When school time came, some students with pinches of the second hand had already packed up their things, and

as soon as the bell rang, they immediately carried their school bags and flew out of the classroom.

Luo Geng packed up his things, then looked at Wen Shao on the side and said, "Let's go too." "


Wen Shao nodded, stood up with Luo Geng, and left the classroom together.

Qi Qianru stared at the back of Luo Geng leaving, gambling on her bag, her eyes full of complaints.

Today can be said to be her darkest day, completely deflated.

"Ruru, I'll go first."

Bai Yi said goodbye to Qi Qianru, because she had parents to pick her up, so she would not go with Qi Qianru after school.

"Well, bye, see you tomorrow."

Qi Qianru waved at her and smiled slightly

, and after Bai Yi left, Qi Qianru once again turned into a gambling expression.

At this time, Deng Yuxuan carefully came behind Qi Qianru.

"That... Ruru, go together?

Deng Yuxuan asked trembling, he was afraid that there would be an embarrassing scene at noon again

, but today is a very happy day for him

, in the past, watching Qi Qianru and Luo Geng playing together together, he was going to blush to death

, but today I don't know what kind of wind Luo Geng smoked, and completely left Qi Qianru aside!

Qi Qianru heard the voice, turned her head and looked at Deng Yuxuan behind her.

After a few seconds of silence, Qi Qianru threw her bag to Deng Yuxuan.

"Let you take me to the station."


Deng Yuxuan was overjoyed, holding Qi Qianru's bag like a treasure, and nodded repeatedly.

He had a hunch that his peach blossom period was coming!

And Qi Qianru's idea is very simple, Luo Geng is also taking the car home

, she will meet him again at the station, she wants to see, she let other boys carry their bags and send themselves on the train, what kind of expression Luo Geng will have.

But after a while, when Qi Qianru came to the station,

she didn't see Luo Geng's figure.

"Strange.... He's riding in the car here..." Qi

Qianru looked left and right, looking for Luo Geng's figure, but she didn't see him.

He used to be here, taking the penultimate bus home, although there was still the last one, but it was an hour and a half later, it was very late, and there were no students on that bus.

"You see... The school flower has changed classes, and that Luo Geng has been dumped!

"This seems to be a little stronger than that, the Luo Geng before looks a little too gloomy."

Listening to the discussions of other students in the station, Deng Yuxuan straightened his chest

, as if it was a very honorable thing to be the follower of the school flower, after

a while, Qi Qianru's car came

, she finally did not find Luo Geng, in addition to being angry, there was a little loss in her heart.

No matter what Deng Yuxuan said to her the whole time, she ignored it.

After the car came, Qi Qianru took her bag from Deng Yuxuan's hand, and

then got into the car without looking back.

"Ruru, goodbye! Go home and be careful! See you tomorrow... Oh yes, do you want to have breakfast tomorrow morning..." Deng

Yuxuan still wanted to say something to Qi Qianru

, but the car door was closed, she didn't reply a word, Deng Yuxuan just watched the car drive away, although he didn't pay attention to himself, but his heart was still cheering.

"Yas! Luo Geng! You see no, you're done! I will also make you blush and make you envy me!

Deng Yuxuan was already so happy that he was pointless to punch the air, and it was hard to imagine how excited he really was.


"Long wait."

Luo Geng came out of the barbershop and looked at Wen Shao, who was playing with his mobile phone outside.

"Oh, okay."

Wen Shao raised his head and glanced at Luo Geng, but it was this glance that made him stunned, and his

heart trembled uncontrollably.

Luo Geng in front of him lost his stuffy and thick hair, changed his fresh hairstyle, and

took off his wide glasses, revealing obsidian-like bright eyes.

He now has beautiful eyebrows and soft face lines, which is completely different from how he looked before he walked into the barbershop!

Wen Shao looked Luo Geng up and down, pointed at him, and said,

"You... Didn't you go for a haircut? How did you... Changed heads?

"Aang? What words, what words this is.

Luo Geng laughed, it seems that the sentence that hairstyle determines appearance still has a certain basis.

After all, he was not ugly in the first place, his hair and glasses were covered, and any immortal appearance would become his own gloomy appearance.

"Shhh—but I haven't seen you like this since junior high school, and when you grew up in high school, you sealed it with your hair and glasses?" Too bad, right? Could it be that Qi Qianru that guy has long known that you are so handsome, so he is close to you? If that's the case, then I think it's excusable.

"No, she probably doesn't know."

Luo Geng shook his head and denied Wen Shao's words

, but he didn't think he was really that handsome, after all, he hadn't seen what kind of standards handsome guys were, he just didn't

want to maintain such a gloomy appearance anymore, it was really a little bad.

"Then let's go to the gift shop now, aren't you going to pick a gift for Chi Xiaoyu?"

"Well, I kind of thank her junior high school for helping me."

The two arrived at the gift shop in front of the school, and it was past school time,

otherwise there would have been a lot of students here.

The gift shop owner looked tired and collapsed, supported the table, and said with a bitter face:

"Oh, son, what day are you going to have tomorrow?" Why do so many students come to buy gifts? One guy bought a pocket, and I thought he was going to set up a stall at school.


Luo Geng and Wen Shao looked at each other awkwardly, it seemed that this Chi Xiaoyu was really popular.

This birthday celebration has been spread throughout the school, and tomorrow she will probably be prone to receiving gifts and hand cramps.

"Luo Geng, this place is going to be ransacked, there is nothing left, why don't we go somewhere else to see?"

Wen Shao looked at it, some counters were already empty, and almost all the good things that could be bought were bought.

"Boss, what else can be used as a gift now, that is, to give it to ordinary friends, you can do anything."

Luo Geng looked at the boss and wanted him to give him an idea.

The boss sighed and said, "Huh? Whatever... Son, I can send it now, and the card, you can see if you want it or not. "

Issuing cards... Fortunately, when I saw her eating today, she had been scratching her hair, and it was very troublesome..."


Luo Geng suddenly thought of something, and looked at the box that the boss took out, and

there was a delicate hairpin lying quietly in the box.

And when Luo Geng saw this hairpin, he immediately widened his eyes in shock.

He walked over slowly, picked up the hairpin, and blinked silently.

"What's wrong with this hairpin?" Wen Shao saw that something was wrong with him and asked with a frown.

"I... I remembered..."

In an instant, a large number of memories flooded into Luo Geng's mind

, it was an inconspicuous memory, so he had no impression at all, nor did he remember.

When he was in his previous life, he also experienced this incident, that is, Chi Xiaoyu's birthday, and

he also knew how much Chi Xiaoyu helped himself in junior high

school, so when he was out of school, he planned to buy her

a gift, but because his money was spent on Qi Qianru, there was not much money in his hand, but

he could only pick a relatively cheap gift here, which is this hair card!

"Then this... Is it the issuing card I sent? In the hospital room, crying for me, it was... Chi Xiaoyu? Luo

Geng was a little afraid to accept this, because he didn't seem to have any intersection with Chi Xiaoyu in high school.

I have been concentrating on licking Qi Qianru, and there is no room for other girls in my eyes.

How could she find herself and cry in the hospital room on that day nearly ten years later because of a hair card she sent?

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