"Wen Shao, do you remember, we are all junior high school classmates, you should have no communication in junior high school, he is now at my table."

"Well, I know."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were chatting while eating, and Luo Geng also talked about a lot of things in order to find a topic

, wanting to open Chi Xiaoyu's heart so that she could also speak freely to herself, so that she could not be considered a friend.

But Luo Geng said that anything that happened around him, Chi Xiaoyu knew.

This made Luo Geng a little confused, he was obviously not in the same class as Chi Xiaoyu,

but why did she know everything around her?

And he didn't know anything about her.


The two fell into an awkward time again, Luo Geng couldn't find any interesting topics,

she knew what she said.

So Luo Geng raised his head and asked, "That... Do you have anything you want to say..." Luo

Geng had no choice but to throw the question to her, otherwise this meal would be too embarrassing.

Chi Xiaoyu hesitated for a while, was silent for a long time,

and then slowly spoke: "That... I want to know... The matter between you and the school flower..."


Luo Geng's chopsticks fell on the table and almost fell to the ground

, after he heard this sentence, his brain instantly shut down for a second

, yes, since he knows so much about the things around him, then the things between himself and Qi Qianru, presumably she also knows everything.

"Qi Qianru, I think you are the school flower, you are better looking than her."

"Ugh!" In an instant, Chi Xiaoyu's face instantly turned red, and he quickly lowered his head, not daring to raise his head.

"You... I don't

like her..." Luo Geng took a deep breath and said lightly: "I used to like her, I didn't understand anything, I was deceived by her, now I have woken up, I will definitely stay away from her in the future, I and her, only classmates this relationship, not even friends." "

She lied to you? Fooled you of what? Chi Xiaoyuxiu's eyebrows furrowed slightly and asked suspiciously.

"Oops... It's embarrassing to say, it's a shame to cheat my feelings, it deceives me very badly... I was young and ignorant, bought her a lot of gifts and wrote love letters, and then she threw them in the trash. "


Suddenly, the chopsticks in Chi Xiaoyu's hand instantly broke, and Luo Geng was startled

, looking at Chi Xiaoyu's clenched hand, and suddenly his eyes widened in shock.

"That... You... What's wrong with you..."

Luo Geng quickly stood up and asked nervously

, Chi Xiaoyu raised his head, the murderous aura that flashed in his eyes for a moment disappeared without a trace

, "No, it's okay, I'm sorry, I'm a little emotional."

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

She heard that Qi Qianru threw all those things of Luo Geng into the trash, and at that moment, a huge amount of murderous aura appeared in Qi Qianru!

It was enough to deceive Luo Geng's feelings, and he also violated his heart so badly.

She but... I don't want it!

The hair cards that Na Luogeng gave her were carefully placed in the box by her for fear of losing them.

The full do not know the hungry!

Although she didn't know Qi Qianru at all, this beam, she definitely forged!

"You really... Don't like her anymore?

Chi Xiaoyu asked a little cautiously

, if Luo Geng still liked her, then she wouldn't do anything to Qi Qianru, because she didn't

want to be hated by Luo Geng.

"Of course, I used to have a bad vision, but now I still like people who really care about me."

"Really... "Yes

, I once had a dream, it was before I died, a girl came to my hospital bed, held my hand and cried, that was the first time, a girl cried for me, I just liked, someone who cared about me like that."

Luo Geng remembered his past life, and he hoped that the girl was Chi Xiaoyu.

Then he would definitely go to great lengths to pursue her, even if he was wrong again, he would be willing.


Chi Xiaoyu heard Luo Geng's words, and she didn't know what to say, she herself didn't know

how many times she had cried for Luo Geng...

She thought that she cared about Luo Geng very much, but that was just self-righteousness.

Perhaps in Luo Geng's eyes, this is nothing at all.


Luo Geng stood up suddenly, as if he had made a big decision, very nervous

, but his eyes were still firm, which startled Chi Xiaoyu.

"How... What's wrong?

"If you can, can you be friends with me!"

Luo Geng said this sentence that he had been holding

back, because he wanted to take the initiative to attack, otherwise he would definitely stay in place.

"Peng... Friend... I thought that we

were already friends..." Chi Xiaoyu was a little distracted, she also thought that she and Luo Geng were already friends in junior high school

, but in his eyes, they were not friends at all?

"I mean, we can talk to you normally at school, and if we have the chance, we can go out for walks and even go out to play, and then eat together... Or.. Be... I'm sorry.. I was a little too excited to ... Didn't scare you..."

Luo Geng slowly sat down, he seemed to have said a lot of incredible things unconsciously

, these words were suddenly said to a girl, the intention was simply too obvious,

is this unclear to get close to her?

And Chi Xiaoyu was indeed frightened

, it turned out that his so-called friends, just thought ah

, no wonder the distance between himself and Luo Geng before, always felt so far away, it turned out that they had not officially become friends at all....

If he had invited Luo Geng to be his friend long ago, then their current relationship... Wouldn't it be better?

Chi Xiaoyu is very remorseful now, why didn't he realize earlier

, in Luo Geng's eyes, they are not even friends, if he didn't bring it up today, he still doesn't know!


Luo Geng took the initiative to come today and want to be friends with himself!

This feeling is as if you are about to fall into hell, but you find that there is heaven below!

It turns out that being a friend can do so many things?!

Hang out with Luo Geng... Eat together... Take a walk together....

This is simply the material for her usual dreams!

Friend... It's wonderful!

"I... I'd love to... Be your friend.

Chi Xiaoyu pursed his lips and couldn't hide his smile, so he had to lower his head and

speak with joy in his voice.


Luo Geng was even more happy, he didn't expect that he said so many amazing things, Chi Xiaoyu really agreed!

"Then, can you promise me one thing as a friend."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him and said with a smile.

"Okay. What's up? Chi

Xiaoyu didn't think about it, and directly agreed, she had already decided in her heart that no matter what Luo Geng proposed, she would agree.

"Can you ... Don't hide from your sight of me..."

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