
There was a bunch of drawings next to Luo Geng, with memories of his past life, plus his accumulated painting skills

, these things really seemed to be mass-produced on the assembly line, and Luo Geng was the mass-produced machine.

Today is the weekend, and Luo Geng is at home to catch up on the manuscript.

There is only almost a month before the college entrance examination, and everyone

is hurrying to study, while Luo Geng is hurrying to catch up with the manuscript.

He and Chi Xiaoyu's life is relatively dull, going to school, after school, occasionally saying a few words at school, and

they have not walked together on weekends, or eaten together

, because Luo Geng also has to catch up with the manuscript, Chi Xiaoyu also has to study, and the two of them have a tacit understanding that they did not mention this kind of thing again.

It's Luo Geng's father, Luo Yongfu's progress is very fast, these days it seems that he fell in love with work

, sometimes he has to run to the factory before dawn, just to see Ren Lan earlier.

"Bang bang bang-

" At this time, Luo Geng heard someone knocking on the door

, he was a little puzzled, he didn't know who would come at this time,


Luo Geng walked to the door and looked at the figure outside through the cat's eyes.

"That... Hello, is Mr. Luo here? "


After Luo Geng heard the voice, he opened the door, and

standing at the door was his own editor Jia Mo.

"Why are you here?"

Luo Geng was a little surprised, he delivered his manuscript on time, and he didn't need an editor to urge him?

"Oh, Mr. Luo, I'm here to congratulate you." Jia Mo rubbed his hands and walked in, his face full of smiles.


"Yes, since your work was serialized in our comic weekly, the background of our website is about to explode, and the response from consumers is unexpectedly good, your work is really hot!"

Luo Geng blinked, he was not surprised by this.

"What about my manuscript fee?"

"Already hit your card?" Haven't you seen it yet? Jia Mo took out a piece of paper from the briefcase he was carrying.

It was the bank statement, and there was a record of remittance to Luo Geng.

After Luo Geng took it, he squinted his eyes and looked at the amount of money on it.

"That's it?!"

"This... This?! Teacher Luo, you already have the most manuscript fees among all the authors in our weekly magazine, far exceeding others several times!

Jia Mo was taken aback, and when he got this detail, he almost couldn't close his mouth in surprise.

Although I have not been an editor for a long time, I have never seen such manuscript fee data, this debut is the pinnacle, a proper god.

"Oh, too... That's right, too.

Luo Geng realized that he had forgotten that this was decades ago.

In the previous life, in Luo Geng's era, his own manuscript fee was more than this, but the cost was also greater.

But now, the money is really a huge amount.

"Rest assured, the money will continue to pour into your card, as long as you... Belch... Creation remains perfect, speed again... So fast and lost. Jia

Mo blushed a little when he said this, embarrassed.

Because he hardly urged the draft, this is the case, Luo Geng has the best effect and the fastest speed.

When other editors are still holding ropes to grab the author of the dragged manuscript, Jia Mo does not need to move at all, and the latest issue of serialization will be sent to the publishing house.

"Okay, I see."

Luo Geng nodded, isn't it faster than faster, what's so difficult about this

, anyway, you can earn so much money, it doesn't matter if you hurry, at least, now the money in your bank card can already change the current economic status quo of their family.

"Also: One more thing, you didn't say ... Will you create a masterpiece? That..." Jia

Mo is now very interested in the fine products that Luo Geng said, after all, this work is hot enough, and for Luo Geng, it is still a thing that just rots money.

If it is a boutique, won't it sell well throughout the country?

At that time, not only will Luo Geng become a famous comic author and earn a lot of money, but his editorial status will also soar!

"Ah, I said, after my college entrance examination, there is no time now, and then you don't let me speed up and serialize this?" You want me to die of exhaustion, I decided that this serial will end until the end of my college entrance examination. "

Huh? Finish?! Don't, Mr. Luo, you think of a way to stretch it out, consumers have high expectations for this work, it is the most likely to officially publish a single book at present, there is money and does not earn Wang Baegg, do you see..." Jia

Mo was shocked after hearing this, and quickly persuaded Luo Geng to hold on

, after all, when the college entrance examination is over, it is estimated that it is the time when the popularity reaches its peak

, and it ends at that time, isn't that pure fool?

"Oh, you're so annoying, but you can also see that I don't have a team at all, screenwriter, main writer, storyboard, line draft, post, it's all me!" I have such a speed, you can steal the fun, really stand and talk without back pain.

Luo Geng frowned and complained, didn't he want to make more money, but what is so easy

, he is not a real machine, and he really can't produce energy?

"Teacher, I think you should set up a studio, according to the inertia of the current market audience, and the reaction of consumers, I think this speed is far from enough, the company is already thinking about Zhou Shuangxian, your manuscript fee will really skyrocket!"

"I'm in school, how do I set up a studio, since you are so attentive, then this matter is left to you."

Luo Geng patted Jia Mo's shoulder and sent him a kind smile.

"It's not... This.. Teacher... I got it? Where do I understand? Jia Mo smiled bitterly, spread out his hand, and looked helpless.

Luo Geng laughed badly, the corners of his mouth rose, close to Jia Mo's ear, and said softly:

"Oh? Don't you want to, become an ace editor? At that time, there will be countless authors who come to you, and you have become under one person and above ten thousand! You just don't want to?


Jia Mo gasped, this sentence entered his brain cavity down his ears

, more useful than anything refreshing, making him excited!


Luo Geng knew that he had grasped Jia Mo's point and continued: "

We are a cooperative relationship, I am good, you are good, don't you understand this?" Do your best to help me, it will only be good for you.

"I... I try my best! Jia

Mo did not resist Luo Geng's temptation and agreed

, after all, what Luo Geng said was too tempting for him.

I have been bullied and scared by those old editors and ace editors,

and I think every day about the moment I stand up and hit those people in the face!

"That's right, you can leave if there is nothing to do, go out and bring the door, oh yes, the next time I send you a manuscript, I will probably tell you my phone number together, just call me if you have something."

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