"Love.... Enemy?

Yu Wanxin was stunned, but combined with what Bai Yi had said, plus she said that she couldn't let Luo Geng meet her, Yu Wanxin reacted at once.

Doesn't this mean that she once wanted to rob Luo Geng with Chi Xiaoyu?

"I'm sorry."

Yu Wanxin scratched her head in embarrassment, she didn't expect such a story between them, and her gossip soul was burning.

Qi Qianru sat opposite, closed her eyes, and shook her head helplessly, if it was a normal person who was mentioned these things and ridiculed, he would definitely be angry, but Qi Qianru just said lightly

: "Okay, don't make fun of me with this matter anymore..."

Bai Yi's laughter slowly subsided, waved her hand and said: "Okay, good, don't mention it."

Bai Yi wiped the corners of her eyes, and tears of her laughter came out, and then she slowly said:

"We haven't seen each other for many years, why do you seem to have suddenly disappeared."

Qi Qianru shrugged her shoulders and said softly: "No, I'm just going to college normally, isn't your family Wen Shao just graduated, I'm the same as him."

"Is it? Where did you go to college?

Hearing Bai Yi ask this question, Qi Qianru was stunned for a moment, slowly lowered her head, and

then she muttered in a voice that only she could hear.

It's just that the two people on the other side didn't hear clearly.

"What? Which?

"The city... Seongan University..."


Bai Yi and Yu Wanxin both looked at her in surprise, because they both knew that Cheng'an University was Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu's university

, she obviously had such a relationship with those two, why would she go there?

"This... Why?

Bai Yi looked at her very incomprehensibly and asked suspiciously.

She thought that Qi Qianru had given up Luo Geng, and then went to the university, wasn't it intentional?

Qi Qianru showed a bitter face, spread out her hands and said, "Because I was admitted... My family asked me to apply for the exam, I can't, because I avoid suspicion or something, so I won't go..." Bai

Yi now wanted to know what kind of expression Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu had when they saw Qi Qianru arrive at their university,

"Then... Then when they see you..."

But before Bai Yi's words were finished, Qi Qianru interrupted her and said,

"No, when I was in college, I never appeared in front of them, even if I saw them from a distance, I would immediately avoid them."


Yi and Yu Wanxin looked at each other, and both could see surprise in each other's eyes,

"What do you mean..."

What do you mean... That is, you are at the same university as them, but they don't know it at all?


Qi Qianru nodded gently, she recalled her ups and downs in school, many times she was almost discovered, if she was seen coming to Cheng'an University, she would definitely be misunderstood to chase Luo Geng.

Otherwise, so many universities, she went to Cheng'an, and she couldn't explain it clearly, so in order to avoid being misunderstood, she kept hiding.

But fortunately, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu only have classes and exams to stay in school, the time is still very short, after the end they will go back immediately, never stay in

the school, so the big and small things in the school, they don't know anything, even if there is a sudden sensation caused by a school flower-level beauty, they don't know, and they may even hear about it and don't care, after all, it has nothing to do with them.

The school is so big and there are so many people, they can't have seen them all, and they can't remember seeing them.

Finally, last year, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu graduated, and there was no need for her to hide.

After Yu Wanxin listened, her expression was a little intriguing, and she shook her head with emotion and said,

"It's not easy for you... After being admitted to a good university, I have to tremble in school, for fear that I will be misunderstood as pestering people's boyfriends.

Qi Qianru sighed and muttered, "It's all my own sins, no way..." "

Actually, if you explain it to them, it's okay, I think they are very generous, they won't misunderstand you."

Although Yu Wanxin didn't know the specific things that happened between them, she felt that after all, this was all in the past, and they couldn't worry about it.

"This..." Qi

Qianru was stunned for a moment, she didn't think about it, go and explain it to her face, so that there was no need to hide specifically, there was no much hatred between them, even if they hated themselves, they would not even be willing to talk to themselves.

But she was afraid, every time she saw Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu from a distance, she would be afraid, did not dare to move forward

, the fear of Luo Geng was completely out of what she had done before, afraid that he would hate himself, afraid that he would see an expression of disgust on his face, and when she thought of Luo Geng looking at herself with such an expression, her heart seemed to be pulled up, unbearable.

And for Chi Xiaoyu, it is completely fear, for this person, she can't see through at all, and she can't play

her, usually speaking, doing things, are very normal, even very gentle, very quiet, very polite

, but when it comes to the matter between the girl who is threatening to her and Luo Geng, it will change greatly, terrible, and the heart eye will become smaller than the eye of a needle.

"Forget it, you still

don't know Xiaoyu's personality..." Bai Yi looked at Yu Wanxin and shook her head, they all knew Chi Xiaoyu's personality very well, don't expect her to be generous in this regard.

"That's what I said..." Yu Wanxin nodded in agreement.


"Big Boss Luo! Long time no see! I want to die! Wen

Shao came up and gave Luo Geng a hug

, as enthusiastic as before, and Hou Pengyuan on the side also stood up immediately, compared to Wen Shao, he looked more restrained, only to see him slightly owed, greeting:

"Brother Luo is good."

Luo Geng smiled, sat in the opposite position, looked at the two of them and said: "Okay, sit quickly, order food, I'll treat you."

Wen Shao snapped his fingers, put the menu in front of himself and Hou Pengyuan, and said,

"OK! Yuanzi! Hurry up and give Luo Geng the opportunity to bleed is now a rare thing!

Hou Pengyuan said with a smile: "Haha... Even if we order more, it will not hurt or itch for Brother Luo, if we want to bleed him, the two of us are not enough.

Luo Geng looked at the two talking and laughing, and his thoughts were suddenly pulled back to the past, when they used to have dinner together and play together.

I didn't feel good when I ate together before, but as everyone's time becomes less and less, it means that it is more and more difficult to meet and fewer opportunities, and I feel that such a reunion is particularly precious.

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