"Coincidentally, I introduced you to this job through the back door, this teacher Luo is definitely a big guy, the work is currently ranked number one and hot, follow him, ensure that you earn money."

Jia Mo said to the girl, his eyes revealing adoration.

After all, he followed Luo Geng to his current status.

The girl's name is Qin Qiao, Jia Mo's cousin, who just graduated from the Art Academy this year and is a fresh graduate who can't find a job.

I thought that I would draw illustrations casually to make a living in the future, but Jia Mo called and said that he had introduced himself to a good job and

worked as an assistant to a cartoonist.

"No matter what his level is, there is a problem with his character, let us hang this morning, and make so many calls and not answer."

Qin Qiao snorted coldly, a little scoffing at Jia Mo's praise.

She thinks that where there are some big guys, big gods or something, she also got good grades in art college

, and there were many people who asked her to draw illustrations, and she was also touted as a master figure, but this thing was temporary.

It happened that I thought of a good theme, drew casually, and it turned out to be popular, and such a person can eat this book and eat it to death.

She has also seen Luo Geng's works, to be honest, she doesn't like it very much, and she doesn't think it's better, but it's just such a thing, it's actually popular?

In addition to being able to see that the painting skills are indeed very strong, it has a different level than this era,

but the quality of the works is really not good.

But don't blame her, after all, most of the audience of this work is still for men, and the proportion of male consumers is as high as 97%.

Moreover, she thinks that a comic is generally a monthly change

, I heard that this guy is only one person, and it is changed every week?

That's supposed to be a lot of save, right? How else could it be so fast? Printers?

"And he lives in this kind of place? What kind of teacher is this..."

Qin Qiao surrounded her, this kind of town was her first time,

she thought she would have a good studio in the city... I didn't expect it to be such a place....

So as soon as he came here, Qin Qiao was very dissatisfied, but he couldn't refute his cousin's face.

"Don't get in the way of other people's homes, get out of the way."

At this time, the two heard a voice coming from under the stairs, and after Jia Mo heard it, he immediately smiled and prepared to meet the owner of the voice.

I saw that under the stairs, Luo Geng helped Luo Yongfu up the stairs and returned to his door.

"This is that Teacher Luo? Looks crippled?

Qin Qiao pouted and stared at Luo Yongfu and frowned, she didn't expect that this cartoonist was a disabled person

, but she was not so surprised, after all, she also knew that many people would also draw comics after being disabled, after all, it was inconvenient to do other work.

"This is his son? His son is quite handsome.

Qin Qiao looked at Luo Geng on the side and couldn't help but look at it twice.

Jia Mo rubbed his hands, quickly walked over, and said with a smile: "Oh, Teacher Luo, you can be counted back!"

"Son, who are these two?" Luo Yongfu was confused and looked at Luo Geng on the side and asked.

"Oh, this is my editor, who came to talk to me about comics." Luo Geng nodded and said lightly with Luo Yongfu.

"What?!" Qin Qiao was stunned, his eyes widened, and he looked incredulous.

She also thought that this disabled uncle was a cartoonist, and the co-author was his son?

This guy is younger than his own age, right? Also Mr. Luo? What kind of cartoonist is this?

"You are Mr. Luo's father, hello, I am Mr. Luo's editor, you can just call me Xiaojia."

Jia Mo quickly stretched out his hand, shook hands with Luo Yongfu, and said respectfully.

"Hello hello, you're welcome, come into the house and talk."

Then, the two were invited into the house and sat on the sofa

, Qin Qiao shook his head while pouting, looking at this room, it didn't look like a cartoonist's home at all.

But looking at her cousin's serious appearance, she really didn't understand,

why did this little brother? He may indeed have a good level of painting, and he did not see that it was painted by such a young man.

But so what? In this world, are there still few people who draw well?

So why is his cousin so excited? As if to hold him to the sky, how could an editor nod so much to a young cartoonist?

Luo Yongfu returned to his room,

while Luo Geng poured a glass of water for the two of them and handed it to them.

"Don't you even have coffee?" Qin Qiao muttered angrily.

Jia Mo directly locked his eyebrows and glared at Qin Qiao on the side.

And Luo Geng just glanced at her lightly and said, "No." "

Ahaha, Teacher Luo, don't mind, this is the assistant I found for you, her name is Qin Qiao, she is 24 years old this year, my cousin, the art major of the art college, the level is not bad."

Jia Mo stood up and introduced Qin Qiao on the side to Luo Geng.

And when he finished speaking, Luo Geng also nodded and said: "Well, my name is Luo Geng, and I am 19 years old this year.

"You're welcome, just call me Sister Qiao." Qin Qiao lifted Erlang's leg and said with a soft snort.

"Coincidence!" Jia Mo let out a low roar, staring at Qin Qiao with a look of hatred that iron is not steel.

And Luo Geng laughed out loud with a "poof", thinking that this guy is really Jia Mo's cousin, isn't it a family that doesn't enter the door.

This attitude is the same as the arrogant and domineering Jia Mo in the previous life.

"Well, well, Sister Qiao, I want to ask, do you know comics well?"

"Don't dare to say big things, but you should know better than you, after all, you have eaten for several years more, you have learned more, and you also have professional certificates, I think, it should be counted, a little know a thing or two?"

Qin Qiao had an understated smile on his face, it looked like he was being modest, but

in fact, he was just belittling Luo Geng, and what she meant was that she only knew a little about this, and you, I guess I don't understand anything, right?

In her eyes, Luo Geng is nothing more than a student who is interested in comics, and then has a better talent for drawing, and he draws any story when he thinks of it, and then happens to be on fire, which

does not match the word "teacher" at all.

"Well, I really don't have a professional certificate."

Luo Geng nodded without denying, he had never had any professional certificates in his previous life, nor had he learned such a complicated thing,

but he just had more than ten years of experience!

In Luo Geng's eyes, although he was nothing, Qin Qiao in front of him was like a Western doctor who had just obtained a medical qualification certificate, mocking a Chinese medicine doctor who had more than ten years of experience but did not have a license.

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