On the return boat, Chi Xiaoyu held a photo in his hand, which was a group photo of the six of them.

Because everyone has their own affairs, Yu Wanxin decided on a temporary basis, so he can't come out for too long, Hou Pengyuan is worried about his grandmother, worried that there is no one to take care of when he comes out to play, so he can't play for so long.

Chi Xiaoyu looked to the side, Luo Geng sat on the seat, supporting her forehead with her hand, closing her eyes and resting

, her face was a little worried, because she knew that among these people, the most problematic was Luo Geng, who had not played anything in the past few days, and looked particularly uncomfortable.

Chi Xiaoyu put her hand on the back of Luo Geng's hand and held it gently, but she didn't see a little bead of sweat oozing from Luo Geng's forehead.

After disembarking, despite their best persuasion, they could not persuade Luo Geng, who insisted on driving them all home.

"Brother Luo, you drive slowly, go back and rest well."

Hou Pengyuan looked at Luo Geng in the car and instructed worriedly.

"Don't worry, it's okay."

After Luo Geng said goodbye to him, he drove away, and now only Chi Xiaoyu was sitting in the co-pilot in the car, Chi Xiaoyu

looked at Luo Geng's side face and asked: "Husband, what do you want to eat at night, I will make it for you."

However, Luo Geng did not answer, but looked ahead with blank eyes, holding the steering wheel in his hand, but a little stiff.

"Husband?" Chi Xiaoyu called out a little suspiciously, but still didn't get any response from Luo Geng.


Chi Xiaoyu shouted, Luo Geng suddenly raised his eyebrows, his eyes opened, as if he woke up, and then subconsciously stepped on the brakes!


The car braked sharply on the road, making a harsh friction sound, and even brake marks appeared on the road.


Luo Geng's eyes widened, exhaled, and looked shocked, fortunately there was no car on the road, otherwise danger would have occurred just now.

Luo Geng parked the car on the side of the road and looked at Chi Xiaoyu with a blank expression.

And Chi Xiaoyu was even more surprised, he didn't expect that Luo Geng was driving the car just now? If I hadn't talked to him myself, I wouldn't have found out until now, and I don't know how I got into a car accident or how I died.

"Wife... It's okay, you're not hurt, are you?

Luo Geng unfastened his seat belt and quickly checked Chi Xiaoyu's body, worried that she had been injured when she had just had an accident.

Seeing that Luo Geng was already like this, still worried about her body, Chi Xiaoyu was happy and distressed in her heart, she couldn't bear to see Luo Geng's state, she didn't have the same vitality as when she was just with him.

"I'm okay... Husband, are you tired now? Isn't it uncomfortable?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's face, although she was not a doctor, she could also see that his face was not very good and a little pale.

"I... I'm okay, I guess I didn't sleep last night, and when I get home and sleep for a while, it'll be fine.

Luo Geng shook his head, he felt a little tired now, but he was also used

to it, after confirming that it was okay, Luo Geng fastened his seat belt again and prepared to drive back, even if Chi Xiaoyu wanted to stop it, there was no way.

Fortunately, after the journey, Luo Geng picked up his spirits, did not get out of his mind like just now, and drove straight home.

Back to Chi Xiaoyu's house, after going upstairs, Chi Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng and quickly returned to the room.

"You rest well, I'll go grocery shopping, call me if something happens."

Chi Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng to the bed and instructed.

"Know know, don't worry, I will definitely rest well."

Luo Geng lay down, nodded, closed his eyes, and looked like he was going to sleep.

After repeated instructions, Chi Xiaoyu walked out of the room and prepared to go out to buy vegetables.

After Chi Xiaoyu went out, Luo Geng, who was lying on the bed, opened his eyes.

He sat up and walked out of the room, rummaging through the drawers outside for something, which were full of medicine.

After a while, he took out a box of painkillers from the drawer, took out two tablets and ate them.

After eating, he returned to his room.

After about two hours, Chi Xiaoyu finished shopping and returned home, she was more anxious when she went upstairs, because I don't know why, she had that uneasy premonition again.

Taking out the key, opening the door, Chi Xiaoyu walked in, put the purchased things on the ground, and walked into the room.


She pushed open the door and saw not Luo Geng sleeping on the bed, but Luo Geng sitting on the edge of the bed, with his head down, not knowing what he was doing.

"What are you doing sitting for, why not lying down?"

Chi Xiaoyu walked over and asked softly, but Luo Geng did not reply, as if sitting there asleep.


Chi Xiaoyu felt that something was wrong, so he stretched out his hand and touched Luo Geng's forehead, but this touch did not matter, and directly startled Chi Xiaoyu.

"Fever ?!"

Chi Xiaoyu didn't have time to be surprised by the heat coming from this hand, and in the next second, Luo Geng's body sitting on the edge of the bed suddenly leaned forward!

Chi Xiaoyu's mouth opened slightly, his face turned blue-gray in an instant, and his eyes widened in horror.

Luo Geng was on her right, his body fell straight down, and then "Bang!" "With a bang, fall the ground!


Chi Xiaoyu's mind boomed, her body shook with fright, her face was as white as paper, she instantly knelt on the ground, looked at Luo Geng who fell motionless on the ground in front of her, and shouted in fear.

"Husband! What's wrong with you! Don't scare me! Husband..." I

don't know how long it took, Luo Geng felt that his consciousness gradually became clearer, he slowly opened his eyes, and what he saw was a bright glare on the ceiling.

There was also a soft sobbing sound in my ears.

Luo Geng looked to the side and found Chi Xiaoyu sitting on the edge of the bed, her long eyelashes were full of tears, as beautiful as a hibiscus out of water, and sobbing from time to time turned into continuous low crying.


Luo Geng called softly, his voice was very small and weak, now Luo Geng couldn't see his face, he was already very pale, and his lips were not bloody.

Hearing Luo Geng's voice, Chi Xiaoyu immediately raised her head, and the tears were still hanging on her cheeks.

Chi Xiaoyu held Luo Geng's left hand with both hands and asked anxiously, "Husband, you're awake!" How are you feeling... Where is it uncomfortable..."

Luo Geng looked at his other hand, tied with drips, it looked like he was in a hospital room,

"I am... What's wrong..."

Chi Xiaoyu pursed his small mouth, wiped his tears, and said: "You... Sudden high fever, doctor... Say you were overworked and fainted. "

Tired... Excessive..."

Luo Geng blinked and muttered, he heard this word that he was very familiar with, and realized that he seemed to get a little carried away.

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