Qi Qianru was completely stunned, looking up at Chi Xiaoyu's serious and firm eyes

, she knew that this was not a joke, this was true.

Chi Xiaoyu easily did what he couldn't do, and generously said that he liked Luo Geng, so firmly, it did not violate his heart in the slightest.


you can do it yourself, how good it should be

, you are so outgoing on the surface, so big grin, the relationship with the boys is also good, and the relationship with

Luo Geng is better, but why, I just can't say, I like Luo Geng?

And Chi Xiaoyu, the surface is so introverted, so cold, others dare not approach, and Luo Geng has almost no intersection.

Why? Can she say so frankly, she likes Luo Geng?

She lost, Qi Qianru knew that she had lost.

At least in terms of liking Luo Geng, she lost completely.

Qi Qianru was silent for a long time, then slowly stood up and said, "

You haven't interacted yet, I won't give up."

After that, she turned around and left here, because she knew that staying here was just a self-inflicted humiliation.

"Toss as much as you want, you can't make any waves anyway."

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Qi Qianru's back and released a cruel word, if she weren't a lady, she would have gone up and fought with Qi Qianru a long time ago.

Just by destroying Luo Geng's heart, Chi Xiaoyu would not be able to spare Qi Qianru for the rest of his life.

"What's wrong? Who were you just talking to?

At this time, Luo Geng's voice came from behind

Chi Xiaoyu, and after Luo Geng came back, he looked at Chi Xiaoyu standing here, as if he was saying something in his mouth.

"Ahhh... Not... It's okay... I'm not talking to anyone. Chi Xiaoyu quickly sat down, lowered his head, and whispered.

"Oooh, yes."

Luo Geng returned to his seat and continued to study with Chi Xiaoyu.

It wasn't until the end of class bell rang, and the two knew it was time to part.

"Well, let's go back."


"Next PE class, too.... Together?


Geng and Chi Xiaoyu separated in the corridor, then returned to their class, and

agreed to study together like this next time.

As soon as Luo Geng returned to the class, he felt everyone's gaze.


Luo Geng was a little puzzled, why did he become the center of his gaze again

, and those gazes seemed to be very bad,

what did he do?

Luo Geng returned to his seat, saw Qi Qianru at the front table, lying on the table, not knowing what he was doing

, from time to time his body trembled slightly, and there was a slight sobbing sound.

And Bai Yi, who was standing in front of her, also caressed her back, as if to comfort her.

Luo Geng looked at Wen Shao on the side and asked in a low voice, "What's going on?" Why do you feel that the atmosphere is a little strange?

Wen Shao pointed to his mouth and motioned for Luo Geng to look at his mouth.

Then say two words silently with the shape of your mouth: cry.

Luo Geng was even more puzzled and cried? Why?

Just because she cried, the atmosphere was not right?

If you cry, you will cry, and it has nothing to do with yourself? Why do others look at themselves?

Was it really misunderstood by them that they were dating her? That's why you think you made you cry?

Luo Geng frowned, thinking in his heart

, how to explain to everyone that he and Qi Qianru have nothing to do with each other,

and he can't stand on the podium by himself and solemnly announce this matter, right?


Chi Xiaoyu returned to his seat, and everyone else was talking about something in a low voice.

Because those who like Chi Xiaoyu, that is, her suitors, after seeing Chi Xiaoyu go downstairs to physical education class, of course, will follow

, for them, study, how important is it to pursue Chi Xiaoyu,

how about studying well? Can you catch Chi Xiaoyu?

How about getting into a good university? Can you catch Chi Xiaoyu?


So they still learn a hair?


, when they chased down and were about to step forward to talk to

Chi Xiaoyu, they saw that Chi Xiaoyu was actually studying downstairs

, so they gave up and did not bother, after all, they knew that Chi Xiaoyu hated others to disturb her study the most.

Will be pulled into the lifelong blacklist by Chi Xiaoyu.

But the point is that there is another man next to Chi Xiaoyu!

They didn't know who it was, and they couldn't see their faces on the back, but they could be sure that it wasn't a student in their own class, it was someone else.

Originally, they thought that the man was also pursuing Chi Xiaoyu, disturbing Chi Xiaoyu's study, and he would definitely be able to see a good show.

However, they actually had a good chat?!

Chi Xiaoyu was not angry at all!

This incident alarmed all Chi Xiaoyu's suitors, who were already discussing at this time, how to find out the man.

Then, quack him.

Chi Xiaoyu sat on the seat, with a smile slightly raised at the corner of his lips.

Just this smile fascinated those boys and stared intently.

It seems that at that moment, the thought of wanting to rattle Luo Geng is not important.

Chi Xiaoyu took out a book from her bag.

The book was hidden in the deepest part of her bag, almost invisible to others.

The cover of the book reads: What I want to do with Luo Geng.

She opened the book, and there were many things written in it, but almost all of them were blank and did not do it.

There are only a few of them, and they have already been ticked.

For example, going to and from school with Luo Geng.

Take a walk and

eat together.

Now, Chi Xiaoyu picked up the pen and put a tick on the back of [Study Together].

At the same time, she couldn't hide her gentle smile, and she felt very satisfied.

It's like the achievement of playing a game, the effort to achieve an achievement, and the satisfaction after achieving it.

"And... That's a lot. "

Chi Xiaoyu looked at the things he wrote

, watching movies together, going to the playground together, celebrating Christmas together, raising a small animal together...

These things have been done countless times with Luo Geng in Chi Xiaoyu's mind, and

even taking out these things arbitrarily can make her have a beautiful dream.

But in reality, there is no progress at all.

But she is not in a hurry, she knows that everything is slowly changing, and the content above will definitely be done more and more.

This is almost a week's work, isn't it already three or four completed?

"And then... Finally..." Chi

Xiaoyu turned the book to the

last page, and there were still a few words on the last page, with many sheets in between,

as if he didn't want to be found out that there was another item on this last page.

It was written in very serious handwriting: the ultimate goal.

[Grow old together with Luo Geng. ] 】

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