Compared to Chi Xiaoyu's unconfidence, Na Luogeng's unconfidence is even more.

After all, they are all a person who has experienced his past life and this life, and he knows what birds he looked like in his previous life, so he who has

always been timid and will be rejected, can only show favor to Chi Xiaoyu and cultivate feelings with her little by little.

Passionate pursuit, love letter confession, these things, he can no longer do it, it is enough to have the embarrassing experience of his previous life

, before he is sure that Chi Xiaoyu likes himself, Luo Geng will definitely not act rashly.

At school, Chi Xiaoyu always had a smile on her face, and when others talked to her, she would respond positively.

Everyone can see that Chi Xiaoyu is in a good mood.

In contrast, Qi Qianru, who is a school flower, is in a bad mood.

She has been in such a long time, her mood is getting worse and worse day by day, and her rest is getting worse and worse day by day, and

gradually, under those beautiful eyes, eye bags appear.

A few months ago, she swore to Chi Xiaoyu that she would never give up

Luo Geng, but after so long, the relationship between Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu has been getting better, and she is obviously the one closest to Luo Geng, but the relationship with him has been getting worse

, no matter what he does, Luo Geng

is indifferent, and finally directly called Deng Yuxuan to come and bear it.

There has even been a wind in the school, and it is time for the school flower to be replaced!

Even if it is only the last month, the school flower will change once, and most of Qi Qianru's suitors have turned their attention to Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu is getting more and more beautiful, like watered flowers, each day is brighter than the day before.

But Chi Xiaoyu doesn't care about these school flowers or not, it's useless.

In her eyes, as long as Luo Geng thinks she is good-looking, then she thinks she is the best-looking, if Luo Geng thinks she is not good-looking, then

what about being a star idol? What is the use of school flowers?

"Luo Geng, do you have a target university?"

Wen Shao asked Luo

Geng, he now knows that Luo Geng is actually studying very well, not under him, before he would feel anxious because Luo Geng studied poorly, but now, Luo Geng no longer needs him to worry, but he needs Luo Geng to worry


"I... Not for the time being..."

"Anyway, you must go to the university that Chi Xiaoyu applied for."

At this moment, Bai Yi came over and answered the conversation.

Luo Geng looked at Bai Yi awkwardly, thinking to himself whether his intentions were so obvious?

Do they all know about the fact that they want to pursue Chi Xiaoyu?

That won't Chi Xiaoyu himself know, right?

After she found out, she hadn't responded to herself, had... Is it also to hang yourself?

"Nope... It won't..."

Luo Geng used his understanding of the past few months and Chi Xiaoyu to negate his thoughts.

Wen Shao saw Bai Yi walking over and said, "Bai Yi, which university are you going to?"

"This... With you... What do you have to do with it... You also have to: Coming too?

Bai Yi immediately spoke and changed his attitude.

Luo Geng understood a little, he thought that he could hide it from everyone, but everyone else knew that he was pursuing Chi Xiaoyu.

Just like Bai Yi... She wouldn't have thought that such an attitude... I can really hide it from others....

I really hid one!

Wen Shao, who doesn't have any friends of the opposite sex, and any love experience!

Although his relationship with Bai Yi is getting better, Bai Yi's attitude is still the same, trying to stay away from

Wen Shao, and Wen Shao is also used to it, thinking that she will still have the idea of rejecting herself.

"You must have gone to a very good university, I guess it's enough to choke... But if you can be in the same city, at least you can come out and get together on weekends.

Wen Shao shook his head helplessly, he wanted to be in the same university as Bai Yi

, the university that the top student can be admitted to, he can go to the university himself? He struggled to get on the kang.

Hearing these words, Qi Qianru, who had been sitting in front of her without saying a word, suddenly trembled.

Her eyes widened and something suddenly came to mind.

"yes... If Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu were not in the same university, or in the same city... Then they, the chance of success... Not big either, right? If only I could go to college in the same city as Luo Geng... Maybe... There is still a chance..."

Thinking of this, Qi Qianru turned around and looked at Wen Shao and Bai Yi.

"Not as good as... Let's all go to school in the same city, and we can see each other often, after all, the past three years are about to pass, and I still can't bear you..." Wen

Shao frowned slightly, and said softly: "Huh? Wouldn't it be good if you and Bai Yi were together, pull us together... Where are you reluctant to let us, you are reluctant..." Wen

Shao suddenly stopped sharply and did not continue, because his eyes had already casually glanced at Luo Geng.

He could see that Qi Qianru clearly wanted to be with Luo Geng.

Luo Geng glanced at Wen Shao and wondered if he didn't mention which pot?

He has become particularly sharp again at this time, why is he so stupid in terms of his own feelings?

How can everyone see others clearly and not see themselves?

Luo Geng also felt that something was wrong, so he quickly moved [Qi Qianru Shield - Deng Yuxuan] out.

"That... Deng Yuxuan, where are you going to go to school?

Luo Geng beckoned Deng Yuxuan over and asked for his opinion.

In recent months, Deng Yuxuan not only often helped him get rid of Qi Qianru, but also often assisted Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu.

At least Luo Geng didn't have any malice towards him now, as long as it was no longer unfavorable to him.


Deng Yuxuan thought for a while, but secretly glanced at Qi Qianru

and found that she had turned around, and her whole body exuded the aura of [none of my business].

Luo Geng stared at him, really wishing he would say it directly: "I just want to go to the same university with Qi Qianru!" This sentence.

"I should have gone abroad."

"Huh?" Luo Geng and the others frowned slightly,

how was it different from what they thought?

Didn't he want to go to the same university as Qi Qianru?

He doesn't pursue Qi Qianru anymore?

"Well, studying abroad, my family has almost arranged, just wait for me... In a word..."

Deng Yuxuan revealed a trace of loss between his words.

He dragged the answer until now, not a word waiting for him at home, but a word from Qi Qianru.

He blatantly pursued until now, and the time was not short, although it was not as long as Luo Geng's before

, but Deng Yuxuan had already told Qi Qianru his sincerity, and

he had received an answer of rejection more than once.

But he still doesn't want to give up, he wants to work hard for the last time

, if he fails again, he will give his family a clear answer, go to study abroad

, as long as Qi Qianru keeps himself once, even once!

He will also stay without hesitation!

"Well, it's not bad, then good luck."

Luo Geng seemed to understand something, stood up and patted Deng Yuxuan's shoulder

, the path he is walking now is completely the path he took in his previous life, so Luo Geng has a deep understanding.


came home after school at night, Chi

Xiaoyu went back to his room and opened the box of the phone.

Inside was a brand new mobile phone, as well as a calling card, as well as Luo Geng's phone number, all of which were stuffed into Luo Geng.

Then Chi Xiaoyu quickly got the mobile phone, and after turning it on, he saved Luo Geng's phone number as soon as possible.

"Remarks..." Chi

Xiaoyu typed the words "Luo Geng"....

But after thinking for a moment, she opened her thin lips and muttered, "Anyway... No one will see it..."

So, Chi Xiaoyu deleted Luo Geng's name and replaced it with - [People you like].

"Buzz-" The

sudden call made Chi Xiaoyu almost throw the phone out in fright, and the name that popped up showed the person he liked, which made Chi Xiaoyu's heart beat faster.


..." "Hey..." Chi

Xiaoyu answered the phone, and Luo Geng's voice soon came from the other side of the phone.

"I guess you should have installed it by this time, so I called you to ask..."

"Hmm..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded, the corners of her mouth rose

, and she said "um" softly, and then, holding the phone in one hand and the other hand, she opened [What I want to do with Luo Geng], and

put a tick behind the column of [Calling Luo Geng].

Then Luo Geng chatted with Chi Xiaoyu on the phone, and when contacting in the future, you can send text messages or make phone calls.


"That... My mother is back, I'll hang up first, okay..." Chi

Xiaoyu heard the sound of the door opening, so he lowered his voice and whispered to Luo Geng.

"Well, okay, bye."

"Bye bye.."

Chi Xiaoyu reluctantly hung up the phone, and then hid

the phone in her bag, if her mother found out, it is estimated that her mother will definitely take herself and return the phone in person.

"Light rain... You're home, I'm back.

Ren Lan knocked on the door of Chi Xiaoyu's room and said softly.

"Well, I'll go out right away."

A moment later, Chi Xiaoyu walked out of the room

, looking at Ren Lan's peach blossom face, and he was in a good mood.

Chi Xiaoyu was a little surprised, although she knew that her mother was being pursued by a man, and she was in a good mood in recent months

, but today's smile seems to be more prosperous, and this smile, how is it so similar to today's self?

"Huh? was a... Men pursue...?

Chi Xiaoyu's mind suddenly flashed a little information, it seemed to be what Luo Geng had said to himself in the morning

, although he was not impressed, but now, he remembered it again.

"Xiaoyu, when your college entrance examination is over, let's go to his house with your mother for dinner... Get to know his son, who is very good-looking, and he is very good!

Ren Lan began to praise Chi Xiaoyu, and Chi Xiaoyu became more and more skeptical when he heard it.

Chi Xiaoyu never asked about the matter between Ren Lan and that man, because she had been addicted to the preparation before the college entrance examination

, and Ren Lan was also very acquainted and almost didn't mention it

, but how did she look particularly happy today, and mentioned this kind of thing?

"Looks good... excellent.."

Chi Xiaoyu thought that it might be Ren Lan who was politely praised, because these two words, in her mind, could only describe a boy.


Chi Xiaoyu suddenly felt a chill coming from his spine, and cold sweat flowed down.

"I... Let me ask you... That he... What is the last name? Hearing

Chi Xiaoyu's inquiry, Ren Lan turned her head and blinked, looked at Chi Xiaoyu suspiciously, and said,

"Huh? I haven't told you? That may be forgotten, after all, you work so hard, and I don't want to distract you at this stage... His surname is Luo, your Uncle Luo..."

Buy... Ka..."

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