"Boss, did anyone buy this issuing card today?"

Luo Geng looked at the boss on the side and asked.

The boss pouted, shook his head and said: "No, they all picked expensive things to buy, and picked away all my expensive good things, who will buy this hair card."

"That... This hairpin was sent by himself..." Luo

Geng looked at the haircard and was stunned, even if he thought of countless possibilities to deny that person was Chi Xiaoyu, but how could there be such a coincidence.

It is impossible for him to have any intersection with the issuing card in his life, and the only one who has intersection is Chi Xiaoyu alone.

Therefore, the probability of the person who cries for himself is more than ninety percent of Chi Xiaoyu.

"So why?"

Now Luo Geng just can't use a reasonable explanation to explain what Chi Xiaoyu did.

How can I still find myself after more than ten years without contact with myself, and still know my condition, and moreover, show such feelings for myself....

"I said, son, do you want to buy it? What are you muttering here..."

You don't have anything here, what can you do if you don't buy this..."

Luo Geng paid and bought a brand new issuing card

, now that it has darkened outside, it is too late to go elsewhere to see the gift, it can only repeat history....

Luo Geng and Wen Shao walked out of the gift shop, he looked at the hair card in his hand and asked: "Wen Shao

, you said that I send this thing, is it inappropriate, others send such a good thing, I give someone a hair card, it feels like teasing her..." Luo

Geng in the previous life did not realize this problem, after all, it was a care, even Chi Xiaoyu threw it away in front of him, he would not feel anything....

But now it's different, after he realized this problem, he became extremely curious about Chi Xiaoyu.

Wen Shao shrugged his shoulders and said:

"It's all the same, anyway, you are not familiar with each other, and there are so many people who gave her gifts, she can't remember who gave her something, just give it to her directly."


I'll go home first, and you should go back quickly, and say hello to my uncle for me."

Wen Shao waved his hand and said goodbye to Luo Geng

, he didn't have to take a car, his home was not far from the school, and he would be able to go back soon.

"Well, good."

Luo Gengmu waved his hand, and suddenly realized that he was about to go home, and

he wanted to see his father, who he hadn't seen for many years!

His father was disabled, because of a car accident, he lost a leg, his

mother also because his father could not work to support the family, divorced

, he was raised by his father, and his mother soon remarried and did not see him again.

Father began to do some needlework to earn some small money, subsidize the family, and go to school for

Luo Geng, his hands were already full of wounds, full of calluses, and he earned so much money, and he spent it on Qi Qianru's body

, when he thought of this, Luo Geng's heart was extremely uncomfortable.

Then on a rainy day, my father insisted on going out to work, but he slipped and fell on the street in heavy rain, there was no one on the street, and my father could not get up again,

so it was in the rain....

Since then, Luo Geng has woken up, but it is too late, he has become a helpless person, and has entered a state of retaliation to earn money, and he can't stop the car.

"Oops, the last train is coming!"

Luo Geng looked at the time, spread his legs and ran

, if he couldn't catch this last train, then he wouldn't be able to go home!

He is from the countryside, but his family demolished and divided a house, but in the urban-rural junction.

Transition zone between urban and rural areas with both urban and rural land-use nature.

Also known as urban periphery, rural areas that are close to cities and have certain urbanization characteristics.

It is still far from here in the city, it takes almost an hour by car, and there are very few trains.

It was already dark, there were not many people on the street

, Luo Geng ran to the station, and there were no people at the station.

"Whew—it's good to be in time..."

Luo Geng breathed a sigh of relief and muttered as he sat down in his chair.

But as soon as Luo Geng's words came out, the figure on the side suddenly trembled!


Luo Geng noticed the figure who heard his voice tremble, and thought that he had scared her.

"I'm sorry."

Luo Geng quickly nodded and apologized, looking at her standing there, with long hair, a girl, looking a little familiar, but the black light was blinding, and Luo Geng couldn't see clearly.

"Didn't... It's okay..."

The figure came out a very subtle, very gentle voice, like the sound of mosquitoes, reaching Luo Geng's ears.

"It's a good sound."

Luo Geng thought secretly, but this voice made him feel a little familiar.

"Are you also a senior in high school? Why did you come home so late?

"I... Something..."

The voice was depressed low, as if he was afraid that Luo Geng would hear her voice.

Luo Geng didn't ask much, after all, this big night, talking to a girl, asking this and that always feels like a good person.

Soon, the car came, and

Luo Geng found that she was actually in the same car as herself.

At this time, almost no one was in this car, so in the entire car, except for the driver, there was only Luo Geng and the girl.

The girl sat by the window, and the moonlight at night was very bright, shining on her face through the window.

Luo Geng was directly stunned in place

, no wonder he felt familiar, this face he had seen, this girl, isn't it Chi Xiaoyu!

Why did she ride in this car? How could you meet her here so coincidentally?

Chi Xiaoyu noticed that Luo Geng was staring at her, his eyes focused on Luo

Geng in front of him, and under the clear moonlight, Luo Geng's face also appeared in front

of her, and her face showed a very obvious look of surprise, and she was stunned for a few seconds.

But soon, she reacted, quickly turned her head and looked out the window.

Luo Geng touched his hand into his pocket, the one without any packaging, not precious gift card at all.

If it's tomorrow, there must be a mountain of all kinds of good gifts, and I am embarrassed to give this thing away

, although I don't plan to compare or something, but I have to ask for this bit of face.

I happened to meet her here, I want to give a gift, now is the best time.

After pondering, Luo Geng stepped forward firmly

, approaching Chi Xiaoyu step by step, while her body was trembling slightly.

"That... I heard that tomorrow is your birthday, time is urgent, I don't have time to prepare any good gifts..." Luo

Geng handed the hair card in his hand out and continued: "I see that when you ate today, one hand has been grabbing your hair, so I chose a hair card, if you can use it, accept it, if you don't use it... Just throw it away.

Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders trembled thoughtfully, and after a few seconds of silence, she slowly stretched out her hand and took the hairpin from Luo Geng's hand.

"Thank you..." came out a subtle voice, and Luo Geng breathed a sigh of relief as if relieved.

"Uh... Can I, sit here? "

Hmm..." Luo

Geng sat next to Chi Xiaoyu, empty car, so many empty seats

, but the two sat together

, Luo Geng regretted a little at the moment, her intention to get close was a little too obvious, she wouldn't feel like a weirdo, right?

So many empty seats do not sit, but sit next to her?

It feels like the men's restroom is full of empty urinals, but someone has unzipped it right next to you.

Just after the awkward atmosphere lasted for a while,

Chi Xiaoyu slowly spoke:

"You... "

Well, yes, you noticed, I thought you would forget that we were junior high school classmates..."

Luo Geng smiled self-deprecatingly, in fact, he almost forgot about himself....

"I won't forget."

And Chi Xiaoyu responded very seriously to Luo Geng's words that were like a joke.

Such a firm attitude startled Luo Geng.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tease you."

"Nope... It's okay, you don't have to apologize. "

The communication between the two once again fell into a dead end, turning into a new round of silence....

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