Just when Luo Geng was in a daze, Wen Shao slapped the table, looked at Luo Geng in front of him, and said, "Drink some?"

Luo Geng was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly and said:

"Drink, I knew you must drink, so I didn't come by car."

"Okay, okay, let's drink a little."

After ordering, he asked for another bottle of white wine and was put on the table by the waiter.

"Remember the wine we drank together at the end of the college entrance examination."

Wen Shao picked up the liquor on the table and looked at Luo Geng, the liquor in his hand at this time was already far from the kind they drank together at that time, I don't know how many times more expensive, and the quality was much better.

"Don't mention it, last time I drank like that bear, and I was humiliated when I thought about it." Luo Geng held his forehead with his hand, looking helpless, thinking of himself at that time, he felt funny, he was not young, and he would lose control because he was stubborn in front of Chi Xiaoyu

, after all, in front of people he liked, he always wanted to behave well, but if he didn't pay attention, it was easy to use too much force, resulting in humiliation.

"There was no Yuanzi that time, but there was Deng Yuxuan, and I remember that once he asked me for your phone."

"If you don't say I almost forgot about him."

Luo Geng suddenly thought of a figure in his head, now that he has also graduated, Deng Yuxuan, who is studying abroad, does not know how it is now

, he still remembers the last time they met, he sent himself home, and said that he invited him when he got married

, if not Wen Shao mentioned it, then Luo Geng really forgot about it.

"Get married..." Thinking of getting married

, Luo Geng was a little big-headed

, he was now, he began to doubt himself, not knowing what he was delaying

, Wen Shao heard Luo Geng's muttering, so he asked suspiciously: "Marriage?" What's wrong, you're getting married?

After Luo Geng heard this, he raised his head to look at the two people on the opposite side

, and at this time, Hou Pengyuan also spoke: "To be honest, I think Brother Luo you are not married, it is really unexpected to me, I think you should have been married a long time ago..." Luo

Geng himself nodded, affirming Hou Pengyuan's words.

He himself felt unexpected, as if he had buried his head in a certain road and forgot something important.

"So what are you waiting for? You are not short of money, and you are not short of people, what are you waiting for? Don't have time? I say it from the bottom of my heart, I don't know how to open a company, and I haven't been a boss, but I don't think I'm too busy to get married, is it a matter of time, or your own problem, or is it Chi Xiaoyu's problem?

Wen Shao said as he opened the bottle of white wine and poured a glass for Luo Geng.

Luo Geng picked up the wine glass and took a sip, he felt very strange, the liquor drunk on the day after the college entrance examination was very spicy, very choking, maybe it had something to do with quality, but Luo Geng now drank this sip, and actually felt that the taste was very smooth

, he didn't know whether it was a problem with the wine, or his own problem, why there was such a change.

"My question, I always felt... Xiaoyu is very busy, busier than me, and saying that he wants to marry her at this time will cause her trouble.

Hou Pengyuan shook his head lightly and said:

"Brother Luo, forgive my brother for refuting, I think, this has nothing to do with Chi Xiaoyu being busy, you think about when she was in school, when she was not busy at all, when she looked at you every day, what kind of mood she was like, she must also feel that you are so busy, I can't help you, and at this time to say that she wants to marry you, it is causing you trouble, but Brother Luo, if you think about it, did you think so at that time, would you think it was trouble?"

Luo Geng blurted out: "Of course not!"

Wen Shao clapped his hands and continued:

"That's right, I think she definitely doesn't think so, the problem is you!" No matter how busy she is, it is also for you to be busy, otherwise do you really think she likes to be so busy? Isn't it all because I like you? "

Hmm... I know this..."

Wen Shao continued: "It's you who draws comics, it's you who opens a company, and it's you who is busy, even if you don't make money, isn't she always by your side?" Whatever you do, don't you fully support you? So what other concerns do you have? At this time, you have to distinguish well, not "I want to marry you", but "I want to marry you!" "。"

Luo Geng was suddenly stunned, and when he heard what Wen Shao said, he was stunned in place for a moment,

"It's not... I want to marry you... But... I'm going to... Marry you..."

Luo Geng muttered what Wen Shao had just said, his head didn't know what he was thinking, his eyes stared at the wine glass in front of him, and his mood was a little complicated.

"Yes, "want" and "want" do not mean, you once said to her "I want to marry you", that is a promise, a future, but at this time, "I want to marry you!" "It's action, it's now!"

Hou Pengyuan said next to him: "Of course, we just provide you with ideas that you can refer to, and this still needs to be communicated with her by yourself, at least in the eyes of us outsiders, she will still be the Chi Xiaoyu who has always stood firmly by your side."


Luo Geng lowered his head, gently shook the wine glass in his hand, his eyes were deep

, seeing him like this, Wen Shao and Hou Pengyuan looked at each other, and then Wen Shao picked up the wine glass and said: "Okay, okay, come, drink, you finally come back, but you have to play with us."

"Yes, Brother Luo, since you have rested, you should relax, this is also to be able to better adjust your state."

Hou Pengyuan also raised his glass, wanting to pull Luo Geng back from his thoughts

, "Well, good."

Luo Geng raised his head and had a drink with them, and soon, the dish came up, and they began to talk about some other things, although Luo Geng

also joined in and chatted with them, but he was always a little absent-minded.

Wen Shao could have drunk, and the amount of alcohol was much better than Luo Geng, and Hou Pengyuan was even more so, and his alcohol consumption had risen steadily since college.

Luo Geng's amount of alcohol was not very good, and at the same time he was absent-minded, so he drank a lot, and his face was a little red.

"I'll go out and make a call..."

Suddenly, Luo Geng stood up and walked out directly in the dazed expressions of the two.

Wen Shao and Hou Pengyuan did not suspect anything, after all, Luo Geng was very busy, and it was normal to make a phone call when there was something, and they did not care.

After Luo Geng went out the door, he came to a small alley opposite, he

took out his mobile phone and called a number.

"I'm going to... Instead of... I think..."

Luo Geng muttered

, staring at the phone screen, ringing a few times, and picked up the phone over there.

"Hello? Husband, what's wrong, miss me? "

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