"I... I don't dare..." Chi

Xiaoyu lowered his head and muttered softly.

"Don't dare?" This made Luo Geng even more confused, although he thought he had no characteristics, he should also be a very good person to get along with, right?

When I was in junior high school, I didn't have many friends, but there were quite a few, and I wasn't a demon or ghost, so what didn't I dare to say to myself?

Chi Xiaoyu fell into deep thought, his mood had never been said to anyone, nor had anyone seen through it, so it had been hidden in his heart for several years.

"yes... I don't dare, what qualifications do I have to stand by your side..."

"I dare not talk to you, I dare not look you in the eyes, because it will make my heart beat faster and it will be very uncomfortable... "Seeing

that you are always gentle with others, I like it so much, you can always see through other people's negative emotions, and then change it yourself, I am so redeemed by you and like you so much."

"I don't dare, it's because I'm too bad compared to you, and my personality is also flawed

..." "I can't do it, I can't be as gentle and generous as you, I'm more selfish than you think..."

Luo Geng frowned, looked at Chi Xiaoyu suspiciously, and asked, "Selfish?"

He never felt that Chi Xiaoyu was selfish?

If it weren't for the word coming out of her own mouth, he would definitely not be able to associate this word with Chi Xiaoyu.

Chi Xiaoyu has just started talking, more and more excited, and a little tear appeared in the corner of her eyes

, until now, she thinks that she has nothing to hide in this mood, and she

must tell Luo Geng these things, otherwise, when he finds out later, he will blame himself for hiding something.

However, she was still a little hesitant, after all, if she said this, she was likely to break up with Luo Geng.

"Hmm... I'm selfish, I think... Exclusive to you... I want you to be my alone!

"I want to monopolize your tenderness... Monopolize your own good, monopolize your people, your heart. "

My jealousy is very heavy, seeing those girls who are treated gently by you, I am very envious, it has reached the point of jealousy... Even, the heart is very uncomfortable.

"Besides, I don't have what you think... Quiet... In fact, I have a bad temper, I can't be tolerant of everything, I'm very vindictive... I will be angry because of that Qi Qianru, losing your heart that I don't have, but she can get casually, and even think about taking revenge on her..."

"I've reached the point where you... It's the point of stalking... I will pay attention to who you have a good relationship with, who you like, and what you do with whom... It's terrible, it's very perverted..." Chi

Xiaoyu's tears flowed like spring water from his frozen eyes, and holding Luo Geng's hand, he slowly let go.

These words that she had been holding in her heart told Luo Geng, she no longer expected to hide

it, even if she was dumped, she felt that it was right, but such a happy time was too short.

"What you said... It's all true..?

Luo Geng had been silent and listened to Chi Xiaoyu's words, until this moment, he slowly asked.

"Well, really... I'm very bad, maybe in your heart, I study better, very quiet, in fact, I just don't want to get along with others, just want to pay attention to you, study is also to distract myself, avoid thinking about you all the time..."

"I'm just such a person, selfish, jealous, strange and bad-tempered, and will stalk you, so... I don't dare."

"How can such a person be liked by you... I don't dare to say, just say it..."

Chi Xiaoyu's tone became softer and softer, her voice became smaller and smaller, and her tears kept flowing

, but then, before she finished speaking, she was hugged by Luo Geng stepping forward.

"Eh..." Chi

Xiaoyu was really stunned, his heart trembled uncontrollably, feeling Luo Geng who was holding him,

Chi Xiaoyu's restless heart was instantly much quieter.

"How do you..." Chi Xiaoyu looked at Luo Geng, who was holding him, and blinked suspiciously.

She thought that if she said these things, she would definitely be kept away by Luo Geng.

"Is this a flaw for you? Not for me, it's better to say... I like you even more.

Luo Geng's voice sounded softly in Chi Xiaoyu's ears and reached her ears.

Her eyes widened, her eyes were surprised, her lips trembled, and she asked, "Why?"

"Because I just love it!" I just like you like this.

Luo Geng's arms tightened, holding Chi Xiaoyu harder, as if afraid that she would escape

, when she was saying this just now, Luo Geng was confused, and even suspected that he had heard wrong.

This... Is there really someone who satisfies him so much?

I care about myself to such a point, and I am still so possessive of myself, I only see myself.

What is it? This is the perfect lover for him!

Why did he discover this treasure? Wasted that much time?

After listening, Luo Geng knew that this was really not to blame Chi Xiaoyu for hiding from himself, he was really too dull!

But if you realize it earlier, or give yourself a little more courage, it will not be, until now....

"Hmm-" Chi

Xiaoyu sobbed, raised her hands and hugged Luo Geng, her tears welling up uncontrollably!

"Really... May I? Like me... Such people ... Do you like it too? I've tried changing... But... I can't do it, I can't change it... I'll still be the same as before... Such... It's true... May I?

Chi Xiaoyu said in a crying voice, but she was already holding Luo Geng tightly, she didn't want to

let go, even if Luo Geng dumped herself just now, she would never let go.

"Ah, of course, rather, I hope you don't change, I just like it... You look like this.

Chi Xiaoyu listened to Luo Geng's words, his mouth began to tremble, and tears quickly condensed in his eyes.

"Hmm, wow..." Then, she cried directly, and at this moment, the emotion she had been hiding in her heart was finally released.

For so many years, she has been worried about whether she will never have anything to do with Luo Geng, becoming friends, worried that if she does not do well, what to do if she breaks off friendship with Luo Geng, and after dating, she is always worried about whether she will annoy Luo Geng, and whether Luo Geng will dump himself after he knows these things.

She has been hiding and bearing it herself, and she said these things today, because she didn't want Luo Geng to waste Luo Geng's feelings and time after he found out that he was such a person.

She was very selfish, but the only generosity was given to Luo Geng alone.

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