In another apartment, in a small room, stood a man, this person was Hou Pengyuan

, he pulled out three pillars of incense from a drawer, lit it, bowed, and then inserted the incense in the incense burner,

in front of which was placed the portrait of his grandmother.

The grandmother on the portrait was still smiling at him, and Hou Pengyuan stood there, looking at the portrait, and couldn't help but smile, and muttered softly:

"Grandma, thank you for your blessing, I'm doing well."

"Boom!" At this time, the door of the room was opened, and a woman suddenly rushed in from outside, still holding a brand new skirt in her hand,

"Far away!" What do you think of this new dress I bought?

The next moment, she saw Hou Pengyuan standing in front of the statue, just after putting on incense

, in an instant, she was stunned there, embarrassingly covering her face with the skirt in her hand,

"Ah... I'm sorry.

Saying that, she was about to exit the room

, but Hou Pengyuan stepped forward, quickly grabbed her, and said with a chuckle:

"Wanxin, don't be in a hurry to go, let grandma see you."


Yu Wanxin was dragged in front of Hou Pengyuan, he put his arm around Yu Wanxin's shoulders, looked at his grandmother's portrait, and said: "

Grandma, I get along well with Wanxin."

"It's just... It's a pity that you can't see the wedding of the two of us..., I wanted to ask you to speak at our wedding..." Yu

Wanxin looked at Hou Pengyuan's side face, although he said this sentence very lightly, and his expression was not so rich

, but Yu Wanxin could feel the heaviness in these words, how sad Hou Pengyuan was.

She patted Hou Pengyuan's back comfortingly, and then said softly:

"Grandma, don't worry, I will definitely take care of him and will not let anyone bully him!"

Saying that she also waved her fist, looking fierce, Hou Pengyuan chuckled on the side and said:

"You don't bully me."

"What, where did I bully you, you don't want to spew blood."

"Good, good, you don't have it, you don't."

The two walked out of the room with a smile, and the portrait in the room, the smiling face full of wrinkles, seemed to laugh with satisfaction at seeing the happy scene.

Hou Pengyuan pulled Yu Wanxin to sit on the sofa, he suddenly thought of something, and said:

"By the way, Wanxin, Brother Luo is back today, I am going to eat with him in the evening, do you want to go together?"

"Really? Did the laughing rain come back? Yu Wanxin's reaction is the same as Bai Yi, she hasn't seen Chi Xiaoyu for a long time, they are all good friends, and they miss it very much after not seeing them for a long time.

"This... I didn't ask, or should I ask?

Hou Pengyuan scratched his head, when he heard the news of Luo Geng's return, he was particularly excited, so he forgot to ask if Chi Xiaoyu had returned.

Yu Wanxin took out her mobile phone and said: "It's okay, you don't need to ask, I'll ask Bai Yi, if you go, Wen Shao will definitely go, I'll ask Bai Yi, if she also goes together, then I'll go, if she doesn't go, then I won't go." "

Well, that's good."

Yu Wanxin went to make a call, and after a few minutes, after the call, she walked back and looked at Hou Pengyuan

and said: "Bai Yi said that she was not going because Xiaoyu did not come back, but she said that I could go to her for dinner later and accompany her to meet an old friend."

"Old friend? Who is it?

Yu Wanxin shook her head and said, "I don't know, it's mysterious, don't say anything if you ask her, then I'll go find her later."

"Well, good."

After ----

put on a light makeup, Yu Wanxin was ready to go out, and they agreed on a restaurant that the three of them used to go to with Chi Xiaoyu.

When she opened the door and walked in, she saw Bai Yi sitting by the window, where they often sat there, waiting for her.

"Here and here!"

After Bai Yi saw Yu Wanxin, she waved her to come over, Yu Wanxin walked over, took a look, and found that she was alone at this time.

"What about your friend?"

Yu Wanxin sat next to Bai Yi and asked.

"She hasn't come yet, I'll be there in a moment." Bai Yi glanced at her phone, which was a chat history with that friend.

"Who the hell is it?" God is mysterious, shouldn't it be a man? Do you secretly meet male friends with Wen Shao behind your back?

Bai Yi gave her a blank look and said, "Bah, no, it's a high school classmate of mine, my best friend in high school."

"High school? I remember that you and Luo Geng and Wen Shao are all high school classmates, right? Then why did you call me here, shouldn't I call Wen Shao and Luo Geng?

When Bai Yi heard this, she quickly waved her hand, her head shaking like a rattle

, "Ah no, no, no, can't let her meet Luo Geng."

Yu Wanxin was a little puzzled, frowning and wondering, "Huh? Why?

"Uh... This is a heavyweight..." Bai

Yi pushed his glasses and muttered awkwardly, at

this time, a figure walked in front of the two and stopped in front of their table.

"Who's the heavyweight?"

Bai Yi and Yu Wanxin heard the voice, so they raised their heads and looked

, in front of them was a woman, wearing a crop top, a blazer, and suit shorts of the same color, revealing straight and slender legs, long black hair hanging down to the shoulders, and one side of the long hair pinned behind the ear, revealing small and round earlobes and delicate pearl earrings.

Her delicate goose egg face is slightly powdered, her eyebrows are like willow leaves, her eyes are full of autumn water, and her pink and delicate lips are rosy and shiny.

Seeing this person, Yu Wanxin was directly dumbfounded, perhaps she hadn't seen such a stunning face for a long time.

"Of course it's you, my heavyweight school flower beauty, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Bai Yi stood up, a smile rose slightly at the corner of his lips, and hugged her.

Later, she introduced Yu Wanxin: "Wanxin, this is my friend, Qi Qianru."

"Ruru, this is Yu Wanxin."

"Hello." Qi Qianru smiled slightly, stretched out her hand, and shook Yu Wanxin.

Yu Wanxin was still a little unresponsive, and sighed: "You are so beautiful, you are one of the best people I have ever seen."

Qi Qianru responded politely: "No, no, thank you."

Yu Wanxin turned her head to look at Bai Yi and continued: "It's true, I think she and Xiaoyu are a little on par. "


Hahaha..." Bai

Yi couldn't help but directly covered her mouth and laughed, Yu Wanxin was stunned, not knowing what was going on.

And Qi Qianru on the opposite side also smiled a little awkwardly and sat in the opposite position.

"What's wrong... Did I say something wrong...?" Yu Wanxin blinked and asked suspiciously.

Bai Yi waved his hand and said, "No, no, you're right, but... She can't win the laughing rain.

"What do you mean..."

"Ahem, to sum her up in one sentence, that is, the love rival who was easily defeated by Xiaoyu."

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