It was another school day

, Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu sat in the car, ready to go to school.

"You sleep for a while."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu's faint dark circles, and knew that she must not have slept long last night.

"Well, good."

Chi Xiaoyu is also different from the beginning, and gradually, he can talk and chat with Luo Geng as a normal friend.

Otherwise, at the beginning, you can't even look at each other, let alone speak normally.

Chi Xiaoyu was also extremely relieved Luo Geng, so he closed his eyes and leaned back on his seat to rest.

"Oh... By the way, almost forgot.

Luo Geng suddenly thought of something, and took out the brand new box of mobile phones from his bag.

He bought a total of four, gave two to his father, kept one for himself, and the rest was given to Chi Xiaoyu by himself.

"Xiaoyu, given to you."

Luo Geng handed the mobile phone to Chi Xiaoyu, and Chi Xiaoyu also opened her eyes at this time

, and she who had just rushed up with sleepiness, was completely sleepy for a moment, and looked at the things in Luo Geng's hand with a surprised face.

"This... This is?

"The gift I gave you, remember when I was late, I said that I would give you compensation, although it is nothing, just take it as compensation for that time, can you accept it?"

Luo Geng directly stuffed the box into Chi Xiaoyu's arms, and couldn't help but say something to refuse.

"No, no, no, I definitely can't want..." Chi

Xiaoyu wanted to push the thing back, but Luo Geng directly suppressed her and didn't let her take it back.

"Accept it, I also have a selfish heart, as a gift in return, you just promise me this selfishness."

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu seriously and said in a low voice.

"Selfishness... You... You say .." Chi Xiaoyu's black eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of panic, and his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Although she didn't know what Luo Geng said about his selfishness,

she was already very happy that Luo Geng had a selfish heart for her.

"I sent you this in the hope that I could contact you at any time, and I wanted to send you a message when I got home, to know where you were, whether you had eaten, slept, whether it was cold or not, hot or not..."

Please take it, okay?

Chi Xiaoyu's face was at that moment, "Huh! "The ground is red to the roots of the ears!

Just listening to Luo Geng's words, her little heart was about to jump out!

This is not a deer collision at all, it is an old deer charge!


" "What's going on... Luo Geng is so strange today... What to do, I can't help but want to confess to him... No, no, no... Hold on..."

"But... Heart... I can't stand it..." Chi

Xiaoyu muttered softly, lowered his head

, gasped sharply, his chest thumped, if the sound of the car was a little quieter, it was estimated that Luo Geng could hear it!

Luo Geng thought... Feel free to reach me... Aaaaa What to do, what to do... I'm sure I can't accept something so valuable... But... I really want to be able to contact Luo Geng at any time... Want to chat with him... I want to know what he's up to.

Chi Xiaoyu's heart was extremely entangled, as if the angel and the devil were arguing with each other

, and the devil represented his infinite selfishness towards Luo Geng, so that the angel fell into the downwind every time.

"Can you: Promise me? Luo

Geng was also particularly unconfident at this time, although the relationship between the two can now be said to be a relationship of good friends, but Luo Geng

is not confident that Chi Xiaoyu can promise himself anything.

Just like such selfishness, Luo Geng was also a little embarrassed when he said it,

which was a bit like forcible harassment.

Chi Xiaoyu's hand was trembling slightly, alternating subtly between lifting and not lifting.


After a moment, Chi Xiaoyu couldn't help swallowing, slowly raised his hand, and put his hand on the top of the mobile phone case.

"Hmm..." When

Luo Geng heard this, he immediately smiled, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Thank you... But, give me such a valuable gift... Is it really good... It's better to give it to your parents..."

"Ah, my parents divorced when they were very young, and I have always lived with my father."

Luo Geng said lightly, as if he was saying something insignificant,

but this matter was the first time he heard it in Chi Xiaoyu's ears.

"This... Sorry..." Even

though Chi Xiaoyu has been paying attention to Luo Geng, she is not a stalker, and she does not understand the situation in Luo Geng's family.

But today, hearing for the first time that Luo Geng had such an encounter, the first thing that came to mind was admiration.

Luo Geng, like himself, is a single-parent family....

But he is sullen every day, others can guess the point, it should be family reasons

, but Luo Geng, completely invisible, cheerful smile, can not see that he has any dissatisfaction with the injustice of this world.

"There's nothing to be sorry for, and I bought it for my dad, and an aunt he was pursuing, I also helped her buy one, let my dad give it to others, so don't feel overwhelmed in your heart, just accept my kindness, okay?"

"This way..."

The corners of Chi Xiaoyu's mouth rose slightly, pursing her mouth, Luo Geng's words were too gentle for her,

so that she really couldn't refuse.

"But... I didn't expect Luo Geng's family to be so rich..." Chi

Xiaoyu didn't know Luo Geng's economic situation, but buying so many mobile phones so simply couldn't be done by a family like her.

But Luo Geng didn't work, where did he get so much money,

then Chi Xiaoyu could only think that Luo Geng's family was very rich.

"I'm drawing comics, a little bit better, I make some writing fees, I don't have much money at home, my dad... It's a disability... But I still insisted on working, I just wanted to help him share it, but I didn't expect it, it was quite profitable.

Luo Geng shook his head, he knew what Chi Xiaoyu was thinking, she would definitely think that she was spending the family's money

, in order to dispel her misunderstanding

, Luo Geng told these things, and after Chi Xiaoyu heard

it, he was slightly shocked, he was not easy to admire Luo Geng's father, and at the same time, he also admired Luo Geng's ability, he was also the kind of person who wanted to help his parents share the

pressure, but it was far from as good as Luo Geng.

I can only rely on my meager strength to share the slightest pressure of taking away my mother,

but the rest is far from enough.

All she can do is study hard and get admitted to a good university,

otherwise, she will be ashamed of her mother's expectations of herself.

All the efforts she has made for so many years have been lost!

In this regard, she did not just praise him because she liked Luo Geng, but sincerely admired him.

"What an excellent person..."

But every time Chi Xiaoyu felt like this, he would feel that the distance between himself and Luo Geng was getting farther and farther.

In the mouths of others, or in so many pursuits, she also knew that she might indeed be liked by boys,

but she didn't see that Luo Geng was so obsessed with herself....

She only felt that Luo Geng was very gentle, but she was so gentle with everyone, and it seemed that she was not just a special case for herself...

Then in addition to being at the top of his studies, he has no other characteristics, and the situation at home is not good.

There are many good-looking people in the world, and there are also people who are better looking than themselves,

so Chi Xiaoyu is very inferior to himself and thinks that nothing can attract Luo Geng.

Under such conditions... She wants to confess to Luo Geng, is it possible that people will agree?

Even if he agrees because he pities himself, it can't keep his heart

, so Chi Xiaoyu can only be, constantly improve himself, keep approaching Luo Geng, cultivate feelings with him, and look forward to... One day dreams come true....

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