Luo Geng walked the road that he was most familiar with before, and

when he thought that he would return home soon, his heart was very excited.


Suddenly, Luo Geng heard a call, and

when he heard this, his whole body trembled abruptly!

The voice that I used to nag and never wanted to hear again, and the voice

that I haven't heard since that day.

Luo Geng raised his head

, and saw that under the street lamp, there was a man standing

, dressed plainly, even

a little simple, which was a little difficult to accept, but he only had one leg

and a double crutch, and he could barely stand up.

The already wrinkled face revealed incomparable vicissitudes, full of traces of hard work.


Luo Geng let out a trilling sound with a crying voice, he thought that he would never see this man in his life.

But seeing his figure again made Luo Geng really a little strained.

His own father, Lo Yongfu.

Luo Geng took a step, opened his arms, and ran towards the man under the street lamp

, he wanted to hug his father well, and even forgot that Luo Yongfu was disabled.


Just when Luo Geng was about to hug Luo Yongfu, he suddenly lifted his crutches!


Luo Geng, who couldn't stop the car, hit it directly, his eyes almost bulged, and this time he slammed into his stomach, piercing his stomach with a little more ruthlessness.

"Hey——, Daddy, what are you doing?"

Luo Geng squatted down, covered his stomach, raised his head and stared at Luo Yongfu with a surprised expression.

I saw that Luo Yongfu's face was very serious, and he pointed at Luo Geng's head with a crutch and said:

"I still want to ask you?" Stinky boy, why did you come back so late? Isn't it going online again? You finally cut your broken hair, and you can be a baby girl if you grow a little longer!

"I just went to cut my hair and came back late, why did you come out, big night, how dangerous."

Luo Geng rubbed his stomach, stood up and said.

"Nonsense, doesn't this come out to you? Hurry up, the meal will be cold.

Luo Yongfu scolded, then turned around and walked forward, the pair of crutches constantly upside down on the ground, looking very laborious.

Luo Geng looked at his father's back, evoked a smile, and

then quickly ran over.

"Come on, Daddy! I'll carry you back! "

Huh? Grown up? "


Luogeng's home is relatively simple, there are few household appliances, and even the lights at home are usually not turned on.

Among the furniture, the most valuable should be the sewing machine.

"Come, eat quickly, and go to do your homework after eating."

Luo Yongfu sat on the chair, and on the table was a simple meal that he had worked so hard to make.

Those complicated can't be done at all, so what Luo Geng's family eats is basically steamed things

, steamed steamed buns, steamed potatoes, and finally dipped in sauce and eaten.

After all, Luo Yongfu earned all the money and gave it to Luo Geng.

Even if his family is poor, Luo Yongfu is not less than Luo Geng's tuition fees.

The feeling of eating with his father again made him very satisfied

, "Son, you tell me the truth with my father, do you have a girl you like?"

Luo Yongfu suddenly raised his head, looked into Luo Geng's eyes, and said seriously.

"Huh? No, how could you think so?

"I still don't know you? But I can tell you, now you still have to focus on your studies, wait for you to enter the society, earn money, and it's not too late to fall in love, otherwise, our family's conditions, which girl can see?

Luo Geng nodded and said: "Got it, don't worry, by the way, dad, you don't work anymore, stay at home."

"Stinky boy, where do I get the money if I don't work?"

The two of you chatted

one by one, Luo Geng used to want to stop eating, and he didn't want to stay at the dinner table for one more second, and he locked himself in the room when he came back

, but now, Luo Geng hoped that time would not pass so quickly.

After eating, Luo Geng cleaned up the bowl and chopsticks and brushed the bowl, and

Luo Yongfu stared at Luo Geng as if looking at a stranger, after all, Luo Geng

had never done these things before.

Then, Luo Geng returned to

his room, the room full of his own licking dog atmosphere.

He didn't know why he had a brain pump and wrote his homework book all over Qi Qianru's name.

There are also those group photos of the sports meeting, all of which were cut by themselves, only Qi Qianru remained.

Seeing this, Luo Geng was a little gagged.

Luo Yongfu never enters Luo Geng's room, and it is estimated that he can be angry when he sees these things in his room.

"What a shame."

Luo Geng muttered while throwing all the rags into it with a large black plastic bag.

Seeing these things really made him a little unbearable.

In the process of cleaning up, Luo Geng turned over a stack of things.

It was something that I had dealt with for more than ten years, the original paper on which I drew comics.

I was interested in manga when I was in school, and I also took up this work, almost

until I died at the drawing table.

But in the beginning....

His purpose seems to be to draw the story of himself and Qi Qianru into a comic....

"The current old Jia should still be a newcomer, right?"

Luo Geng sat down, looked at the drawing paper in front of him, and muttered with a sigh.

Lao Jia was the ace editor of his comic book club in his previous life, and he was the great god writer under him.

But at that time, he was already the kind of guy who was invincible, very arrogant

, if not for his own level being better, it is estimated that he would be bullied to death.

But now....

"Lao Jia, Lao Jia, let's work together again."

Luo Geng found his own brush and prepared to create on paper

, after all, he was reborn and returned, the current era is relatively backward, and

the level of comics is not high, unlike those in the future when a hundred flowers bloomed.

Now if you can create a good work, it can definitely soar.

However, Luo Geng does not plan to draw a good work now

, after all, it takes a lot of time to create a fine product, he does not have so much time, and he has to prepare for the college entrance examination.

But he can't help but draw, after all, he wants Luo Yongfu to stop working, and then he can avoid tragedy.


, at this time, you can create the kind of routine works that are mass-produced by the assembly line!

Commonly called, toilet paper literature!

Everyone doesn't know when they watch it, and even feel stupid, so they need to store their brains, don't take their brains to see, just for a refresh.

This kind of thing, the money comes quickly, there is no technology yet, it is very suitable for the current Luo Geng.

In this era, the names of the works are still those two words, the four words that are full of meaning.

Luo Geng wrote the name of the work he wanted to create on the drawing paper -

"About the fact that I was reborn in another world and obtained god-level talent at the beginning, so that I could live calmly in another world"

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