"They've been out long enough to come back yet."

Yu Wanxin stood by the sea, looking at the distance, still could not see a little

of the three of them, a few of them cleaned up the house quickly, they had already packed up, just waiting for a few of them to come back and assign the room.

As a result, the sun was about to set, and the dusk by the sea dyed the whole sky, the whole ocean, the whole beach.

Bai Yi shrugged helplessly and said, "Boys, it's normal to be playful, but it must be the most playful in my family."

Chi Xiaoyu sat on the chair, looking at the distance of the sea, I don't know why, she always felt very uneasy

, she thought that she was too dependent on Luo Geng, causing him to be absent for a while, she missed him a little, but she found that this uneasiness was not missing, but worried.

In the past, when she felt this way, something bad would happen, so when she felt this way, she was very worried about what would happen.

"Luo Geng..."

Chi Xiaoyu muttered, and at this time, on the side of the sea that she had been staring at, a small boat shadow gradually appeared, heading towards the shore.

"Is that they're back?"

Yu Wanxin and Bai Yi also saw the ship

, "I have to teach Wen Shao a good lesson, it took so long to come back."

Bai Yi frowned slightly, staring at the ship, which became clearer and clearer in front of them.

"This... What kind of situation..." Yu Wanxin was suddenly startled, and looked at Bai Yi on the side in a daze, and found that she had the same reaction.

"I don't know..."

Bai Yi shook her head blankly, they saw that on the boat, only Wen Shao was standing there, his hair wet, his upper body was shirtless, and his shirt was draped over his shoulders, and he looked soaked.

Chi Xiaoyu also stood up and stepped forward, the feeling of uneasiness in his heart became stronger and stronger, they had not yet seen Luo Geng and Hou Pengyuan on that boat.

Until, the ship was getting closer and closer, one hand was on the side of the boat, Luo Geng's head, slowly poked out, his hair was also wet, in addition, he looked a little weak.

Chi Xiaoyu didn't know what happened to Luo Geng, but seeing him like this, his heart couldn't help but tug fiercely.

Yu Wanxin did not see Hou Pengyuan's figure, her two eyebrows frowned slightly, and her teeth bit her lips lightly.

The fishing boat landed, Wen Shao bent down, one hand to support Luo Geng, the other hand, grabbed Hou Pengyuan below.

Hou Pengyuan was grabbed by Wen Shao and slowly stood up, but as soon as he stood up, he suddenly coughed a few times,

"Cough cough!" He was also drenched, coughed twice, and coughed up a little seawater.

"Husband!" Chi Xiaoyu quickly ran over, looking at Luo Geng in front of her, she didn't know what happened, but seeing his somewhat weak appearance, she was really a little uncomfortable.

"It's okay, wife." Luo Geng quickly comforted Chi Xiaoyu and told her that he was fine, but he was even a little small to speak now.

Bai Yi looked at Wen Shao, who was most like a nobody, at this time, and asked, "What's wrong?"

She just thought that Wen Shao was greedy for fun, pulling the two of them unwilling to come back, and she thought about teaching Wen Shao a lesson when they came back, but now looking at the situation, it doesn't seem to be what she thinks.

"Alas, don't mention it, I feel now that it's really not easy to go to sea, it's really difficult for Wang Luffy, fortunately I'm not a dry duck, otherwise these two will sink to the bottom."

Wen Shao flicked his shoes, shook his clothes, looked at the two people behind him, and shook his head helplessly, here he looks the most like a nobody, in fact, he is the most tired and the most tense.

Now that he got off the boat, his legs were soft and he almost fell to his knees directly.

"What do you mean... Don't talk about whether the comics you read are good or not, what the hell is going on.

Bai Yi listened to the clouds, but he could vaguely figure out what was happening.

"Bai Yi..." Luo Geng called, attracting Bai Yi's attention, and when she looked over, Luo Geng said seriously:

"Wen Shao he... Saved our lives. "

He..." Bai Yi was stunned, looking at Wen Shao on the side, his mouth slightly open, a little surprised.

Wen Shao straightened his chest, closed his eyes and said lightly: "Ahem, it's okay, fortunately the two of them didn't struggle indiscriminately, otherwise the three of us would be finished."

Yu Wanxin walked to Hou Pengyuan, he was sitting on the ground, looking a little decadent.

"Are you okay?" Yu Wanxin bent down and looked at Hou Pengyuan in front of him, thinking that he still

hadn't eased up, but he didn't look like he hadn't slowed down, a bit like a decadent spirit.

Hou Pengyuan glanced up at Yu Wanxin, did not speak, but shook his head slightly.

At this time, Luo Geng came to Hou Pengyuan's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "Yuanzi, thank you too, you jumped down without hesitation to save me, good brother, I will never forget this kindness." Listening

to Luo Geng's words, Hou Pengyuan's eyes widened, and he quickly waved his hand and said,

"No, no, no, Brother Luo, this... It's not a kindness, I didn't help at all, and... Almost dragged Brother Wen's hind legs and killed us all..." In

fact, he has always been so decadent, that is, he is blaming himself, he obviously can't swim, why jump? What is the difference between this and sending to death, it is clear to drag back.

However, at that moment, seeing Luo Geng falling into the water, he really had no way to hesitate, and he jumped down without hesitation at the first time.

"Husband, don't talk about it, go to the hospital quickly."

Although Chi Xiaoyu saw that the three of them were okay now, he was worried about something else and wanted to urge Luo Geng to go to the hospital quickly.

However, Luo Geng shook his head and said, "It's okay, it's just choking on some water, it's not a big deal."

"This..." Chi Xiaoyu still wanted to say something, but since Luo Geng had said so, she did not continue to insist.

The three returned home and took turns taking a shower and then allocated a room.

"Three rooms..."

Luo Geng and there were six of them, but there were only three rooms in this house, only two people.

Luo Geng and Wen Shao don't matter to the two of them, after all, living in the same room with his girlfriend is already used to it.

The problem is in Hou Pengyuan and Yu Wanxin, they are not a couple, living in the same room, something is wrong.

"I'll live on the sofa, Wanxin, you live in the room."

Hou Pengyuan pointed to the sofa in the living room and took his luggage.

Yu Wanxin stood in place, looking like she wanted to say something, but couldn't say it.

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