At the door of the

company building, a man and a woman dragged their suitcases and stood in front of the gate.

"I wipe, this small subsidiary is so big? I thought it was a two-story building, these floors, one... Two... Three..."

Luo Yongfu raised his head, looked at the office building in front of him, and pouted, looking surprised.

Ren Lan said on the side: "Lao Luo, don't you call Xiao Geng in advance?" Just break into people's companies, Xiao Geng will definitely be angry with you at that time.

"He dares to be angry with his old son? I'm his dad, dad goes to his son's company, so I have to say hello in advance? Will you hang a work card around my big neck next time and say 'Boss's Daddy'?"

Ren Lan pinched Luo Yongfu's arm and said, "You just have a poor mouth, if Xiao Geng is angry with you when you see it, I won't help you, I will definitely help Xiao Geng speak."

"No, he can't be angry with me, he listens to me the most."

Luo Yongfu smiled, and then carried his suitcase up the stairs.

The security guard at the door looked at the two with some doubts, they did not stipulate to stop strangers, because there were many guests who came to talk about business every day

, although the security guard did not think that these two came to talk about business, but still did not stop them, just silently stared at the two of them.

Luo Yongfu walked to the reception on the first floor, and the reception lady at the bar looked at him with a smile, and said with a slight bow: "Hello, how can I help you?"

"Hello, that... Is your boss there? I'm his daddy. "

Ahhh... Yes?? The corner of the reception lady's mouth twitched, and she looked at Luo Yongfu with a surprised face, and her eyes were straight.

She admits that she has met quite a few strange guests since doing the job, but none of them are the weird ones she has today.

"Luo Geng, isn't it your boss, really, I'm really his father." Luo Yongfu nodded, pointed to himself, and said seriously.

The reception lady adjusted the corners of her mouth, squeezed out a smile, and said, "Aha... That one... Sir, the boss is not in the company now, you can contact him first.

Luo Yongfu looked at Ren Lan, smacked his tongue, and said:

"Hey, I guess I haven't woken up yet, it's noon, or I say that now this young man, if he doesn't sleep at night and can't stand it in the morning, can his body stand it, so be it, girl, that, where is your boss's office, I'll go there and wait for him first."

"Ahhh... This one... Mr... Would you like to contact us first, or let me help you get in touch? The

reception lady looked embarrassed, she was not sure whether the man in front of her was the boss's

father, if so, she didn't know how to receive, if she really let him go to the boss's office, the boss came and found that this was not his father at all, then she was finished.

"Forget it, no need, if he is still sleeping, let him sleep, it's weird tired, it's not good to disturb him."

Luo Yongfu shook his head, although he said so much about Luo Geng, he still felt very sorry for him, thinking that he was so tired, now that he is finally the boss, he can sleep more and sleep more, he still don't bother him.

"Let's go, let's go and open a hotel next to it and wait." Ren Lan pulled Luo Yongfu's arm, wanting to drag him away

, just now Luo Yongfu's voice was relatively loud, and now it was the end of the employees' lunch break, and they came back to work one after another, and almost everyone would look at them with doubtful eyes after coming in.


Luo Yongfu turned around, pulled his suitcase, and prepared to leave here with Ren Lan.

"Then Qiaoqiao said to me, it's good that I'm also your cousin, and you don't know that you feel sorry for me, so you know that it's crooked to be with Sister Chu."

"Hahaha, it's just like that, wait for me to help her later, she's so tired every day, I feel distressed when I look at it."

At this time, two people were slowly coming up the stairs at the door, a man and a woman, and the woman was still holding the man's arm, looking very intimate.

These two people are Jia Mo and Chu Yuning, who came to work together, talking and laughing.

After seeing the two, the security guard at the door also greeted warmly: "Minister Jia, Teacher Chu, I finished eating so quickly at noon today."

The two responded, then walked in, and met Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan who were walking out.

Jia Mo simply glanced at it and didn't care, but noticed the somewhat lame walking posture, he frowned slightly, and turned his head to look over there.

"Lo... Uncle Luo?! Aunt Ren? Why are you two here?!

Jia Mo stood in place, his eyes widened like walnuts in shock, and looked at Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan and shouted.

This sound made everyone else in the hall turn their heads to look at them, and when the reception lady saw Jia Mo talking to him, her heart suddenly trembled, thinking that this uncle is really the boss and his father?

Luo Yongfu looked at Jia Mo, he knew Jia Mo, after all, when there was no studio before, he had always drawn comics in his own home,

"Huh? Isn't this Xiaojia? Are you here with my son too?

Luo Yongfu smiled and talked to him, and Chu Yuning on the side was a little puzzled, because she didn't know the man in front of her.

Chu Yuning approached Jia Mo's ear and whispered, "Who are these two?"

Jia Mo responded in a low voice, "This is Teacher Luo's father!" And the mother of laughing rain! "

Huh?!" Chu Yuning's eyes widened, and he reacted with a frightened overreaction.

"Ah, yes, I work under Teacher Luo, where are you going?" Jia Mo bowed slightly to Luo Yongfu and asked.

"Harm, don't mention it, my son hasn't come yet, I don't bother him when I think about it, I want to open a hotel next to me and wait for him first."

"This... Or you two go directly to the office and wait, I'll lead the way. Jia

Mo stretched out his hand and motioned for them to follow him, and just as they wanted to say something, the voice of a security guard came from the door.

"Luo is always good! It's better to be late!

Everyone turned their heads and saw Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu holding hands and walking in together.

They saw Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan in front of them, and they were directly stunned in place.



Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu both opened their mouths slightly, looking at them in shock

, Luo Yongfu smiled and said: "Son, Xiaoyu, you can be counted as coming!" If you don't come, you and Aunt Ren will go to open a hotel next to it and wait for you to come."

"Xiao Geng, this is what he has to come, I persuaded him, he didn't listen." Ren Lan immediately explained to Luo Geng.

Luo Geng sighed helplessly and said, "Alas, Dad... Didn't I say that I will definitely give you news as soon as possible? Why are you still here

..." "Oh, dad is not in a hurry, I have to wait for your news, what time do I have to wait..."

Luo Yongfu's words were not finished, I saw Luo Geng raise his hand, in his hand, there were two small red books, which were two marriage certificates.

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