"It's okay, I know you'll be sad, that's enough, no one who leaves can't live."

Hou Pengyuan looked at Yu Wanxin's face in the shimmer, his inner feeling at this time was very subtle, he didn't know what his so-called liking meant,

he felt that if it was Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, then the two of them were like fish and water, the fish would die if they left the water, but he thought about it carefully, if it was replaced by himself and Yu Wanxin, would it still be like this?

It is impossible for her to live because she is separated from herself, and she is the same,

so is this kind of liking just like some aspect of her? Even if you don't get any response, it doesn't matter if you like it?

The two chatted for a long time, and the wine on the table was drunk bottle by bottle, until the prepared wine had been drunk, and the two were slightly drunk and chatting hotly.

"Finished drinking."

Hou Pengyuan shook the beer in his hand, there was no longer in the can, he drank so many times when he was in school, and the amount of alcohol was also practiced a lot

, but the same amount, drunk into Yu Wanxin's stomach, but made her a little dizzy

, "You haven't drunk enough, go, let's go out and buy some more."

Yu Wanxin stood up, pulled Hou Pengyuan's wrist, and was about to drag him

out, Hou Pengyuan did not react, he was directly dragged out of the door by Yu Wanxin, it was very hot during the day, but at night, the sea breeze was cool, and Hou Pengyuan only wore a half-sleeve.

Hou Pengyuan snorted, looked at Yu Wanxin in front of him and asked, "Still drink... After a little more drinking, it will be dawn.

Yu Wanxin stopped walking, turned her head to look at Hou Pengyuan, looked a little dissatisfied, pouted, and said:

"Why, if you can drink with your roommate, you don't want to drink with me?"

Hou Pengyuan shook his head again and again and said: "Ah no, that's not true, but you also know what I look like when I get drunk..., it's too humiliating to drink too much." He

could never forget his ugliness that day, his drunken appearance, and after that day, the boy who was dismissed by himself saw himself like a plague, and walked around.

As a result, for a long time after that, he did not dare to talk to Yu Wanxin.

"It's okay, it's okay, I'll accompany you this time." Yu Wanxin directly put one arm around Hou Pengyuan's shoulder, making him tremble.

Now even if I am afraid of getting drunk, I have to face the difficulties.

They searched the streets for a long time before they found a 24-hour shop.

Yu Wanxin looked at the wine on the shelf and squinted her eyes, she couldn't understand it, and she didn't know which one was delicious.

"How much do you probably drink to get drunk..."

Yu Wanxin looked at Hou Pengyuan and asked blankly

, at this time her cheeks on both sides had a faint flush, her eyes were confused, and after being blown by the cold wind, drunkenness began to surge in her heart.

Hou Pengyuan was also the first time to see Yu Wanxin like this, and he felt a little cute and a little puzzled, because he didn't know why Yu Wanxin was drunk.

"Well, we've drunk a lot, now, about 5 bottles."

Yu Wanxin nodded, then turned to look at the shop owner and shouted: "Okay, boss, come 15 bottles of beer!"

Hou Pengyuan suddenly widened his eyes in shock, quickly stopped Yu Wanxin, and said:

"Wait, wait!" You can't drink anymore, you've already drunk a lot, and it's definitely uncomfortable to drink again, you can only drink up to two bottles now!

Yu Wanxin looked at Hou Pengyuan, blinked her eyes, and nodded gently,

"Oh... Good... That boss, then 12 bottles is enough..."

Hou Pengyuan carried wine and some snacks, followed by Yu Wanxin, she was obviously a little dizzy, walking a little unsteadily, but still strode forward.

"Slow down, don't fall."

Hou Pengyuan reminded her in the back and followed her back to the door.

When Hou Pengyuan was about to put the beer down and open the door, he found Yu Wanxin standing by the sea, the breeze blowing the hem of her skirt and hair.

The moon hangs low on the surface of the sea, and the surface of the gentle waves is shining with a layer of silver, which is distant, secluded and endless in the night, like a frozen lake.

Seeing this scene, Hou Pengyuan was a little lost in thought, and the hand that opened the door also stopped there.

Yu Wanxin ruffled her hair, turned her head, smiled softly and gracefully, and said softly: "I said, it's not bad to drink here, right?" "


The two sat side by side on the beach, by the sea and in the moonlight, drinking wine and chatting about the sky.

Time passed little by little, and the moon moved little by little with time, burying half of its body in that day.

Perhaps because of the atmosphere, both of them did not feel drunk for the first time and drank all the wine they bought.

It wasn't until the alcohol came up that the two realized they were a little drunk.

Yu Wanxin patted Hou Pengyuan's shoulder and asked,

"Hou Pengyuan... I ask you oh, it is... At the time I said to pursue... Pursue... Who is that, what is the name I forgot, anyway, it was the man, at that time, were you angry? "

Hmm... A little bit of it.

Hou Pengyuan also thought for a long time, did not think of the man's name, maybe in their hearts, he is not important at all.

"Then I apologize to you for making you angry, I'm sorry."

Yu Wanxin stood up, bowed to Hou Pengyuan like a child, and even began to speak sluggishly.

"You've drunk too much, sit down."

Hou Peng's foresight could not persuade her, so he asked softly:

"Then I also ask you, you came to me for help, see when I drink with many girls in KTV, are you angry?"

"At the time... Actually, it's fine, but after that... The more you think about it, the more angry you get!

Yu Wanxin did not shy away from saying her true thoughts, she didn't know how her psychology had changed at that time, anyway, after that night, her heart was no longer calm.

Yu Wanxin's feet stumbled, almost about to fall, Hou Pengyuan quickly stood up and supported her.

"Let's go, go back to sleep."

Hou Pengyuan supported Yu Wanxin and wanted to take her back

, who knew that she suddenly stopped, stood in front of Hou Pengyuan, turned to look at him, stretched out a finger, and said:

"Last question... Is the confession after getting drunk credible?

Hou Pengyuan was really stunned for a moment, then touched his chin and replied, "I think... I can't believe it, after all, what I said after getting drunk, who knows if it is true or false, maybe I forgot it the next day.

He also had his own reason for saying this, and he wanted to use this sentence to save himself, so that she would not remember the embarrassing words she said that day when she was drunk, and let her not take it seriously.

"Okay then."

Hearing Hou Pengyuan say this, Yu Wanxin took a step forward and approached his ear, her lips moved slightly, and she made a subtle sound,

"I like you."

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