
Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, listening to Luo Geng's meaning, as if in the future, he could look at him.

I can promise anything I say, but... Physiologically, it is indeed not something that you can control.

Every time I stare at Luo Geng's face, I will be shocked.

"Nope... Doesn't it work?

Luo Geng looked at her embarrassed, I don't know if this matter is difficult?

Or is she still unwilling to look at her face?

This matter is already the simplest and most basic thing he can think of, and it is impossible for him to make any excessive demands with the friends he has just officially made.

"No, I, I try."

Chi Xiaoyu gritted her teeth, slowly raised her head, and

met her beautiful eyes with Luo Geng's eyes.


At that moment, Chi Xiaoyu's heartbeat began to accelerate, but she still held back and didn't let her eyes dodge.

"Sure enough... It's so beautiful, oh, if you had looked directly at me earlier, I wouldn't have known you were so good-looking, otherwise I would have pursued you a long time ago..."

Luo Geng made a joke in order to alleviate the embarrassment

, after all, he did not pursue people by appearance, although appearance also accounted for a part....

But he didn't know how much this joke hurt Chi Xiaoyu!


Chi Xiaoyu's eyes widened, his face was full of shock, and his expression was full of disbelief.

"He... What did he say?! Pursue.. Pursue me, is it true? If I had looked him straight at him earlier... Will he pursue me??

"Really fake? Will he think I'm good-looking? He just complimented me... Beauty... Is it? yes, I heard you right.

"Pursue me... Pursuit..." Chi

Xiaoyu's heart almost collapsed, she felt that tears were about to burst out of her eyes

, if she had looked at him like this earlier, would he have pursued herself? Is it true?

If that's the case, she just wants to find a cat-like robot now, borrow a time machine, go back in time, and start over.

Say it early!

Earlier, she risked shock, and she would definitely not avoid Luo Geng's sight!

Chi Xiaoyu secretly swore that he would always keep an eye on Luo Geng in the future! Never run away from it again!


"Uh... That, Xiaoyu, don't have to stare at me all the time, it's okay..."

Luo Geng smiled awkwardly, now he didn't dare to look at her

, from the restaurant just now, Chi Xiaoyu's gaze has been staying on himself, and it's not natural at all, it

feels like he is deliberately staring at himself.

"Oh..." Chi

Xiaoyu also felt a little too much, but when he thought of what happened just now, his heart was extremely uncomfortable,

"But... Luo Geng and I are already friends! We can be together in the future..."

Chi Xiaoyu's inner joy still accounts for most of it, it can be said that these hours tonight are her happiest hours in the past two years.

Originally, I thought that I had been released by pigeons, but there was a providence in the underworld, fortunately I didn't miss it.

"Is your home here?"

Luo Geng looked at the somewhat old-looking building in front of him and looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded, she actually didn't want Luo Geng to send her home, but Luo Geng insisted on sending it, and Chi Xiaoyu didn't have the ability to refuse Luo Geng at all.

"Well, goodbye, let's go to school together tomorrow."

Luo Geng waved his hand and stopped downstairs,

"Good." Chi Xiaoyu agreed

, she didn't know when to start, going to school with Luo Geng was so commonplace

, then she wasted those two years before, and it would be good to have the courage to raise her courage earlier.

After Luo Geng sent Chi Xiaoyu home, he walked home alone.

When he went downstairs to his house

, he saw his father, smiling and walking down with a woman.

"Ah, Daddy."

Luo Geng looked at Luo Yongfu's appearance and couldn't help but interrupt his wanton smile.

Luo Yongfu and Ren Lan looked at Luo Geng at the same time

, "Eh, son, come, this is your Aunt Ren."

Luo Yongfu beckoned Luo Geng over and pointed to Ren Lan on the side.

"Aunt Ren is good."

Luo Geng walked over, greeted Ren Lan, and bowed slightly.

Ren Lan looked Luo Geng up and down, with a smile on his face, and said, "Your son is really dignified, he really follows you."

"Oh, then I need to say, my son is my pride, but compared to your daughter, it is far worse."

Luo Yongfu had a happy smile on his face, and his eyes were different when he looked at Luo Geng.

"I'm really sorry, I have a little thing today, you can bring your daughter with you another day, I will receive you with my father."

Luo Geng has a good impression of the woman in front of him, at least revealing the temperament of an intellectual woman up and down, and his speech is also very regular.

Compared with her, his father is far behind.

How does such a woman think of my father? There won't be any attempts, right?

"Okay, then it will trouble you then, then I will go first, child, take your father up, don't let him send it."

Ren Lan patted Luo Geng's back and said softly.

Then he said hello to Luo Yongfu and left here.

"People are far away, don't look, go upstairs."

Luo Geng helped Luo Yongfu and prepared to take him upstairs.

"Hey, how about it, your daddy and my eyes, okay?"

Luo Yongfu looked at Luo Geng with a show-off posture, looked at Luo Geng and raised his eyebrows, and said proudly.

"Okay, but compared to my vision, my vision is better!"

"you, stinky boy, your vision is definitely not as good as mine!"

"Not necessarily."

Luo Geng and Luo Yongfu chatted with laughter and laughter, and went upstairs together

, Luo Geng looked at the remaining shells on the dining table, and knew that Luo Yongfu estimated that he had bought a lot of good things because of heavy bleeding.

But I am not qualified to say anything, who let himself not also spend money to invite others to dinner.

Luo Geng returned to his room, since he had already pushed out his comics

, there was no time to rest, and he had to hurry out the next issue of the draft.

"That said... That Aunt Ren... How do you always feel like you've seen it somewhere?

Luo Geng's mind thought of Ren Lan, in addition to being able to see some fatigue that did not fit his age, there was also some familiarity in his eyes and facial features.

"Forget it, it's all from this town, it's normal to see it before."

Luo Geng stopped thinking about it and concentrated on drawing his own comics.

Chi Xiaoyu's appearance is mainly more similar to his father, and there are not many places like his

mother, if the two stand together, it is easy to see that it is a mother and daughter, but after separation, there is only that faint sense of familiarity.

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