"Good morning!"

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu, who trotted over, and greeted her.

She put on her school uniform, but she still couldn't block her proud figure, and her hair was clipped up with a hairpin sent by Luo Geng, which looked even more inaccessible.

"Well, good morning."

Chi Xiaoyu stood in front of Luo Geng, raised his head, looked directly into Luo Geng's eyes, and greeted him seriously.

"Oh... Oh..."

Luo Geng was taken aback by her reaction, but she didn't expect that she was so serious about what she said yesterday.

However, being able to look directly at Chi Xiaoyu's face was also a very happy thing for Luo Geng.

And Chi Xiaoyu, in order to be able to look at Luo Geng, he has been practicing at home for a long time.

In his mind, he imagined that Luo Geng was in front of him, and he repeatedly practiced how to talk to him.

The two got into the car and naturally sat together, and

now there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

"In other words, is there a physical education class today, the physical education class of our class should be with your class, are you going to study in the class?"

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu on the side and asked.

Now they at this stage, there are physical education classes, but they can not go to it

, soon close to the college entrance examination, most people will choose to study in the classroom

, but there are still many people to take physical education classes, relax, as long as other teachers do not occupy the class, then physical education is a free time to move.

"Hmm..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded, of course she won't take any physical education classes, it's a waste of

time for her, this time is used for studying, that's the best.

Secondly, it can also be used to catch up on sleep, but Chi Xiaoyu will not sleep in school.

"So... Then I also studied well in the

classroom, and I thought that if Xiaoyu would go out, I would also go out..." "Ah..." Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, and then reacted to this thing

, in school, the two are in different classes, there is almost no chance to meet, and

Chi Xiaoyu also eats in the classroom at noon.

And this physical education class is taken in two classes together, and this is her chance to stay with Luo Geng!

"Then I... It's better to go to physical education class..." Chi

Xiaoyu lowered his head and hesitated to say what he thought.

This time it was Luo Geng's turn to be stunned for a moment and said: "Ah no, let's study, after all, the exam is about to happen, and it is still very important to hurry."

"This... To put it bluntly... It's also right..."

Chi Xiaoyu calmed down, she really wanted to be with Luo Geng, but she couldn't ignore learning.

Suddenly, Luo Geng thought of something and said to Chi Xiaoyu: "It's better to... Together, we study on the playground?

Luo Geng also wanted to, so he thought of a compromise solution.

That can only be the two of them take the things they study with them and study in the physical education class, although in the eyes of others it is a little puzzled

, is it not good to study quietly in the classroom if you study, why do you have to take the physical education class in the playground with a book.

But this was also the only way Luo Geng could think of to take classes with Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu raised his eyebrows, and a flash of joy flashed in his eyes.

"Together... Learn?! "

This is simply more lethal for Chi Xiaoyu than eating together!

How many days and nights she thought about how good it would be to be able to study with Luo Geng!

Will it happen today? Will this dream come true?

"yes, yes, but... If you don't want to, it's okay, anyway, there will be a chance in the future..."

Chi Xiaoyu quickly looked at Luo Geng and nodded hurriedly,

for fear of missing this great opportunity.

"Hmm... Well, then we'll see you in physical education class..." Luo

Geng didn't expect Chi Xiaoyu to really agree, probably accommodating himself.

"She is such a gentle and kind person." Luo Geng thought so.

Soon the two arrived at the school, they walked together, did not cause a big sensation

, after all, there will always be boys around Chi Xiaoyu, this is normal.

However, there was one person who stared at Luo Geng and them, this person was Qi Qianru.

It wasn't until Luo Geng returned to the classroom that Qi Qianru walked up,

holding a breakfast in her hand.

She walked into the classroom, ran to her seat, and then put breakfast on Luo Geng's desk.

"That... The breakfast I brought you.

Qi Qianru whispered, then turned around and sat down.

The voices of the whole class quieted down, and their eyes were fixed on Luo Geng.

"School flowers bring breakfast to Luo Geng? What's the situation? Have they really started dating?

"I think it should be! After all, how good their relationship is! Damn Luo Geng, really took down the school flower?! The

other students were talking about it, and Luo Geng directly frowned.

The last thing he wants is such a misunderstood public opinion voice.

"I had breakfast in the morning, take it back."

Luo Geng said to Qi Qianru in front, wondering if she did it on purpose.

Wasn't it already said yesterday that keep your distance? She said the thing that pierced her heart the most, what else should she do?

Pretend not to know?

"I have already given it to you, if you don't eat it, just throw it away."

Qi Qianru did not turn around, but responded to Luo Geng softly.

Of course, Luo Geng will not throw away the food, that is shameful, not to mention that he will not eat the breakfast given by Qi Qianru at all, the key is that he has indeed eaten breakfast.

"Then I'll dispose of it at will."

Luo Geng looked to the side, by the row of seats in the window.

"Deng Yuxuan! Come here!

Deng Yuxuan had also been watching them, and when he heard Luo Geng greeting him, he walked over.

"Here, send you."

Luo Geng picked up the breakfast and handed it to Deng Yuxuan.

"What's the situation?!" The other students looked surprised and looked at this scene in disbelief.

I wondered if Luo Geng's brain was broken?

The breakfast bought by the school flower girlfriend? If he doesn't eat it, forget it, and give it to other boys?

If this were them, Qi Qianru bought them breakfast, even if they went to the toilet to pick their throats and spit out what they ate in the morning, they would have to eat it all.

"Uh... This.. No, Ruru bought it for you.

Deng Yuxuan glanced at Qi Qianru in front of her and found that she had no reaction

, normally at this time, she should have started to get angry.

"She said that it doesn't matter if I lose it, let me dispose of it, why, don't you want the breakfast Qi Qianru bought?"

Luo Geng narrowed his eyes and stared at Deng Yuxuan with a bad smile, he knew that if he said this, it was absolutely impossible for Deng Yuxuan to refuse.

"No, no, of course not, I want to!"

Deng Yuxuan really took the breakfast with both hands and returned to his seat with a smile.

The other students shook their heads and smacked their tongues, thinking that this Deng Yuxuan's behavior had nothing to do with dignity.

After Luo Geng disposed of breakfast, he ignored the others and began to study on his own.

He had already discovered that if he wanted to keep his distance from Qi Qianru, or even stay away from her, then he had to make good use of Deng Yuxuan.

He, very useful.

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