"Handsome guy, you look at this latest model, the quality is absolutely good! It won't be bad if you throw it down on the third floor! "

Luo Geng came to the mobile phone store, want to buy a mobile phone

, now is not the era of smart phones, selling are flip-cover, sliding kind of

mobile phones, not as multi-functional as those mobile phones that will appear in the future, this pixel, that system

, now mobile phones pay attention to quality, who has good quality, who sells well.

"Smartphones, it won't be a few years before they are available..."

Luo Geng muttered, now you can only buy such a mobile phone, but it is enough to be able to send text messages and make phone calls.

Otherwise, it is really inconvenient to not be able to contact anything now.

"Okay, you guys have the best here, get me... Four bars.

Luo Geng's words made the clerk directly stunned.

Standing in place for a while. I don't know what to do.

Four? Is this a vegetable market? Coming here to buy garlic?

She has been a shop assistant for so long, and she has never seen this face.

Isn't it enough for normal people to buy one, why buy so much?

"Handsome guy, we have the best here, one is going to..."

"I know, hurry up and swipe the card."

Luo Geng directly interrupted the clerk's words, and then handed her her own bank card.

"Uh... Oh... Good. The

clerk carefully took the card and went to check in.

She thought to herself that this is really a rich second generation today, buying a mobile phone is the same as buying vegetables.

The best phones in the past can't sell a few units a month.

"Handsome guy, you go slowly-"

A moment later, Luo Geng held a pocket containing four mobile phones.

He also got the calling card ready, so he went back to his house.

Even if he had money, he didn't know what to buy, and he didn't even spend a tenth of his manuscript fee to buy four mobile phones.

Even when I went home to take the car, I also came back by bus.

During dinner in the evening, Luo Yongfu shared with Luo Geng that he chatted and interacted with Ren Lan when he went to work.

Luo Geng could see that Luo Yongfu was obviously tired a lot, but he seemed to enjoy it very much,

as if the meaning of going to work was not to make money.

"Wait a minute."

Luo Geng stood up, turned around and returned to

his room, Luo Yongfu was a little puzzled, put down his chopsticks, and watched Luo Geng walk out of the room, still holding two boxes in his hand, containing mobile phones.

"This is..." "

The mobile phone, bought for you, the other one, you can give it to Aunt Ren as a gift, so that you can contact some."

Luo Geng put the two boxes in front of Luo Yongfu.

Luo Yongfu didn't react at first, then blinked, and carefully opened a box with his hand, and

there was indeed a brand new mobile phone lying quietly inside

, even if it was not a smart phone, but it was far beyond those ordinary models.

Luo Yongfu took out his mobile phone, looked at it for a while, and confirmed that it was the real thing

, and then he raised his head, his expression was very complicated, puzzled, surprised, and afraid.

Luo Geng seemed to see through Luo Yongfu's expression, and said lightly:

"Don't misunderstand, I didn't steal or rob, this is my manuscript fee for drawing comics, and now it's enough for you to the point where you don't need to go to work, although it's not enough to buy a new house, but it is estimated that when you pay for a few more times, you can save enough."

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, it was his own drawing, shook it, and showed it to Luo Yongfu.

Luo Yongfu listened to Luo Geng's words, still a little unacceptable

, no one can actually accept it, his child suddenly bought two mobile phones for himself, so generous, it proves that these two mobile phones are just small money for him.

That suddenly there was so much money, even if he advocated calmness, but at the moment he couldn't resist the shock in his heart.

"What you said is true?"

A moment later, Luo Yongfu simply asked.

"Well, really."

Seeing his son nodding seriously, Luo Yongfu directly believed it

, after all, who could know Luo Geng better than him.

After believing it, the doubt and fear disappeared, replaced by abnormal excitement!

"My mother, son, you are too capable, good guys are preparing for the exam and studying hard, you are not hurried, it turns out that you are muffled to make a fortune!" Awesome, OK! My eldest son has this ability to eat, it is enough, it doesn't matter what university he goes to.

Luo Yongfu showed an unconcealable smile, patting Luo Geng's shoulder, with a proud look in his eyes.

Although he has never managed Luo Geng's results, but he also knows

that his grades have not been very good, he is very worried, after all, he can still work hard while he is young

, wait twenty years, thirty years, his own body, really not at all

, he does not ask Luo Geng to serve him, he only hopes that Luo Geng can have food to eat.

"It's okay, I haven't fallen behind in my studies, good universities will still come, don't worry."

"Good, good, my eldest son is really powerful!"

Luo Yongfu was full of praise, praising Luo Geng one after another, and the joy in his heart continued to emerge.

"Anyway, now that I can earn money to support you, don't go to work, it's weird, it's not convenient for you, it's dangerous to encounter wind and rain, and it's hard to open an umbrella."

Luo Geng said his thoughts

, how Luo Yongfu died in his previous life, he remembered it vividly, so he absolutely had to avoid this kind of thing,

as long as Luo Yongfu stayed at home well.

"That's not okay, then I can't see your Aunt Ren?" Luo Yongfu directly refused, although he didn't want to go to work, but there were people he wanted to see, which would make this matter full of expectations.

Luo Geng felt the same way, as if he hoped that the weekend would pass quickly, because Chi Xiaoyu could be seen on school days.

"Your relationship has not yet been determined, but last time Aunt Ren said to bring her daughter, why is there no news?"

"Yes, it should be that her daughter is seriously preparing for the exam, she can't bear to bother, what's the hurry, it's time after the college entrance examination is over, anyway, it's only a month."

Luo Geng was thinking, should she buy some gifts for her daughter? After all, you may become a family, and you always have to give some meeting gifts or something.

"Daddy.... Do you really plan to continue working?

Luo Geng looked at Luo Yongfu's appearance and knew that this was not something he could dissuade.

"Of course, if you have a little money, you won't earn it? Where does it make sense.

"You just said that you went to work to see Aunt Ren..."

Luo Geng sighed helplessly, seeing that he was so persistent, there was nothing he could do.

He went to the bank to check his balance, there are still a lot, tens of thousands of yuan are available.

At least for a long time there is no need to worry about money.

"So be it... Dad..."

Luo Geng looked at Luo Yongfu's double crutches that had accompanied him for many years, and slowly spoke:

"When I wait for next weekend, I will take you to the hospital... Make prosthetics. "

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