"What's wrong? Xiaoyu, what do you seem to be thinking about?

On the bus on the way to school, Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu next to her, since she got on the bus

, she had not said a word, as if she had returned to a few months ago, and she had not spoken to Luo Geng, as if she had been thinking about something.

"This... It's nothing... By the way, you yesterday... Say your father, he is pursuing that aunt... What's your name?

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng on the side, and there was still a trace of luck in his heart.

"This... I don't know the name, I only know the surname Ren, Aunt Ren.


Although Chi Xiaoyu knew that eight or nine were not far from ten, but when he heard the truth, he couldn't help sighing

, why there was such a clever thing, it was too head-headed.

"Shhhhh This is not tasted... Not a good thing, if Mom and Uncle Lowe really became... Then didn't Luo Geng and I become a family? Does that mean... Will live together?!

Chi Xiaoyu's eyes widened, and he seemed to think of the good life after that

, as long as he walked out of the room, he could see Luo Geng, he could hang out with him in an upright manner, and he could eat together every day....

"But..." Chi

Xiaoyuxiu's eyebrows furrowed slightly, and a look of embarrassment appeared on her face again.

Luo Geng saw her expression and asked suspiciously, "What's wrong?" "


Chi Xiaoyu pursed his lips and was silent for a long time before

he slowly spoke, "

Brothers and sisters who reorganize the family... Can I get married? "


Luo Geng suddenly widened his eyes in shock, looking at Chi Xiaoyu on the side, with an expression of disbelief.

At this time, his brain was racing rapidly, and he began to think about what Chi Xiaoyu meant by saying this-

"Brothers and sisters who reorganize the family? Oh! Is she... Worried about me? Are you afraid that I will look at the daughter of the previous aunt then? It's a bit alarmist... How is that possible? But.... She would think so... Do you care about me... I don't know how to tease her..." Luo

Geng had a meaningful smile on his face, and then leaned on the backrest, closed his eyes, and began to popularize knowledge:

"Ahem... Well, of course, it is possible, after all, it is not a direct blood relative, nor a collateral blood relative within three generations, as long as the man and woman are willing, they can marry normally, Xiaoyu, how do you care about this knowledge?

Luo Geng pretended not to understand Chi Xiaoyu's words, and lightly popularized legal knowledge to her, wanting to see how Chi Xiaoyu would react after hearing it.

As a result, Chi Xiaoyu's face quickly turned red, redder than a red apple, and the red clouds were full of delicate.

Lowering his head, he looked at his toes, his two toes were still rubbing, and he looked like he was extremely shy.

"Eh... What is this reaction?

Luo Geng was a little puzzled, shouldn't he normally look a little worried and a little anxious? Then you can comfort her and make her feel safe, shouldn't it be such a routine?

What does that mean? Wasn't she worried about herself at all? So what did she mean by that?


Luo Geng gasped, his dusty memory, at this moment, was awakened by him

, he seemed to remember that when he was in junior high school, he asked the teacher about Chi Xiaoyu's family situation, at that time, although the teacher in order to protect Chi Xiaoyu's privacy, but was still guessed a little by himself

, that is, there seems to be something wrong at home, Chi Xiaoyu and her mother depend on each other

, he was more active at that time, so he wrote a letter of encouragement, He also circled other students and took the initiative to chat with Chi Xiaoyu.

But at that time, I really didn't understand what was going on in Chi Xiaoyu's family, and now she mentioned reorganizing the family.

Could it be....

Chi Xiaoyu is also a divorce from his parents? Living with your mother yourself?

And then now the mother remarried? Did you bring a son on the opposite side?

Looking at Chi Xiaoyu's situation, it's obvious that something is wrong with that guy?!

"Nope! I've got to find a way to stop it! "

Ahem!" Luo Geng first covered his mouth with his hand and coughed gently, attracting

Chi Xiaoyu's attention, and then continued: "Although it is legally allowed, for ethical and moral reasons, I don't recommend it, after all, you may also be gossiped

..." Chi Xiaoyu's face suddenly pulled down, tightening like a layer of paste...

The red cheeks just now turned white in an instant, his eyes were empty, and

he looked out the window with a desperate face, without saying a word.

"That said... Laughing rain looks at this angle... It's a bit like Aunt Ren..." Luo

Geng couldn't help frowning as he looked at Chi Xiaoyu looking out the window.

In an instant,

he seemed to think of a possibility...

Speaking of which, it's also worth it....

Aunt Ren has a daughter at home, the same high school and grade as me, studying well, and looking good....

And Chi Xiaoyu is completely in line with....

"That... I would venture to ask... Laughing rain, your mother... Name? "


Chi Xiaoyu didn't reply, just one word, not even

without any emotion, as if it was a word-spit machine without any emotion.


Luo Geng immediately lowered his head, clenched his teeth, his eyes were bloodshot,

he should have thought of it a long time ago! What an obvious thing, why did I think of it!

But such a coincidence, why did it happen to himself and Chi Xiaoyu?!

He also said that it is absolutely impossible to look at the daughter of the previous aunt's family

, the good guy hit his face, snapped, and gave his mouth crooked

, and the father said at the beginning that he let himself kiss and kiss, and he also swore that it was absolutely impossible!


No, no, not possible... Please be sure to do this!

Why didn't I find out sooner?

Can you let yourself go back to three minutes ago and let me repeat it, wasn't that good time just now?

Luo Geng's body trembled, his lips were pale, and even cracked

, and after a moment, Luo Geng opened his mouth and slowly said:

"Actually! I think ethics or something... I don't care... Other people gossip... What if there is no violation of the law or crime? According to the basic principle of civil law, "the law cannot be done without provisions, and the law is free without prohibition", I think it is very right..." "

Anyway, true love supremacists like me do not value those at all!" Well, yes!

"I feel... As long as two people have love, no matter what hinders it, they can't destroy their relationship..."

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