"Luo Geng, an excellent student of this institute, has won the best performance award of the cultural festival performance as the "piano prince", won the

academy-level "advanced individual" award in the social practice of college students, and won the title of "excellent art student" for three consecutive years, famous cartoonist, representative works are..." On

the school's celebrity list, the first place is Luo Geng's photo, that is Luo Geng's photo in formal clothes, at the cultural festival performance, But this photo, it's four years ago.

"Did he graduate from Joan University? I didn't even know that he was our senior.

"I heard that he used to hang up the subject, but he was already a great cartoonist when he was in school."

"Why did he graduate so quickly, I still want to take an autograph and take a group photo."

In the playground of Cheng'an University, this year's freshmen were ushered in, and many people crowded in front of this celebrity list, looking at the photo in front of them and discussing the owner of the photo, that is, Luo Geng.

Four years have passed since the cultural performance, Luo Geng and others have graduated from

Cheng'an University for a year, leaving a legendary story, the same year that graduated last year, a comic book company also appeared in Cheng'an, the rapid development is amazing, the founder of the company is Luo Geng.

In recent years, Luo Geng has created countless excellent works, each of which is an epoch-making and innovative work, attracting a large number of readers, and is almost a dominant existence in the comic industry.

With more and more works, Luo Geng's works accounted for almost half of the country.

Many works have been adapted into anime, movies, and TV series, all produced by Luo Geng's company, which is not only a huge comic base, but also a publishing company and an animation production company.

An office building in the center of Cheng'an is the company's address.

A commercial car stopped at the door of the company, the driver immediately

got out of the car, opened the back door, a man got out of the car, holding a thick folder in one hand, and answered the phone with the other:

"Huh? You just graduated? Oh yes, you're a year behind us, why... Eat... I don't have time... You and your family Baiyi just eat. This

man is Luo Geng, he is more mature at this time, wearing a white shirt, trousers on the lower body, and leather shoes on his feet, walking towards the company.

"President Luo."

When the security guard at the door saw Luo Geng, he quickly bowed slightly to say hello and helped Luo Geng open the door.

Luo Geng's mobile phone kept receiving messages, he had to turn on the phone hands-free, and then deal with other things, and on the other side of the phone, there was Wen Shao's voice.

"Don't make trouble, I knew you would say no time, we haven't seen each other for a year!" I won't let you go this time, when the time comes, I will go to your side with Bai Yi to find you, I don't believe you don't even have time to eat."

Luo Geng held the document between his arm, drummed his mobile phone, and responded: "But this is the case, now I can eat without eating, and there is nothing delicious." "

Huh... That's because your family Xiaoyu is busier and has no time to cook for you, so you don't like to eat, by the way, didn't you say before that you will get married after graduation? It's been a year since I graduated, why is there no news at all? Hearing

Wen Shao's words, Luo Geng was stunned at first, and his typing fingers also stopped, but after stopping for a few seconds, Luo Geng said: "Okay, I'm in the elevator, let's not talk about it." "


Before Wen Shao could say anything, Luo Geng hung up the phone and walked into the elevator.


He put down his phone, exhaled a turbid breath, leaned against the wall behind him, and closed his eyes, as if he was resting.

"Got married... It seems to be a very close, very far away thing.

Luo Geng muttered, he almost forgot that he had such a promise, and the promise to marry Chi Xiaoyu home after graduation was not

only that he almost forgot, Chi Xiaoyu had even forgotten it.

Since that time he fell ill, Chi Xiaoyu has been fully involved in his work, and the savings that were originally saved by himself to get married and buy a house have been taken out and used, expanding the studio, recruiting manpower, opening multiple IPs, and creating many works, the result is that Chi Xiaoyu has a

talent for management and management, even if she does not understand comics, Luo Geng's studio has become bigger and bigger little by little, until it becomes this office building.

The savings that I had earned so hard now I don't know how many times they have doubled.

Perhaps he should have thought that since he has so many ideas that will be hot in the future, he should have mass-produced these a long time ago to achieve a kind of monopoly.

Although Luo Geng himself is the boss of this company, he is only the boss on the surface, it can also be said that he is just a shareholder, the real boss, is

Chi Xiaoyu, when he founded the company, Luo Geng gave 99% of his shares to Chi Xiaoyu, and he only kept 1%.

The elevator door opened, Luo Geng walked out of the elevator, and the employees saw Luo Geng's arrival, immediately stood up, and shouted in unison: "Luo is early." "


Luo Geng kept staring intently at the mobile phone, until the picture on the mobile phone turned and a call came in.

"Daddy?" Luo Geng frowned, the caller ID on the phone was his father, Luo Yongfu.

"Ahem... That who, sent this document to the Ministry of Publications.

Luo Geng casually threw the document in his hand to an employee sitting at the table, and then turned around to leave here to answer the phone.

"Okay, Mr. Luo." The young female employee nodded, picked

up the documents on the table, and was just about to stand up and deliver the documents when she heard a call behind her: "Eh... I'll go, I'll deliver, just ... I also have something to go to the publishing department. The

female employee turned her head and saw a woman running over, she pushed the glasses on her face, stretched out her hand, and wanted to bring the document over.

"Teacher Chu? You go in person, no, just run an errand, or I'll go. The

female employee blinked a little suspiciously, the person in front of her was Chu Yuning, the person who used to work with the boss of the company, that is, Luo Geng, and now he was also an equal existence with their minister.

Such a person offered to help her run errands, which she did not expect.

"Oh, I said I was just going, so I brought it with me, give it to me."

Chu Yuning didn't say anything more to her, directly took the document, skipped over her body, and hurried forward.


this time, another employee sitting in the seat reminded in a low voice: "Okay, don't be so active at this time, you forgot who the head of the publishing department is?"

"The Minister of Publications? It's Jia Mo, Minister Jia... Oh~, that's what happened..."

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