the sea!

"Net! Net! The bucket in Wen Shao's hand was directly thrown out by him, he didn't expect that he didn't look at the fishing net for this time, and immediately there was a big guy caught in the net, looking at the speed of the net, it is estimated that the strength is not small, it must be a big fish.

Luo Geng didn't think about anything, subconsciously grabbed the fishing net on the side

, but he also seemed to underestimate the strength of the fish below, and the moment he just caught it, the strength was not used, and the whole person was dragged out!


Luo Geng's eyes widened, but he didn't have time to react and let go, and he didn't have time to exert force at all.


In the next second, Luo Geng's whole person fell directly into the sea, splashing a huge splash, and the fishing boat shook violently twice.

"Brother Luo!" Seeing this scene, Hou Pengyuan shouted

, and then jumped out without saying a word, jumped into the sea, and wanted to save Luo Geng,

"It's miserable!"

Wen Shao gritted his teeth, he didn't know how Luo Geng was, but he dragged the net in his hand, and it was estimated that he couldn't react for a while, and after choking on a mouthful of seawater, it was difficult to swim up again, but

he knew that Hou Pengyuan couldn't swim, and if he jumped, no one would save him.

So Wen Shao did not dare to delay time, and quickly jumped down, and for a while, the three people on the fishing boat fell into the water one after another, and there were strips of fish left on the boat.

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