"Okay, okay..."

Luo Yongfu raised his head, looked at the lamp on the ceiling,

muttered softly, and then he continued: "In that case.... It's all already established, isn't it... Time to start a family? "

Starting a family and starting a family is first, but many people want to start a business first, want to have a material foundation, and then start a family, at least not after marriage, because of material worries."

Luo Geng shook his head helplessly, then glanced at the kitchen, and said in a low voice:

"I know... But I really can't spare any time now, I have this idea... But what if

people don't want to laugh for the time being..." Luo Yongfu slapped Luo Geng on the back of his head and said: "Don't put p, don't rely on people Xiaoyu for everything, you tell me the truth, don't you want to marry people?"

Luo Geng rubbed the back of his head, grinned, and muttered, "Wronged!" I really don't, I swear!

"Then why didn't there be any movement for so long!" Even if you are not married, you should.... Yes, yes, yes... A little moving, right?

Luo Yongfu's eyes glanced wildly at the kitchen, his voice was very small, and then his hands gestured in front of his stomach to make a big belly.

The corner of Luo Geng's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "I.... I'm doing a good job of protection..."

"Pull it down, it's really not okay, I'll take you to the hospital for a check-up?" What if something goes wrong?

Luo Geng's eyebrows jumped with anger, if it weren't for the fact that the person in front of him was his father, he would have been angry a long time ago,

"You... But it's really my own father, don't worry, since the last time I was tired, Xiaoyu will regularly go to the hospital with me for physical examinations, and there is nothing wrong.

Luo Yongfu frowned, his eyebrows seemed to have a terrible horseshoe print, after thinking about it, he pointed at Luo Geng and said:

"Then you kid is too timid... Don't follow me at all, always shouting in my mouth that there is no time, you think, doesn't she have time for pregnancy leave, and then there is maternity leave, how can there be no time, so don't always be weirdo, blame you for being too timid. "

Huh? No... I... What makes me timid? What am I bold and capable of?

"What can you do?" If you can do more things, you take a needle and prick an eye in that beforehand ... Hmm-" Before

Luo Yongfu's words were finished, he was covered by Luo Geng, and his eyes were

staring at him, at this time, Ren Lan came out of the kitchen, looked at the two sitting on the sofa and chatting, so he asked:

"What are you talking about?"

Luo Geng coughed to hide his embarrassment, smiled and said, "Ahaha... My dad was very interested in my company, and I said that I would take you around my company next time.

"Oh, what are you doing, causing trouble for the kids, really, you better stay at home honestly."

Ren Lan glanced at Luo Yongfu, and Luo Yongfu did not explain, but seemed to have thought of something and did not speak.

After the dumplings were cooked, the three of them sat around the table, and Luo Geng ate the familiar dumplings, which were often eaten before, but now they have become a rare delicacy.

Luo Geng clamped up and took a bite, this mouthful, although it was

not made by Chi Xiaoyu, but he ate the feeling that Chi Xiaoyu had cooked for himself, that feeling of home, he chewed in his mouth, but in his mind he thought that he had not eaten Chi Xiaoyu's cooking for a long time, and had eaten takeaway and meals made in the company cafeteria for a long time.

"Son, how long can I stay when I come back this time?"

Luo Geng slowed down and said: "I'm going back tomorrow, I can't let Xiaoyu suffer alone all the time, oh yes, I won't eat at home at night, I made an appointment with a friend, and I went out to eat at night."

"Then you're coming back to stay at night, right?" I've cleaned up my room for you.

Luo Yongfu pointed to the room that once belonged to him inside, Luo Geng glanced up, nodded, and said, "Well, I'll come back to live at night."


an apartment, Wen Shao was dressed in a formal suit, holding a file bag in his hand, standing at the door a little decadently, ready to take out the key to open the door

, he pulled off his tie, put it on his shoulder, opened the door with the key, and walked in.

Inside the house, there was a woman sitting on the sofa, writing something on the table, this person was Bai Yi, but now there was an extra pair of glasses, which seemed to add a little intellectual feeling.

When she heard the sound of the door opening, she looked at the door and saw a tired-looking Wen Shao walk in.

"Coming back, how was the interview?" Bai Yi put down his pen, stood up, walked to Wen Shao's side, and helped him take off his coat.

"It's not good, it's too nervous, I didn't use the words I prepared, and before I finished speaking, let me come back and wait for the call, anyway, it must be out of drama."

Wen Shao sat on the sofa with his butt and pressed his temple with his finger.

"Oh, the first time, it's normal to be nervous, it's okay."

Bai Yi poured Wen Shao a glass of water, put it in front of him, and then sat beside him.

Wen Shao thought for a while, looked at Bai Yi and said seriously: "I see... How about I submit my resume to Luogeng's company? Do you think he can ask for me? "


Bai Yi was stunned for a moment, with an expression of "how do you think that one out is one out".

"Hmm... I think it's enough, I've seen their recruitment requirements, the requirements are quite high, and your major is not right..." Wen

Shao nodded gently, touched his chin, and said: "Hmm... Makes sense, eh, what do you think of me going to your company for an interview? So that the two of us can still commute to and from work together and eat together at noon..."

Then I think you still go to Luo Geng's company and the interview success rate is higher.


Shao gave her a blank look, twisted his head to the side, smacked his tongue, and said,

"Hey... It just so happened that Luo Geng came back today, and when I went out to dinner with him in the evening, I asked him if he wanted me.

After Bai Yi heard this, his eyes lit up and he asked excitedly, "Really? Luo Geng is back? What about laughing rain? Is Laughing Rain back?

"No, the company always has to keep someone, Luo Geng can only stay for one day, and he will go back tomorrow."

Bai leaned on the sofa and said with some loss: "Hey, it's boring, then you go, I won't go." "

Well, I'll go take a shower first, I'm exhausted."

Wen Shao stood up and walked towards the bathroom

, Bai Yi picked up the pen on the table, ready to continue the work just now, but not long after the beginning, the mobile phone she put on the table rang.


Bai Yi picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID on the screen - Qi Qianru.

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