"Friends, every perfect wedding has a beautiful love story, when the story flows in the years of youth, we all drive on this high-and-low journey, passing through beautiful scenery along the way, and inadvertently meet the person we have been waiting for all our lives, in this small world, to meet each other, this is our destiny."

"Just like our bride and groom today, their acquaintance is called fate, their union is called destined, and their life is called happiness and eternity..."

Luo Geng dressed in a wedding dress, standing there silently waiting for the moment of happiness that belonged to him.

He looked at the entrance door, and he knew that in a moment, his happiness would come from there.

"Every girl will have two important men in her life, one is to give her a happy and happy intimate lover in the future, and the other is her father, when she is going to wear a beautiful wedding dress to become a happy bride, the father will take his daughter's hand and lead her into another happy moment in life.

The corners of Luo Geng's eyes raised slightly, the corners of his mouth raised, watching his father appear in full costume, standing there, raising his

arm, one hand on Luo Yongfu's arm, a stunning wedding dress appeared in everyone's field of vision, but compared to the beautiful wedding dress, the person wearing the wedding dress is even more eye-opening.

"Oh!" Xu Mengnan cheered below, and at the same time caused warm applause below, and at this time, all the eyes of the audience were attracted by the beautiful bride.

Chi Xiaoyu held a bouquet of flowers, followed Luo Yongfu slowly stepped up the stairs, and the balloons hanging on the ceiling suddenly exploded, blooming countless small balloons, like fireworks in the air, one after another.

Luo Geng watched the two walk in front of him, Chi Xiaoyu was not doing anything, Luo Yongfu looked at Luo Geng in front of him, and he couldn't help but shed tears.

"Daddy, don't cry."

Luo Geng laughed, and then stretched out his hand to wipe away Luo Yongfu's tears.

"Can you stop crying! My stinky boy has grown up! I'm impressed! "

Handed Chi Xiaoyu into Luo Geng's hands, Luo Yongfu hurriedly stepped down, and then he couldn't hold back when he stayed on the stage, after stepping down, Ren Lan quickly supported him and comforted:

"Okay, okay, don't cry, I didn't cry, you cried so much, you are too emotional."

The emcee stood in front and said with a smile: "Friends, let us sound the warmest applause, and invite the bride and groom to step hand in hand in this sacred wedding hall hand in hand, shoulder to shoulder and arm in arm!"

Luo Geng turned his head, raised the corners of his mouth to her, and then stretched out his hand, while Chi Xiaoyu put his hand in Luo Geng's hand, and the two held each other's hands tightly and walked forward slowly.

At the edge of the road, as the two advanced, brilliant and colorful cold fireworks were lit, decorating their path.

The two stood next to the emcee, facing the many guests below, with the happiest smiles.

"I know that the two newcomers have a lot to say at the moment, we might as well let them talk to each other, the most sincere feelings in their hearts."

Chi Xiaoyu slowly turned around, looking at Luo Geng in front of him, a little tear condensed in his eyes, as early as many years ago, this scene that he could never dream of, now, has become a reality, in front of his eyes.

"My life is very simple, simple to the point, only you, I don't think I need to say anything, everything I have belongs to you, thank you for tolerating an imperfect me, all in the future, I am willing to bear it with you."

Chi Xiaoyu's voice was not loud, but it spoke to Luo Geng's heart, which made him a little moved, and his eyes were full of endless love.

Then, Luo Geng held the microphone in one hand and Chi Xiaoyu's hand with the other, and said softly:

"We have known each other for 11 years, been together for five years, today, I finally married you home, I am very happy, I can accompany you from school uniform to wedding dress..." "

Many people think that I am rich now, think that I have a lot of money, but they are wrong, my real wealth, not the number in the bank card, is the smile on your face for me..."

"As long as I am with you, I am the happiest person, always... Forever..." As

soon as Luo Geng's words fell, Chi Xiaoyu took a step forward directly, and kissed Luo Geng's lips involuntarily, followed by the tears of happiness, slipped down his cheeks, and splashed all over the wedding dress.

"Oh! It seems that our bride is very moved, and the link of kissing the bride has become kissing the groom!

Deng Yuxuan, who was silently watching in the corner, picked up the walkie-talkie at this time and shouted: "OK, show time!" Then

, the overall lighting dimmed, and the photos lit up around were the wedding photos of

the two, the soft lights gathered on the stage, and the rain of petals slowly falling in the sky was like a dream, as if it had turned this place into a romantic paradise, the petals gently fell on the shoulders of the two, and the audience resounded with warm applause, blessings for the two.

"Bridegroom, for this promise of yours today, heaven and earth bear witness to you, and every guest present bears witness to you, holding the hand of the son, and growing old with the son, since you have chosen each other, you must love each other until the earth is old, and at this moment your happiness turns into two small rings, the bridegroom, the bride ring is a circle, there is no beginning and no end, it indicates that your love will never end."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu exchanged wedding rings, they looked at each other, Luo Geng gently wiped away Chi Xiaoyu's tears, revealing a gentle smile.

The smile on Chi Xiaoyu's lips gradually grew, and even the corners of his eyes and eyebrows could not suppress a smile

, "Husband, I love you."

Luo Geng hugged Chi Xiaoyu and whispered in her ear:

"I love you too, even if I live again, I will always love you."

The emcee stood up and continued to host:

"Today's bride is the embodiment of romantic love, she brings good luck and good luck, and now, in the hands of the bride, there is also a bouquet of magical bouquets, it is said that on this wedding day, the bride throws the bouquet, and the one who receives the bouquet will be the next person to enter the wedding hall."

Yu Wanxin's eyes froze, looking at Bai Yi and An Ying next to her, and said: "I won't let you..."

Bai Yi chuckled: "Just kidding, this is what I want to say, I am bound to get it."

Fan Junzhe saw that An Ying was also going to take it, so he reminded with some worry: "Wife, don't rob it, how dangerous

it is to bump and bump..." "That's not okay, what's the difference between that and taking the initiative to give up happiness!"

An Ying didn't seem to care about those things at all, and directly lifted her skirt.

Wen Shao and Hou Pengyuan had long been standing aside, and they knew that their persuasion was useless.

As Chi Xiaoyu threw out the bouquet to form a perfect parabola, the bridesmaids below were already ready to catch the happy pass.


Finally, the bouquet fell into the hands of a man, but unfortunately, this person was not any of the three bridesmaids.

The three of them were a little sluggish, slowly turned their heads, looked at the person standing behind them

, Qi Qianru shook the flower in her hand, the corners of her eyes bent, and smiled slightly.


Let's congratulate this girl, who will be the next person to be happy!"

"There are lovers in the world who will eventually become dependents, okay, then I will announce-

" "The sacred wedding ceremony of Mr. Luo Geng and Miss Chi Xiaoyu..."

(End of book).

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