Luo Geng remembered that after he went home, his head hurt a little, and he couldn't sleep if he wanted to, so he took two painkillers, but it didn't seem to be of much use, it still hurt, lying on his head as if he was going to explode, so he sat up

, and then he didn't know anything, he was unconscious.

I had warned myself the other day, but I didn't care.

"Blame me, if only I had realized earlier... You are so tired ... Bring you to the hospital early..."

Chi Xiaoyu said while sobbing and clasping his hands tightly, tears flowing from his eyes like spring water.

At the moment when Luo Geng fainted, as if her sky had collapsed, her heart was beating wildly, and her body was trembling with fear, and at that time she realized that if something happened to Luo Geng, she would not be able to live.

Luo Geng was lying on the hospital bed, feeling his Chi Xiaoyu holding his hand and crying, tears dripping on his hand, this feeling, he was so familiar, as if he had returned to the day he died.

I didn't expect to experience this feeling, but I was still too carried away, thinking that with a young body, I could squander it at will.

"Wife... Do you think... Am I naïve? "


Luo Geng's sudden question made Chi Xiaoyu stunned, and he didn't react to what he meant.

But she still shook her head and said, "Of course not, I don't think you're naïve at all."

"But... I'm so tired that I go to the hospital, and it's more serious... It's probably exhausting, obviously I don't have so much pressure, I do this... What the hell is it for... Isn't it a childish gamble..."

Although Luo Geng has lived for a long time, two lifetimes as a person, but he knows that he is not mature at all, age does not mean maturity, even if he has lived so long, he is just a person who draws comics in the studio

, has not gone out to see the world, has not gone out to experience society, in the absence of the pressure of living conditions, due to personal emotions in the end exhausted to death, the funny thing is that such a thing almost happened a second time.

If there was no Chi Xiaoyu, only himself, high fever and overwork fainted, may have been helpless.

"I know... You are all for me, for my family, but you are not thinking about yourself.

Chi Xiaoyu gently stroked Luo Geng's cheek with his hand, his eyes full of distress.

Everything Luo Geng did she saw in her eyes, every time she worked hard and made money, it was for others, and she still didn't see anything valuable in her body, and she didn't squander the money she earned.

Everything he did was not for himself, tired to the point of falling, and it can only be said that he did not control it and did not grasp the scale.

"Think about yourself..."

Luo Geng smiled self-deprecatingly, he laughed at himself too confused, he was also a cartoonist, he had drawn so many stories, rebirth is not a new thing

, those reborn protagonists, reliving a life which is not for themselves, live themselves, and themselves, reliving a life is actually always working hard for others.

Perhaps this is his problem, because in his previous life, he had no object to work for, his relatives died, he had no partner, he could only live for

himself, which led to his current state of not thinking about himself, only thinking about others.

"Yes, I hope you think more about yourself, this is also for the sake of people who care about you, you are not alone, you know, if I don't have you.... I really don't know what to do....,"

Chi Xiaoyu said, tears came out of her eyes again, the hand she was holding tightly represented that she didn't want to give up Luo Geng, didn't want to let go, Luo Geng

turned his head and looked at Chi Xiaoyu's face, this time, he could clearly see who was crying for himself next to him, who cared about himself, who was worried about what would happen to him.

It is the person who loves him the most, and the person who loves him the most, as long as it is for her, then he can do whatever he wants.

Even if he destroyed himself like this, he didn't have any regrets.

"I know, I was wrong, I'll change it."

Luo Geng stretched out his hand and gently wiped the tears from the corners of Chi Xiaoyu's eyes, and the gentle smile in his eyes became thicker, and his eyes were full of love when he looked at Chi Xiaoyu.

"Really? Don't lie to me.

"Well, not lying to you."

Luo Geng really woke up this time, if it was in a previous life, such a state, he would die when he died, there was nothing to worry about, there was nothing to be reluctant

, but now, someone cares about himself, worries that he has something, hopes for his well, once people have concerns, he will cherish his life, Luo Geng is like this, even for his family, for Chi Xiaoyu, he can't have that result again.

Chi Xiaoyu suddenly straightened up, looked at Luo Geng seriously, and said seriously:

"After this incident, it can be regarded as a complete wake-up call to me, usually in your work, too negligent, from now on, I will also do my best to help you, and then you don't fight so hard, hire more people, even if you earn less, don't be so tired!"

"Good, good, good... All listen to you.

Luo Geng nodded, agreeing with her words, he is indeed a little stupid, want to earn more, why bother to personally play hard, he has enough funds in his hands, recruit more people, the bigger the work, is the right way to earn more.

Luo Geng turned sideways, smiled and looked at Chi Xiaoyu beside him, in order to make plans for his future work direction, he listened quietly, nodding his head from time to time to show approval

, he sincerely felt that his other half was Chi Xiaoyu, it was really good, this person who could help himself the most in any aspect of himself, but also emotionally gave enough to the person he loved.

Chi Xiaoyu helped Luo Geng cover the quilt, lightly tapped the tip of Luo Geng's nose with his finger, and said:

"Now, you just need to rest well, you know, this summer vacation, you can do your best to relax, I will take care of all your food, clothing, housing and transportation, and do not object."

Luo Geng grinned and muttered, "Huh? That's not to raise me into a waste, I'm not unable to take care of myself in life..." Before

he finished speaking, Chi Xiaoyu lowered his head, soft and warm thin lips, kissed his slightly pale lips

, "I said, don't object, listen to me, got it?"

Chi Xiaoyu raised his head, under the long eyelashes that hung down, deep eyes that flashed like black crystals stared at him, Luo Geng looked a little lost, quickly nodded, and replied:

"Well, listen to you..."

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