On a sunny morning, the air is fresh and the heart is pleasant.

Luo Yongfu went downstairs for a walk early, and when he saw an acquaintance, he pulled up his trouser legs and showed off to others.

At the door of Luo Geng's house, a woman walked.

This person is Qin Qiao, she changed a set of clothes, from a hot girl who follows the trend to a pure and cute sister next door.

The earrings and stud earrings were removed, the tattoos on the body were covered with clothes, and the band-aid on the forehead was also removed, revealing a faint small scar.

He wore a light-colored beret on his head, like a professional painter.

Carrying a bag containing drawings of finished products and work tools she had prepared.

It's just that what doesn't match her pure outfit is the cigarette burning in her mouth....


"Bang bang bang-"

Then, she knocked on the door of Luo Geng's house, the sound was very soft, it was estimated that no matter how small the sound was, she couldn't hear it at all.

After knocking for a while, and finding that there was no movement inside, Qin Qiao increased his strength, and

still knocked at the door while shouting: "Teacher Luo?!" Are you there? I'm coming to work! "

Teacher Luo?"


In the room, Chi Xiaoyu on the bed slowly

opened her eyes, she heard the sound at the door, originally she was still rubbing her hazy eyes, trying to awaken her brain that was not yet fully spirited

, but hearing the call of the woman at the door, she was immediately energetic and opened her eyes!

"A woman's voice?"

Chi Xiaoyu sat up abruptly from the bed, the pajamas on her upper body were crooked by her sleep, and the ivory sculptural shoulders were exposed.

She looked at the side of the table and found that Luo Geng was actually lying on the table and falling asleep, snoring, and

still holding a paintbrush in her hand, as if she was still drawing in the last second.

Seeing that Luo Geng was sleeping, Chi Xiaoyu did not intend to wake him up, but sorted out his pajamas, stood up, and prepared to open the door.

"I'm not the owner of this house... Isn't it good to open the door..." Chi

Xiaoyu suddenly realized something, he went to open the door like this, in case he was Luo Geng's acquaintance or relative, how should he explain it.

But Luo Geng was still sleeping, she couldn't bear to disturb, Luo Yongfu didn't seem to be at home, and now only he could open the door.

"Teacher Luo? Open the door... It's eight o'clock in two minutes... I'm not late..." Qin

Qiao's voice at the door was still shouting, she looked at the watch on her wrist and patted the door a little anxiously.

The day before yesterday, Luo Geng said that he would go to work at eight o'clock this morning, but he arrived on time.

Qin Qiao thought so, could it be that he didn't do well enough, and then Luo Geng deliberately didn't open the door, wanting to make himself bear the name of being late, and then expelling himself?


" At this time, the door opened, and Qin Qiao suddenly breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Oh, Mr. Luo, you can be considered open, you this..." She

just wanted to step in, but found that it was not Luo Geng who was standing at the door to open the door at all!

But a cute beauty in pajamas! Look like you've just woken up!

"Huh...? I... Am I going wrong?

Qin Qiao was stunned, just wanted to step in, immediately shrunk back, looked at the decoration in the

house, and found that he was not wrong at all, this is Luo Geng's house?

But why would it be a girl who opened the door?

Chi Xiaoyu was also stunned when he saw Qin Qiao in front of him, a woman who looked a little older and more mature than himself suddenly appeared, and the sense of crisis involuntarily appeared

, but she was not stupid, looking at Qin Qiao's bag still containing the draft of the comic, but also called Mr.

Luo, think a little, and know that it must be related to Luo Geng's comics.

"That... Please come in.

Chi Xiaoyu let go and motioned for Qin Qiao to come

in, and she nodded lightly, and then walked in.

Before she could step into Luo Geng's room, Chi Xiaoyu stopped her and said, "Uh... Lo... The teacher is still resting, can you wait a little first?

She didn't want Qin Qiao to disturb Luo Geng to sleep, after all, she knew that Luo Geng might not have slept much this night, so let him sleep well this time.

Teacher Luo is also called because of Qin Qiao, after all, she is called Teacher Luo.

However, this made Qin Qiao a little puzzled, Xiu's eyebrows wrinkled slightly, stared at Chi Xiaoyu, and blinked.

A moment later, as if he suddenly realized, he clapped his hands and said, "Oh! You're also here to help Mr. Luo draw comics, right? Also an assistant? "

Huh?" Chi Xiaoyu was stunned, and after a few seconds of silence, he said, "Ah... Almost, I really came to help him..." "

Oh roar, this ah~"

The corners of Qin Qiao's mouth rose slightly, and then twisted his body, slowly walked to the position of the sofa, and then sat down directly, cocking Erlang's legs.

It was like the unruly appearance when he came to Luo Geng's house on the first day.

"Then I can be regarded as your senior, I am Mr. Luo's number one assistant, then again, how much salary does Mr. Luo pay you?"

The corner of Qin Qiao's lips raised a smile slightly, and he raised his chin slightly, as if looking at Chi Xiaoyu with the eyes of his juniors.

She can't be arrogant with Luo Geng, because Luo Geng really used her strength to convince

her, but that doesn't mean that she is an honest person, and she is still happy to do this kind of thing to establish the majesty of her predecessors.

"Salary? Ah, I don't have a salary..." Chi Xiaoyu waved his hand and shook his head in denial.


Gee..." Qin Qiao smacked his tongue, looking at Chi Xiaoyu's eyes with a pitiful meaning

, in her opinion, no matter whether Chi Xiaoyu has a salary or not, it is impossible for her number one assistant to have a high salary, right?

Now it is also learned that she does not have a salary at all, then it seems that it is not an assistant?

Just an ordinary apprentice?

That's lower than your own status.

Qin Qiao turned into an old-timer, stood up, walked to Chi Xiaoyu's side, patted her shoulder, and said:

"Study hard, you are studying with the master, one day you will definitely achieve something.... But then again, why did you come in your pajamas? Teacher Luo also has requirements for clothing, and I didn't wear it when I came on the first day, so I had to wear at least like this line

of work..." "Oh no, I didn't come in pajamas, I stayed here last night..."

Chi Xiaoyu's words not only interrupted Qin Qiao's train of thought, but also burned the CPU of her brain.

Hadn't she heard of any comic apprentice living in Master's house?


Qin Qiao looked Chi Xiaoyu up and down, and muttered, "It's very good-looking and cute... The figure is also good... Still young..."

Then, she grabbed Chi Xiaoyu's shoulders with both hands, brought them close to her ear, and asked in a low voice: "That... You didn't do anything by Teacher Luo... Strange thing, right? "

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