The two walked down the street, next to a lake, where many people were also walking.

"Eh! Look at it, that girl looks so good!

"Wouldn't it be a star! This is invincible!

"Oh my God! It seems to come out of the painting, what kind of fairy temperament is this! "


No matter where he goes, Chi Xiaoyu's return rate is 100%, and

almost everyone will stare at Chi Xiaoyu intently, unable to take their eyes off.

And will also secretly take photos, whisper, but

Luo Geng can hear it, although the plain Chi Xiaoyu is also very good-looking, but I have to say that makeup is like a tiger with wings

, Luo Geng is very happy that his girlfriend is so beautiful, so that he is also very proud as her boyfriend.

But with that uneasy feeling, a feeling of insecurity.

Anyone whose girlfriend is so good-looking will be uneasy, unless he is confident enough,

but it is obvious that Luo Geng is not a person who is so confident in himself.

He tentatively stretched out his hand to take Chi Xiaoyu's hand, and when he touched it, it was like an electric shock, and both of their hands trembled slightly.

However, Luo Geng still plucked up the courage and grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's hand, but it may be more nervous, and the force is a little too strong, and Chi Xiaoyu "snorted".

"Uh, I'm sorry..." Luo

Geng quickly relaxed a little and apologized

, while Chi Xiaoyu also shook his head and said, "It's okay, I just... Taken aback.

After that, she also gently held Luo Geng's hand, feeling Luo Geng's thick, and a little calloused palm, and her heartbeat slowly accelerated.

Both of their attention was focused on the place where they touched, that is, the palm, Chi

Xiaoyu could feel an unprecedented sense of security in Luo Geng's hand, because her mother's hand was also small, and the feeling of holding her father's hand when she was a child had long been forgotten, and Luo Geng

felt Chi Xiaoyu's delicate palm, as if he was stroking a peerless treasure jade, and couldn't put it down.

Both were afraid that their palms would sweat, which would make them want to get into the hole.

Luo Geng looked at Chi Xiaoyu's touching side face, as long as he stared at it for a second, he would definitely be addicted.

"That said... It really feels a little unrealistic... Unexpectedly, you would really agree to date me..."

Luo Geng has a feeling of living in a dream until now, and he is indeed very happy to associate with Chi Xiaoyu

, but he does not dare to slack, but repeatedly asks himself, what is his basis?

The purpose of this is to repeatedly remind yourself not to think that everything will be fine if you get acquainted

, although Chi Xiaoyu does like himself, after all, who will associate with someone he doesn't like?

But I don't know how much Chi Xiaoyu likes herself?

I don't like it as much as I like it, right?

Or, could it be that Chi Xiaoyu didn't understand what kind of feelings he liked at all?

In the end, if it develops to that step, Chi Xiaoyu suddenly wakes up and realizes that he is just a favorite among friends? Instead of a love between lovers? What to do at that time?

These questions have always bothered Luo Geng, because he is really unconfident.

Chi Xiaoyu was stunned for a few seconds, then slowly spoke: "I also feel... It's a little unrealistic..." The

idea she and Luo Geng had was very different.

And when Luo Geng heard this, he was really a little panicked....

He thinks that Chi Xiaoyu feels a little unrealistic, because he thinks how can he associate with himself?

But did she really agree to have a relationship with herself? In the heavy rain that day....

"Is this the so-called drawbridge effect?"

Luo Geng began to ponder, thinking that it was Chi Xiaoyu who rained in the heavy rain that day, and then the body had an uncomfortable feeling, and his heart beat faster, and

he mistakenly understood the rapid heartbeat caused by this situation as the physiological reaction that the other party made his heart move?

Luo Geng, who had this thought, became more and more uneasy, so he looked at Chi Xiaoyu and asked, "That... Laughing rain, you are... Do you really like me? You like me to associate with me, right..." Luo

Geng really couldn't understand that there would be people who really liked him, especially people like Chi Xiaoyu, because he had the shadow brought to him by Qi Qianru in his previous life.

Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng's serious eyes, a little puzzled, but she still nodded resolutely and said,

"Well, I'm really... Enjoy... Like you..." Chi

Xiaoyu's words almost didn't come out, to let her say such words that made her shy, or in front of Luo Geng, this difficulty was too high

, a few months ago he would still avoid Luo Geng everywhere, when he said he liked him, it was Chi Xiaoyu's dream scene.

However, after all, they had already begun to communicate, and Chi Xiaoyu thought that if he didn't say it at this time, it would be bad if he was misunderstood by Luo Geng.

"That! When did you start liking me? What do you like about me?!

Luo Geng immediately chased after him after receiving an affirmative answer, and asked Chi Xiaoyu excitedly.

"This..." Chi

Xiaoyu was startled by Luo Geng's excited appearance, and let her say these even more shameful words, as if she was publicly executing her!

"You... Do you really want to know..."

Yes, I would love to know!

Luo Geng nodded, his face was serious, and he said firmly.

"I... From the first day of junior high school... I like you..."

Other... Don't be kidding..." Luo Geng was stunned and pouted, a little embarrassed.

"I'm not kidding, from when I knew you, to getting to know you, to liking you, it took about 47 days..."

Know me..., was it when I wrote that letter to you?

Luo Geng had the impression that he had indeed given Chi Xiaoyu that letter of encouragement, but he had forgotten what was written in it

, and even at that time, he might not care too much, after all, he was only old at that time and did not understand anything.

Maybe it was just starting school, hoping to make more friends so as not to be isolated, and then cast a wide net and caught Chi Xiaoyu....

Chi Xiaoyu nodded and continued, "Hmm... That letter gave me a lot of encouragement, without you, I probably wouldn't have been able to get out of that time..."

"Since then, I have been quietly following you, hoping to make friends with you, and I still remember the first words you said to me... It is... Good morning. Luo

Geng didn't remember anything at all, he didn't remember anything in high school, let alone junior high school

, but Chi Xiaoyu could actually remember it so clearly, and Luo Geng also paid special attention to what she said, hoping to make friends with herself.

I plucked up a lot of courage to become friends with Chi Xiaoyu, but as a result, people have long wanted to be friends with him?

"Then you... Why not say it earlier... If you had said it earlier..." Luo

Geng dared to guarantee that if he had known these things earlier, there would definitely be nothing wrong with Qi Qianru.

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