This sentence instantly exploded in Hou Pengyuan's mind, he was completely stupid, stunned in place, seeing that Yu Wanxin had entered the house, but he was still standing in place, at a loss.

"Like... I?

"Is this true or not... Joking or serious ..? "

She just asked me if the confession after being drunk can be trusted... What I said is not credible? And then she confessed? What does this mean, let me not believe it?

"But what if it's true?"

Hou Pengyuan woke up this time, feeling the cold wind blowing, his brain was in chaos, he didn't know what the situation was now, what should he do...

Hou Pengyuan walked into the room and prepared to return to his sofa residence, but as soon as he walked over, before he sat down, he heard an even breathing sound.


Hou Pengyuan took a closer look and saw that Yu Wanxin did not return to her room, but lay on her own sofa, covered with her own quilt!

"This..." Now

Hou Pengyuan didn't know what to do at all, just messed up his mind, let himself be puzzled, and as a result, he ran in and slept, and occupied his place!

Hou Pengyuan squatted down, squatted next to the sofa, looked at Yu Wanxin, who had fallen asleep in front of him, and didn't know what to do,

"Wanxin... Wanxin..., you go back to your room and sleep... Where do I sleep when you sleep here? Hou

Pengyuan gently pushed Yu Wanxin, wanting to wake her up, but it was almost in vain, after she lay down drunk, she couldn't wake her up.


Hou Pengyuan sighed, sitting aside, now

the sofa is occupied by Yu Wanxin, he only has a place to sit, although the room is empty, he can't leave her alone, and then run to the room to sleep, and when the others come out the next day, see Yu Wanxin on the sofa, and he went to the room, it was really ungraceful.


At this time, Yu Wanxin let out a low hum, and the hand outside the quilt seemed to be groping for something.

Hou Pengyuan squatted down and asked softly, "Looking for what?"

Seeing that her hand had been looking for something, Hou Pengyuan was a little puzzled, until she touched Hou Pengyuan's hand, she stopped, and then grabbed his hand.

The corners of Yu Wanxin's mouth rose slightly in an arc, and then she continued to sleep with peace of mind, while Hou Pengyuan squatted aside, feeling Yu Wanxin's warm palm, and looked at her blankly.

He helped Yu Wanxin tuck the quilt, and he sat under the sofa, holding her hand tightly.

Early the next morning, Luo Geng walked out of the room, he and Chi Xiaoyu both got up early, and Wen Shao and Bai Yi looked like they were late risers

, "Ha-"

Luo Geng yawned, his head was heavy, but he was used to it, and when he walked out of the room, he saw a scene that made him unimaginable.

"This... What happened last night? The

corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, in the living room, the table was full of drunken beer, on the sofa, lying Yu Wanxin, while Hou Pengyuan was sitting on the ground, leaning on the sofa and falling asleep, the hands of the two of them were still holding together....

Luo Geng's eyes stared at the hands held by the two, smiled slightly, and muttered, "It seems that last night should have been very pleasant." "


"Huh? Aren't all three of you going to play? The

three girls looked at the boys in front of them with some surprise, they were going to the beach to play at this time, but when they asked the boys, they unanimously refused.

"Really... If you really don't go, you guys will forget it, by the way, it's in shallow water, don't go to deep places.

"yes... Let's prepare lunch at home, you guys go have fun. "

Hmm... Agreed..."

Luo Geng and the three of them all shook their heads, since they fell into the water yesterday, they had developed a deep fear of this sea

, that dark, helpless feeling, they really didn't want to try again.

Especially Wen Shao, when he got up in the morning, there was no place in his body that did not hurt, the next downstairs was his life, getting up was a trial, and now he, let alone swimming, walked hard.

"Then leave it to you, we're going to play."

The three changed their swimsuits and went to the beach to play, leaving only Luo Geng and the three boys, in the kitchen, preparing lunch.

The window in the kitchen can see the view of the sea outside, and the three people watch the girls outside wearing swimsuits playing in the sea, which is simply a rare landscape.

"I also want

to play..." Hou Pengyuan looked out the window, his eyes stared at Yu Wanxin outside, although he wanted to play, but Luo Geng and Wen Shao didn't go, and it wasn't good for him to go by himself, so he stayed.

Wen Shao was a sore body and muscle strain, while Luo Geng was a little uncomfortable, and his head had been sinking since he was a little uncomfortable on the boat yesterday.

"Yuanzi, you and Wanxin..."

Luo Geng looked at Hou Pengyuan and asked him about the situation, after all, he came out this morning and saw that scene, and he was really a little curious about what they did last night.

"I don't know..." Hou Pengyuan shook his head, don't say what Luo Geng wanted to know the situation, he himself also wanted to know what the situation was now.

After waking up in the morning, Yu Wanxin was like a nobody, and Hou Pengyuan didn't know how to ask her about last night, he was now eager to know whether what she said last night was drunk or sincere.

Wen Shao smacked his lips, slapped the table, and said: "What are you doing so hard, do you like her or not, if you like it, confess, choose a person you like, what is there to regret."

Hou Pengyuan shook his head and said,

"Eh, Brother Wen, I have to refute this, I choose people who like me, not people I like, so... I still like to be passive.

After Wen Shao heard Hou Pengyuan's words, he frowned slightly and said, "Huh? At your age, don't you gamble on someone you like, and you can't afford to lose.

Although he knew Hou Pengyuan and knew that he was a person with this kind of personality, he didn't think it was so bad, but he really couldn't stand it, he knew that he had a chance, but he was still passive.

"It's not that I'm afraid of losing, but I like to be safe."

Hou Pengyuan and Wen Shao looked at Luo Geng at the same time, the two of them now had such a disagreement, so they wanted to ask Luo Geng's thoughts.

"Brother Luo, what do you think, do you choose the person you like, or the person who likes you."


Luo Geng pointed to himself, stunned for a moment, and after thinking about it, he spread his hands and said,

"I think... These two don't conflict, the people I like are also the people who like me, and if these two can't happen at the same time, then I think every choice is meaningless. "

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