Until noon, Luo Geng slowly opened his eyes, and

what he saw was Chi Xiaoyu's inky eyes.

The distance is very close, and you can see your face directly from her eyes!

"Wow! I'm sorry... I'm asleep..."

Luo Geng quickly sat up and apologized in a panic

, thinking that he really didn't show up, but he hadn't slept all night, and he couldn't resist sleepiness?

The heart is too big, even if they have already dating, but that is just yesterday

, they climbed into the bed of other girls in less than a day, and then fell asleep like this?

"No, I gave you a good rest... And... Should I say I'm sorry..."

Chi Xiaoyu shook her head, then also sat up and lowered her head, after Luo Geng woke up, her guilt also welled up.

"In the morning... Your phone rang... However, I... I

didn't wake you up..." Chi Xiaoyu thought that this would delay

Luo Geng's affairs, and he couldn't wait to give himself a big mouth, was he a selfish villain, just to let Luo Geng rest for a while, but also so that he could keep staring at Luo Geng's sleeping face, he pretended not to hear the phone ringing and didn't wake him up....

"Oh... Luo

Geng looked at his mobile phone on the side, blinked, and then turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu

, looking at her pitiful appearance, he could know that she should be very regretful, afraid that she would make a mistake and be blamed by herself.

Luo Geng sighed, thinking how could he blame Chi Xiaoyu?

What mistake Chi Xiaoyu made, he couldn't blame her! Besides, this is not called making a mistake!

"But thanks to Xiaoyu, I slept very well this night, and now I am very energetic, if I am in that state in the morning, it is estimated that nothing will be done, thank you."

Luo Geng stretched out his hand, touched Chi Xiaoyu's head, smiled and comforted her

, his voice was very soft, as if he was coaxing a child.


Chi Xiaoyu groaned, his lips trembled, and

then he stretched out his hands and pressed Luo Geng's hand above his head.

His eyes looked up at Luo Geng's face, and he said softly:

"Don't be so nice to me... Will spoil me..." Luo

Geng's thin lips smiled with that relaxed arc, and said: "Haha... Then you can fight back, I'm not afraid of being spoiled!

In a joking tone, he replied

to Chi Xiaoyu, after all, how could he not be nice to Chi Xiaoyu, if he could, he couldn't wait to pick the stars and moon for her.

Chi Xiaoyu didn't take this as a joke, nodded seriously and said, "I will definitely do it!"

Luo Geng went to get his mobile phone, opened it, and found that there were more than ten missed calls, all of which were the same person.

"I know."

Luo Geng watched his grumbling editor call him so many calls and didn't answer, he could almost think of his anxious appearance.

It was already noon, and in the past few hours

, Luo Geng called him back, and

as soon as the bell rang, it was answered in seconds!

"Hey?! Teacher Luo? Where are you? Why didn't I answer your call? An eager voice came from Jia Mo's side, and before Luo Geng could speak, he said a lot of things himself.

"Oh, I'm not home, what's wrong? Is something wrong? I remember that I have already handed in the manuscript, and there is still a rest time for the remaining two days, right?

Luo Geng asked suspiciously, his speed is not slow, although it is not as fast as the creation speed of those studios

, but it will not let Jia Mo urge the draft, and he has already submitted the manuscript, enough to publish two issues of the weekly

, this is also Luo Geng in order to cope with the college entrance examination, after all, during the college entrance examination, he can't work.

"Uh... Yes, but you also know how popular your work is, last time you asked me to help you deal with studio problems, I have helped you find an assistant, and now... Belch.. Me and her are right on your doorstep... I've been waiting all morning..." Jia

Mo called Luo Geng so much in the morning, just to talk about this matter, but Luo

Geng never answered the phone, Jia Mo panicked, he was afraid that

Luo Geng would abandon him, although it was generally the other way around, but here in Jia Mo it was completely the opposite

, now Luo Geng is not only a big cash cow, but also a backer of his own straight waist

, if Luo Geng abandons him, Then he will return to the pre-liberation overnight without saying anything, and there is a high probability that he will be expelled from the publishing house ... The last time you will be doubled down.

Therefore, Jia Mo hung up the phone and killed Luo Geng's house!

Spent the morning squatting in front of the door....

"Oh, that's really hard, I'll go back later, you guys wait a minute."

Luo Geng didn't have any waves, and he didn't ask them to wait, he was also a person, couldn't he sleep until noon.

Hanging up the phone, Luo Geng stretched.

"Laughing rain... Well, I may be going home in a while, you have a good rest, although your fever has subsided, you are certainly not completely healed.

Luo Geng turned around and looked at Chi Xiaoyu and said.

"Hmm... I know..." Chi

Xiaoyu nodded and agreed

, but there was a trace of loss in his heart, what was this feeling?

I just want to be with Luo Geng all the time! Even a brief separation would make her feel lost!

However, people also have to work, so excellent people, busy is certain

, if it is because of their own hindrance, maybe Luo Geng will dump himself....

So Chi Xiaoyu didn't say that she also wanted to follow Luo Geng together.

Chi Xiaoyu thought to himself, anyway, they are already dating, there are many opportunities to be together in the future, there is no need to entangle this meeting.


Oh, it's okay."

Jia Mo hung up the phone and stroked his chest, allowing himself to breathe a sigh of relief

, if Luo Geng abandoned him, it would be no different from kicking him into hell.

Jia Mo looked to the side, there was another person, squatting there, it was a girl, she didn't look old, a little younger than Jia Mo, and there

was only one feature that looked most obvious - cool!

It looked a little bohemian, and the coat was half off, revealing the small vest inside, which was originally smooth shoulders, and there was a little fresh tattoo.

The decorations on the body, the clothes, the stud earrings, are all popular styles now, if it weren't for the fact that the Killing Matt hairstyle is no longer popular now, she would definitely have the whole one.

The facial features are very good-looking and very straight, but there is a band-aid on the forehead, still with a pattern, I don't know if it is injured or how.

She crouched there, with an impatient look on her face, a cigarette in her hand, swallowing clouds.

Jia Mo looked at her, his eyes were helpless, and pointed at her and said:

"That great god will come back in a while!" Be smart, don't be so clever! The

girl pressed the cigarette to the ground and extinguished it, saying,

"Okay, okay, got it, cousin."

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