"And then guess what, after calling you, I came out and met Bai Yi and them, and then you guess who the two of them were with?"

Luo Geng said while eating,

"Who?" Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng curiously and asked.

"Qi Qianru."

Chi Xiaoyu was shocked when he heard this, and asked with wide eyes: "Really?" I hadn't heard from her in years, and I thought she was missing.

Luo Geng shook his head and said, "I didn't expect it, the first time I saw it, I thought I was wrong.

"Well, she must look better now, right?" Who do you look better with me?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng expectantly, blinked, wanting to hear his

answer, although she could know what the answer was from the beginning, she still wanted to hear Luo Geng say it herself.

"Of course it's you, you've always looked the best!"

Luo Geng said without hesitation, this kind of thing, he didn't need to think about anything at all, it was completely the standard answer in his mind.

"Hey, hey."

Chi Xiaoyu suddenly smiled when she heard this, the whole person snuggled into Luo Geng's arms, her smile tonight was almost always on her face, it was no exaggeration to say that this was the happiest night she had experienced again after a long time.

Luo Geng glanced at Chi Xiaoyu beside him, and saw the corners of her mouth, still stained with the cream of the cake.

"You have cream at the corner of your mouth, and I accidentally rubbed it."

Chi Xiaoyu sat up, and after raising his eyebrows slightly, he looked at Luo Geng with a smile and said, "Then husband, you help me wipe it off."

Luo Geng glanced at Chi Xiaoyu, the corner of his mouth was stained with cream, and he looked particularly cute, he chuckled and said:

"Good, good..." However

, when he was about to raise his hand and take a tissue to wipe the cream from the corner of Chi Xiaoyu's mouth, Chi Xiaoyu's hands suddenly held his hands, making him unable to lift up.

Luo Geng was stunned, but looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, closed his eyes, still waiting for himself to wipe off the cream, but did not let himself use his hands.

A smile rose slightly at the corner of Luo Geng's lips, and then he poked out his head, and the gentle kiss fell finely, and the room was unusually quiet, making the two a little forgetful.

Time passed little by little, and the two reluctantly separated, their breathing was a little rapid, and their eyes were a little confused.

"I... I'm full, I'll go take a shower first..." Luo

Geng's heart beat faster, stood up, and pointed to the bathroom and said.

"Then I'll

clean up..." Chi Xiaoyu's cheeks also flushed faintly, stood up, and began to clean up the dining table.

Luo Geng walked into the bathroom and looked at himself in the mirror, I don't know why, I obviously didn't drink today, but I seemed to drink a lot.

There was a rumbling sound of water in the bathroom, and Chi Xiaoyu lay on the sofa, pressing the backs of her hands to her cheeks, feeling the heat, she hadn't felt this for a long time.

However, the exhaustion she had accumulated for so long, as well as staying up late every day, not getting enough sleep, and the fatigue caused by buying ingredients and preparing this large table of delicacies today, made her lie on the sofa, her eyelids a little heavy.

When the sound of water in the bathroom stopped, Luo Geng wore pajamas, walked out of the bathroom, and saw Chi Xiaoyu lying on the sofa and sleeping lightly with his eyes closed.

Luo Geng looked at her, his eyes moved slightly, and the faint smile under his eyes seemed to contain the warmth of spirit jade, softly dyed from the bottom of his eyes to the corners of his lips.

There was a faint sound of rain outside the window, Luo Geng took a blanket, and then lay down next to Chi Xiaoyu, covering the two of them.

Chi Xiaoyu felt the movement around her, opened her eyes dimly, and saw the blanket covering her body, she pursed her mouth, and then leaned towards Luo Geng's side and leaned into his arms.

The hands of the two people under the blanket were also clasped together tightly with ten fingers.

"Husband, what are the arrangements for tomorrow..."

In confusion, Chi Xiaoyu asked softly, because she knew that she could not forget her work because of tonight's comfort, and after tonight, she would return to the company and work hard for Luo Geng.

"Tomorrow... I want to think..." Luo

Geng's voice sounded softly beside Chi Xiaoyu, making her feel very comfortable, as if listening to Luo Geng's voice was the best lullaby.

"Go to the Civil Affairs Bureau tomorrow morning to get your license, and then... Let's go see the wedding hall in the afternoon, it is best to settle down as soon as possible, so that I can give my anxious father a letter of approval."

"So... The Civil Affairs Bureau obtains the certificate... Then I have to get up early, better dress... Belch... Well?!

Chi Xiaoyu muttered in confusion, and suddenly his head reacted, and in an instant, he was completely sleepy, his eyes widened, and he raised his head to look at Luo Geng beside him, his face was full of disbelief.

"Old... Husband... You... What do you say

..." "I said..."

Luo Geng lowered his head and said in a deep voice in Chi Xiaoyu's ear:

"I want to marry you."

This sentence was like a bombshell, exploding in Chi Xiaoyu's mind, and at this moment, she kept telling herself that this must not be a dream!

"Really... It's true? "

Well, really, I'm going to marry you, once I said, I will get married after graduation, I'm sorry for being so late..." In

an instant, countless emotions surged into Chi Xiaoyu's heart, she forcibly endured, but tears still quickly condensed from her eyes, and then flowed uncontrollably from the corners of her eyes.


Chi Xiaoyu's lips twitched, and he let out a burst of crying, tears flowing from his eyes like spring water.

Luo Geng quickly hugged her tightly and asked, "What's wrong, don't you want to?"

Chi Xiaoyu sobbed and said, "Wish... Willing... Just, I kind of can't believe it... I've been waiting, I've been waiting for this time..." Luo

Geng looked at him with some surprise and asked, "Really? Haven't you forgotten?

He also thought that Chi Xiaoyu had long forgotten this promise because he was busy, or that he had long forgotten about getting married or something

, but in fact, it was all his own misunderstanding? Is it only myself who really forgets....

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and said: "

No, from the first day of graduation to today, every day, I have not forgotten, I... Every day I fantasize about whether it will ... The next day, you will marry me... Day three, day four... Maybe next week, next month..." Chi

Xiaoyu cried more and more, Luo Geng interrupted her and said,

"Don't say it... I'm sorry... It's all my fault... I'm sorry..." Luo

Geng wiped away her tears for her and hugged her tightly in his arms, at this moment Luo Geng realized how stupid he was, Chi Xiaoyu has never changed, she is just trying her best to cater to herself

, if she has not discovered this, I am afraid that Chi Xiaoyu will continue to be so aggrieved.

The sound of rain outside the window is getting louder and louder, and the two people in the house hug together, and the sound of rain is covered by Chi Xiaoyu's crying.

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