"Can't you squeeze it?" Wen Shao pointed to the two of them and said on the side.

Luo Geng did not speak, but seemed to acquiesce to what Wen Shao said.

After all, they all lived in the room, and Hou Pengyuan lived alone on the sofa, and they were a little careless.

In general, girls will object, living with boys who are not couples, it is definitely unbearable

, but Yu Wanxin did not make a sound, did not affirm, did not deny, or Hou Peng foresaw Yu Wanxin did not speak, and thought that she was embarrassed and did not know how to refuse.

"It's okay, I'm on the couch, just get some sleep anyway."

Hou Pengyuan is already very different from a few months ago, if it was before, he must have said this sentence seriously, and what he thought in his heart must not please Yu Wanxin.

But now, he is not stupid, of course he wants to be in a room with Yu Wanxin, he likes Yu Wanxin, from beginning to end, has not changed, and the person he likes is in the same room, fools are unwilling, but he can't take the initiative to agree to this kind of thing, this kind of thing still has to be agreed to by

Yu Wanxin, he saw that Yu Wanxin did not speak, so he took the words, so as not to let the two of them fall into embarrassment, if Yu Wanxin

just agreed, then he would definitely accept it gladly.

After allocating the room, everyone was ready to go out to eat, because it was not early, there were no ingredients in the house, and they could not cook their own food.

The most common on this island is seafood, on the contrary, vegetables are relatively rare, the food on the table, most of them are seafood, the residents of the island are tired of eating, but for inland people, it is a seafood meal.

"It's really not me blowing, when I jumped into the sea, I instantly transformed into a fish-people, and at that moment I directly merged with the sea, grabbed Luo Geng with one hand, grabbed Hou Pengyuan with the other, desperately went upstream, and my legs almost cramped..."

Wen Shao was telling the other people at the table about the situation at that time, although most of them were added by him a little exaggeration

, but Luo Geng and Hou Pengyuan did not say anything, after all, at that time, Wen Shao was already their god, I can't overstate it.

"Good, good, hard work for you, don't talk about it first, eat more." Bai Yi took the dish to Wen Shao and fed it to his mouth.

It's no wonder that Wen Shao publicized it so much, his actions this time can blow for a lifetime, and now if you think about it, I feel a little afraid, and a slight carelessness is three lives.

However, the more Wen Shao said this, the more Hou Pengyuan blamed himself on the side, because his behavior was like a joke, and he almost killed several of them.

Yu Wanxin secretly glanced at Hou Pengyuan on the side, looking at his slightly bowed head, not knowing what he was thinking.

After eating, everyone went back, it was very late at this time, it was late at night, Luo Geng felt a little tired, and after going back, he returned to the room early and prepared to rest.

Others also returned to the room, Hou Pengyuan held his futon, came to the sofa, ready to lie down and rest here

, the light in the living room has been turned off, it is dim, only a small lamp is shimmering.


Hou Pengyuan sighed, in this dark and quiet environment, he briefly reviewed his incompetent life, and felt particularly sad in his heart

, just like he was sleeping on the sofa now, he took the initiative, but at this time, he still felt a little lonely.


At this time, a small sound of the door opening sounded, Hou Pengyuan was a little puzzled, and looked at the source of the sound, it was Yu Wanxin's room.

A slit opened in her room, and her head poked out a little, not knowing what she was peeking at.

Hou Pengyuan couldn't help but ask in a low voice, "Uh... What are you doing?

"You haven't slept yet..." "

No, what's wrong?" Hou Pengyuan sat up from the sofa and watched Yu Wanxin push open the door and walk out of her room, still

holding two cans of beer in her hand.

Yu Wanxin put the beer on the coffee table, and then sat down on the other side of the sofa.

"What for..."

Yu Wanxin said softly: "Drink with me, don't you often drink in school?"

Hou Pengyuan scratched his head in embarrassment and explained, "That's because... Roommates, they often pull me to..."

"Okay, don't explain, as far as I know it's your organization, it's no less than three times."


Pengyuan didn't expect Yu Wanxin to know that he had also organized a drinking party, because since he drank too much and went out to play, he preferred to go out to drink with his roommates, so he often organized a drinking party after that, but he never drank too much


Yu Wanxin picked up the beer on the coffee table, slowly opened it, and then took a sip.

"You... Can't swim, why do you have to jump..." Yu

Wanxin slowly opened her mouth and asked softly, Hou Pengyuan's reaction, she has always looked at it, so she asked this question.

Hou Pengyuan was about to pick up the wine and take a sip, but after hearing this question, his hand stopped in mid-air, and after a pause of a few seconds, he slowly took a sip.

"If I were to do it all over again, I think I would still jump without hesitation, even if it was causing trouble and dragging my legs, but I couldn't watch Luo Ge fall, but I didn't move, if I want to blame, blame me for not being able to swim."

Hou Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin and smiled slightly, that smile seemed to tell Yu Wanxin how stupid he was, obviously knowing that it was a wrong act, but he also said that he would definitely do it.

Yu Wanxin listened to Hou Pengyuan's words, first silent for a while, and then a smile slightly raised at the corner of her lips, and muttered: "It's still not changed at all, what you did.... Silly and sincere..." "

Is that a compliment on me?"

"Let's see how you understand it."

"Then I'm supposed to be praising me."

Hou Pengyuan raised the wine bottle and gently bumped with Yu Wanxin, the two of them drank quietly in this silent night, as if the communication was in the wine

, "Have you ever thought about what to do if something happens to your grandmother..."

Hou Pengyuan was stunned for a moment, and said jokingly: "My grandma can't live if she doesn't leave me."

Yu Wanxin nodded and said, "

Hmm... You said... That's right, but she will be sad, you don't value your life, let the people who care about you, what to do..."

So, will you be sad if something happens to me?

Faced with Hou Pengyuan's question, Yu Wanxin replied without hesitation: "It will be sad."

Then, she muttered softly: "As for whether you can live without it, I don't know..."

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