"Complete, Licheng!"

Qi Qianru looked at the happy couple on the stage, her eyes showed indescribable feelings, she clapped, the corners of her mouth rose slightly, and muttered:

"It's good to see you happy."

After the wedding, the delicious food was served, but she could not eat a little, holding the wine glass in her hand and drinking it one after another.

"Qi Qianru?"

"Huh?!" Qi Qianru heard Luo Geng's voice, her body suddenly stirred, looked up, and found Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu standing in front of her.

The two of them held wine glasses in their hands, came over to toast, and looked at Qi Qianru in a daze there, so they called her.

"Thank you for coming to our wedding, eat and drink well here, the hospitality is not thoughtful, forgive me."

Luo Geng raised his glass and looked at her and smiled

, "Where, I wish you all a happy new marriage."

Qi Qianru quickly raised her glass and stretched out

, she looked at the smiling faces of the two, a little lost in concentration, and her eyes were a little blurry.


The crisp sound of the wine glass colliding seemed to ring a bell for Qi Qianru's head, and

when her vision was instantly clear, everything in front of her changed...

"Qi Qianru? What are you doing?

Qi Qianru heard someone calling herself, and her hand raised in mid-air had not yet been lowered, but there was no wine glass in her hand.


She looked in that direction and found that it was a podium, and on top of the podium, stood her high school homeroom teacher, Lao Yan.

"Huh? Teacher Yan, are you also here to attend the wedding?

"Wedding?! Whose wedding? Are you uncomfortable? Just now I suddenly stood up and said what is happy newlywed, what is the hand movement? Clinking glasses with people, huh?

"Hahahaha..." The

sudden laughter in the classroom startled Qi Qianru, she slowly turned her head and looked

behind her, those laughter behind her were all her high school classmates, she was in her high school classroom!

"What's the situation..."

Qi Qianru looked down at herself, the dress she wore to the wedding had disappeared, and she was wearing a school uniform.

"Are you all right?" Do you want to call your parents to take you to the hospital? Old

Yan saw that something was wrong with Qi Qianru, so he walked off the podium, came to her side, and asked her suspiciously.

"Teacher Yan!"

Suddenly, Qi Qianru's back table came a voice that she was extremely familiar with, and when she heard this voice, she was first stunned, and then shocked that could not be concealed.

She turned and looked at the back table, the boy

, his hair long covering his forehead, and his eyes wearing a wide, unpowered glasses.

This image, she has not seen for many years, strange and familiar.

"What's wrong, Luo Geng, are you in trouble?"

Lao Yan looked at the boy behind him, not knowing what he was doing when he suddenly stood up.

Luo Geng looked at Lao Yan and said seriously: "Teacher Yan, it was just when I harassed Qi Qianru in the back that she suddenly stood up. "

I wipe..." Luo Geng's fellow table Wen Shao couldn't help but scold, grinning, looking incredulous.

"Is that so? Qi Qianru?

Lao Yan looked at Qi Qianru and asked her.

And Qi Qianru is still a little confused, she is obviously still at Luo Geng's wedding one second, how can she return to high school the next second? Did you drink too much at your wedding? Or is it all a dream in your own class?

Qi Qianru said a little hesitantly: "I... I was drinking Luo Geng's happy wine just now..."

"Huh?!" Luo Geng's eyes widened, his face was full of question marks, and he didn't know what Qi Qianru was talking about.

Lao Yan was so angry that he took a deep breath and shouted:

"Good fellow, you have found the murderer, it turns out that you are married, right?" Okay, both of you give me out and stand!

"Hahahaha..." With

the laughter of the audience, Luo Geng and the dazed Qi Qianru were invited out of the classroom and stood in the corridor.

"Ahem, let's continue to talk..."

"Jingle bell-

" As soon as Lao Yan spoke, he remembered the bell after class, his face became ugly, and he muttered in his mouth: "It's really a waste of time."

Then, he took the teaching materials and walked out of the classroom, looking at the two people standing in the corridor.

"Qi Qianru, you are a good boy, you must focus on your studies, and distinguish what is important."

"And you, Luo Geng, if you have to entangle Qi Qianru, then you should raise your grades and learn from others, otherwise don't delay others to study."

After Lao Yan lectured the two in the corridor, he left here.

Luo Geng looked at Lao Yan's back and muttered in a low voice: "Hey, I still talk about my father, what does my family's affairs have to do with him..., be nosy..."

What the hell is going on here.

Qi Qianru leaned against the wall, looked at the ceiling, and was still sighing at the current situation.

At this time, a figure came out of the next class, and she saw Luo Geng and Qi Qianru developing in the corridor, first frowned fleetingly, and then a puzzled look appeared on her face, but she also took this look and left here.

Qi Qianru saw her back, her mouth opened slightly, and she whispered to herself: "Chi Xiaoyu..."

A person stood in front of Qi Qianru, reached out to touch her forehead, and

she looked at the person in front of her, this person was Bai Yi.

"Bai Yi, you... Didn't attend the wedding? You're still a bridesmaid!

Qi Qianru grabbed Bai Yi's shoulders and asked her anxiously, wondering if she was the only one in this situation, or if everyone else had returned to high school like herself.

"Bridesmaids? What do you say, your bridesmaids? Are you dreaming?

Bai Yi looked dazed, completely unable to understand what Qi Qianru was talking about, looking at her like this, she felt a little terrible.

"Chi Xiaoyu's bridesmaids!"

"Chi Xiaoyu? I don't know her... Do you dream of me being Chi Xiaoyu's bridesmaid? What a strange dream..." Bai

Yi shook her head, she is now more confused than Qi Qianru, how can this dream still be so messy, she doesn't know Chi Xiaoyu, how can she become someone's bridesmaid in her dream.


Qi Qianru let go of Bai Yi's shoulders, and then ran in the direction Chi Xiaoyu left.

Leaving a blank look on Bai Yi, he looked at Luo Geng, who was also dazed on the side, and asked: "What's wrong with her, one will drink your happy wine, and the other will be Chi Xiaoyu's bridesmaid, you and Chi Xiaoyu are married?"

"Are you saying this because you are afraid that I will die a miserable death?"

Luo Geng glanced behind him, and those suitors who were late Xiaoyu had already begun to stare at Luo Geng when they heard Bai Yi's words.

In the bathroom

, the moment Chi Xiaoyu washed his hands and raised his head, he suddenly saw a person standing behind him in the mirror!


She was so frightened that she exclaimed, and couldn't help but take a step back and look at Qi Qianru who appeared behind her.

"Ah, I'm sorry..." Chi Xiaoyu quickly wanted to leave the bathroom, but was grabbed by Qi Qianru's wrist.

"Laughing rain! Wait, I have something to tell you..."

You know me?

Chi Xiaoyu turned her head and looked at Qi Qianru with some surprise, in her impression, she knew Qi Qianru, or she was impressed by Qi Qianru, but she didn't know that Qi Qianru knew herself.

Qi Qianru blinked, looked around, and asked in a low voice: "I only ask one question, you... Are you not married?

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a moment, I don't know what she meant, she is a high school student, how to get married, and who to marry?

"I... Nope.

"I know..."

Qi Qianru let go of her hand, she finally faced the reality now, everything she experienced could not be a dream, how could there be a dream so real, so long, the pain brought to her was real....

"So I... Back in time? Reborn? "

So, can I go..." Chi Xiaoyu didn't know what Qi Qianru was muttering, she just wanted to get out of here quickly.

Qi Qianru glanced at her, her pupils trembled, she was silent for a while, and slowly said:

"Wait a minute... Laughing rain... I... I want to talk to you about Luo Geng..." Chi

Xiaoyu raised her eyebrows, her eyes widened a little, and she stood in place, looking at Qi Qianru in front of her with a complicated expression.

"Lo... Geng..." In

the classroom, as soon as Luo Geng sat down, a person walked over and put his arm on his shoulder.

"Luo Geng, your relationship with Qi Xiaohua is so good?"

Luo Geng glanced up at him and said, "Deng Yuxuan? What are you doing?

Deng Yuxuan shrugged and said: "It's okay, I want to help you as your friend, eh, in my opinion, how about you confess directly to Qi Qianru?"

Before Luo Geng could speak, Wen Shao on the side frowned and said, "Deng Yuxuan, don't make a blind plan here, it doesn't matter what Luo Geng wants to do with you."

"I'm just kind, you also saw that the atmosphere between the two of them is so good, maybe it will be."

"Makes sense..." Luo Geng fell into deep thought and began to hesitate

, Wen Shao directly turned his head away, no longer paying attention to them.

In the afternoon

, Qi Qianru returned to her seat, she was here as if she was a memory trip, everything was so full of nostalgia, the feeling of returning to high school was unimaginable.

In particular, he was able to be a classmate again with Luo Geng, and he was able to start again and face the mistakes again.


Qi Qianru touched the desk, she touched her desk, it seemed that there was something more.

She took it out and looked at it, her eyes widened instantly, and her face was full of shock.

"Love letters... Lo... Luogeng's?!

She couldn't believe it, as if checking the signature of this love letter and found that it was indeed Luo Geng's

, if it was before, she would definitely scoff at receiving this kind of thing, and then secretly throw it away, pretending not to see it.

That also led to the things that happened later, things that she regretted for the rest of her life

, and now, she will definitely not be able to do those things that she regrets again.

She slowly opened the love letters and looked at them carefully, because she had never read the love letters that Luo Geng gave her, and before she wanted to come home one day, she could still find those love letters that were thrown away, read them well, and couldn't wait to read them hundreds of times.

"Haha... It turned out that in the love letter that Luo Geng gave me, these things were written, I really couldn't think of it... If you can bring this to the future Luo Geng and show him, what kind of expression will he have..."

Qi Qianru thought of the future Luo Geng in her mind, looking at this love letter in front of her, she couldn't imagine that it was written by a person.

She slowly put the love letter away, pasted it to her chest, and felt her heartbeat through the love letter.

"Okay, let me enjoy this meeting, just do it.... Just for a moment... Okay, laughing rain..."

she muttered something in her mouth, and then she turned the love letter over, put it on the table, picked up a pen and wrote something on it.

Luo Geng returned to his seat and saw the love letter he had given to Qi Qianru on the desk.

"I was returned..."

Luo Geng smiled bitterly, he had expected it, not surprised at all, but his eyes froze, and he saw that his love letter seemed to be written not his own words.


Luo Geng took out the love letter and saw that the back side was written by himself, and the handwriting on this side seemed to be... Qi Qianru wrote it?!


He was overjoyed all of a sudden, but he didn't expect that this was a reply, and she replied to herself?!

Luo Geng raised her head and looked at Qi Qianru in front of her, she didn't look back, in the direction that Luo Geng couldn't see, she pursed her mouth and evoked a smile.

[See you at the station tomorrow after school, by the way, go back from school today to get your hair cut, and take off your glasses. ]


Luo Geng's mouth turned into an "O" shape, but she didn't expect that she actually succeeded, and she asked herself to meet after school tomorrow!

Luo Geng ripped off his glasses, looked at Wen Shao on the side, and asked in a low voice:

"Ahem, Wen Shao!" Are you free after school today, accompany me to cut my head! "

Huh? What's wrong with you..."


After school the next night....

Luo Geng was waiting at the station early, he cut his hair, took off his glasses, and many people looked at him a few more times today, but

he didn't care at all, he just wanted to see Qi Qianru sooner now, his heart was so excited that he didn't know what to do later.

"Which side of me is more handsome? Side face?

Luo Geng muttered to himself, adjusting his standing posture, wanting the best side to appear in front of Qi Qianru.

"Hey! Luo Geng!

Suddenly, a call startled him, and he raised his head to find Qi Qianru walking over with a smile on her face.

"Ahhh... Ahem, that... You're here..."

Luo Geng quickly adjusted his state, and for a moment he felt that his mouth was dry and extremely nervous.

"Yes, I came to give you an answer, about the love letter you gave me."

Qi Qianru nodded and stood in front of Luo Geng.

She thought a lot, she knew that this was her only chance, she could never regret it again

, since she was reborn, she had to do it, what she should have done a long time ago, that was the right thing!

Therefore, she took the initiative to ask Luo Geng to come out and give him an answer, but also to give herself an answer.

"Ahhh... That, you... You agreed..."

Luo Geng's heart beat faster and thumped, waiting for Qi Qianru's answer.


answer is... Disagree!

Luo Geng was stunned, his eyes widened, completely stupid

, he didn't expect that he was rejected, he originally felt that he had a chance, but he didn't expect

to lose so completely....

With a faint smile at the corner of her mouth, Qi Qianru asked softly:

"I think, it's best for us to be friends, if you want, are you willing to be friends with me?"

"Really? Would you still like to be friends with me?

Luo Geng raised his head, a little puzzled, he thought that after his confession failed, he would definitely be kept away.

"Really, right! I'll introduce you to another good friend of mine, uh... It shouldn't need my introduction, you know, come out! Qi

Qianru looked behind him, behind the station sign

, Luo Geng looked in that direction, he didn't find it, it turned out that there was still a person hiding there, seeing that person, Luo Geng was a little unbelievable.

"Chi Xiaoyu?!"

I saw Chi Xiaoyu slowly standing out from behind the station sign, she lowered her head, not daring to look at Luo Geng's eyes.

She slowly walked to Qi Qianru's side, she was not eavesdropping

here, but Qi Qianru deliberately called her here, yesterday in the bathroom, they chatted for a while, that time, let Chi Xiaoyu's overall cognition of Qi Qianru this person all flipped.

After school that night, they chatted for a long time,

so everything today was arranged by Qi Qianru.

"Say and do as I taught you."

Qi Qianru whispered in Chi Xiaoyu's ear in a low voice, and then patted her back to cheer her up.

"Hmm... "

Then I'll go first, you guys talk."

Qi Qianru looked at Luo Geng in front of her, said goodbye to them, and then turned around and left here without hesitation.


Luo Geng was stunned and wanted to chase him out, but looking at Chi Xiaoyu in front of him, he stopped again.

"That... I'm Luo Geng... Remember me, we were junior high school classmates.

Luo Geng smiled awkwardly and said hello.

Chi Xiaoyu nodded lightly and said,

"Remember... I always remember..." Qi

Qianru walked dozens of steps, turned around, her eyes flickered, pursed her mouth slightly, chuckled, she looked at the two people, and said softly:

"I may not be able to give Luo Geng happiness, and you, Chi Xiaoyu, you can, because I have seen, I have seen with my own eyes, I have seen Luo Geng's happy appearance, only you can give it to him."

"If you are not there, I will give Luo Geng happiness instead of you, but if you are, I will never be able to win you, no matter in which time and space, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu will always be a couple..."

Qi Qianru exhaled, sorted out her state, and turned to leave-

"Okay, what should I do now?" Tease Bai Yi and Wen Shao? Hahaha..."


"Qi Qianru..." "Qi Qianru


"Wake up!"

Qi Qianru slowly opened her eyes, and everything in front of her changed again, turning into bright lights and ceilings.

"I am..." Qi

Qianru looked to the side, she seemed to be lying on the bed, and when she looked to the side, she immediately became energetic.

Because she was surrounded by people

, Bai Yi, Wen Shao, Hou Pengyuan, Yu Wanxin, Fan Junzhe, An Ying, Deng Yuxuan, as well as Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu.

They looked at themselves worriedly, as if they had some disease.

"Ruru, you're awake, are you okay?" Bai Yi stepped forward and touched Qi Qianru's forehead and asked worriedly.

"What's wrong with me..." Qi

Qianru was stupid, didn't she just draw the line between Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu at the station, how in a blink of an eye, she was lying here again, the people around her, and their clothes, let her know that she seemed to be back, it was Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu's

wedding day.

"You got drunk at Luo Geng and Xiaoyu's wedding and slept until now." An Ying said on the side.

"I... Drunk?

"yes, it's still crazy with alcohol, do you want to listen?" Luo Geng sighed, shook his head helplessly,

and then took out his mobile phone and handed it to Qi Qianru's ear.

He turned on the tape recorder and clicked on the audio that had been recorded for nearly 10 minutes-

[Luo Geng can only be Chi Xiaoyu! ] Who approves! Who is against ?! Whoever opposes me is the first to rush with whom! I'll tell you.... They were born a couple! No one is good to make!


As the audio played, everyone around laughed

, Qi Qianru quickly buried her head in the quilt, she felt a huge heat on her face, and now she was extremely embarrassed.

"This is my ???"

She couldn't believe she was shouting something when she was drunk....

When she took the quilt off, she saw Chi Xiaoyu come to her, and then gently hugged her.

"Laughing rain... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to make trouble at your wedding

..." "It's okay, you're okay, thank you..." Chi

Xiaoyu smiled, patted Qi Qianru's back, and whispered softly in Qi Qianru's ears

, she looked at these friends around her, and the smile made her feel very relieved, as if she was dreaming.

"The wedding... It's over, why haven't you changed your clothes yet..."

Qi Qianru asked in a low voice, because she saw that everyone else was still wearing the wedding clothes and did not change.

Luo Geng chuckled and said, "Of course, it's waiting for you, waiting for you to take a group photo together, you can't stop it when you're drunk, you can't take it at all." "

Shoot... "

Yes, I brought all the photographers." Deng Yuxuan pointed outside the door and motioned for the photographer to wait outside.

"Hmm-" Qi

Qianru felt her nose sour, choked up

, and then, hot tears welled up from her eyes.

"There you guys... It's so good

..." Everyone went outside, found a brighter place, and stood together

, "Okay, look at the camera..."

Two! One! Eggplant! "


A favorite photo of Qi Qianru was born

, she stood between Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu, looking particularly happy and smiling particularly brightly.

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