The car drove for twenty minutes, during which the two

did not communicate again, in fact, Luo Geng wanted to communicate, but did not know how to speak

, just because she avoided her eyes every time, it made Luo Geng a little afraid to approach.

However, since the matter of issuing cards almost all pointed

at Chi Xiaoyu, it made Luo Geng pluck up his courage again and wanted to understand Chi Xiaoyu as a person!

"So, do you take this bus every day? To where?

Luo Geng began to talk, although he felt a little embarrassed, but it was even more embarrassing not to say a word along the way.


Luo Geng was a little surprised, and said, "Huh? I'm also at the terminal... Why have I never met you, do you take this last bus every day? "


"Ahhh... So, what about the morning? "

Take the first shift... Arrive at school an hour early.

Chi Xiaoyu said all about her situation,

maybe she didn't know why she told Luo Geng in such detail.

"Why... Do you have any work at school? Why do you leave early and return late?

Luo Geng's heart was full of doubts, and at the same time, he also understood why he had never encountered Chi Xiaoyu

, they were all the same station, the same car, but they were always different shifts, and they definitely couldn't touch it.

But I haven't encountered it in the past three years, and it's too wrong.

That is to say, Chi Xiaoyu has always studied an hour earlier than others and returned home more than an hour later than others.

However, Chi Xiaoyu fell silent again and did not answer Luo Geng's question.

This made Luo Geng even more puzzled, looking at her like this, as if there was something unspeakable.

However, people don't want to answer, and it's not good to keep asking like this.

"Could it be... Is it fear?

Luo Geng thought of a possibility, after all, a beautiful woman like Chi Xiaoyu is too likely to be targeted,

is it because of this that he avoids the time period when there is more traffic?

Luo Geng glanced at Chi Xiaoyu, and every time she didn't look at herself, she would always turn her head,

which proved that she must have a strong sense of prevention!

"Does she think I mean something too?"

After a moment, Luo Geng seemed to have figured it out,

because his intentions were really a little doubtful.

So, Luo Geng stood up and walked away from Chi Xiaoyu.

A certain distance was maintained.

Chi Xiaoyu was slightly stunned for a few seconds, watching Luo Geng leave her side directly and sit in the front position, she looked a little overwhelmed.

"That... I didn't mean to ignore you!

She blurted out anxiously, but the next second she quickly covered her mouth.

She herself did not know why she said such a thing.

But the moment Luo Geng left just now, she was a little restless.

And Luo Geng was stunned, and turned his head to look at Chi Xiaoyu with some surprise.

She thought she kept her distance, did she feel angry because she ignored herself?

"Ah, it's okay, it's okay if you don't want to say it."

Luo Geng waved his hand and explained that he was not angry.

Besides, why would she care if she was angry or not?

Chi Xiaoyu shook his head and whispered,

"No.. No, I'm because... I want to avoid someone..."

She lowered her head, her dark eyes suddenly flashed with panic, and her heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

She had long known that she was in the same car as Luo Geng, and she knew it three years ago.

But as soon as she saw him, her heart would beat faster, and she didn't even dare to look at his face

, which made her a little uncomfortable, so she would avoid the same train

, that is,

she left so early and returned late, completely because she wanted to avoid Luo Geng!

But today, she never expected that Luo Geng would also take this last bus!

There were only two of them in the car!

From the moment he got into the car, Chi Xiaoyu was a little restless, staring out the window and making his neck a little sore.

How could she possibly say such a thing?

At that time, Luo Geng will definitely think that he hates him!

But it's not!

Definitely can't let him feel that way!

Chi Xiaoyu's girl's heart is shouting, maybe the words that blurted out just now are probably the reason.


, in Luo Geng's ears, the reaction after hearing this sentence was:

"Avoid someone? Could it be that someone was following him?

Luo Geng immediately thought that her conjecture was correct

, but she didn't expect her to work so hard, leaving early and returning late just to protect her life's safety!

Such a good-looking girl, a person who goes to and from school every day, someone will definitely be targeted!

Suddenly, Luo Geng stood up and stood in front of Chi Xiaoyu with a serious face!

"Eh..." Chi

Xiaoyu was frightened, and she couldn't wait to twist her head behind

her, she never tied her hair up, because this long hair could cover her face anytime and anywhere, which was very useful.

"That, if you don't mind, come to school with me in the future, I'll keep you safe, of course, it's okay if you don't believe me, after all, it should be strange for me to suddenly say such things."

Chi Xiaoyu fell into a deathly silence

, her long hair covering her face, and she couldn't see her expression,

but it was obvious that her body temperature seemed to have risen.

If it weren't for the darkness in the carriage, you could even see her body hot and red.

She doesn't know how to answer,

she is just trying to hide from you! How to get to and from school with you?

I'm afraid that the hour I sit in the car, I am prone to shock.

She wants to refuse!

Be sure to refuse! Never let that happen!


At the moment when Chi Xiaoyu was making a decision in her heart, she nodded ghostly and agreed!

In the next second, her heart trembled uncontrollably!

"Huh?! How do I..."

Who the hell promised it in my own body?"

I'm going to refuse!

Luo Geng saw that Chi Xiaoyu agreed, but he was actually a little unbelievable.

After all, the two really have no intersection, and they regretted it a little after saying that

sentence, and suddenly saying this kind of thing will definitely be regarded as a stalker

, they have never looked at themselves squarely, and they will definitely meet in the future to avoid.

But unexpectedly, she actually agreed?

Thinking about it carefully, Luo Geng also felt that it made sense

, no matter how they were also junior high school classmates, they were not a bad person, she should also know.

"That... Don't take the earliest bus tomorrow, join me on the second bus." "


The conversation ended after Chi Xiaoyu agreed in a muffled voice and nodded, and

Luo Geng did not say anything more, did not ask about other situations.

He did not ask why this school-level girl lived in the same marginal area as himself.

In this way, Luo Geng just wanted to get closer to Chi Xiaoyu

, but he didn't have any wrong thoughts, he just wanted to find out whether the woman who cried for herself was her.

Although there may be no clues to prove it, Luo Geng wants to give it a try.


, the car arrived at the station, the terminal, and the car stopped at the empty station.

Although Luo Geng really wanted to send her home, after all, it was so late and it was very unsafe,

but then he really looked like a stalker.

"Then, you be careful, see you tomorrow."

Luo Geng and Chi Xiaoyu said hello, after getting a slight response, the two left separately

, Chi Xiaoyu walked on the dark street, the pace was very slow, very heavy

, walked to a street lamp, she stopped, she

took out the one from her pocket, the gift sent by Luo Geng.

Looking at the hairpin in her hand, the corners of Chi Xiaoyu's mouth rose slightly in an arc

, but she did not put it on, but carefully put it away in her bag.

When she took her steps again, it was obvious that her steps had become much lighter.

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